Ladies Lounge and Megathread

Misdirected complains. Men’s thread was deleted about three times now AND most people in here were very supportive of those threads, not against them, yet you come here to complain about this thread as if the problem was that we have a thread, not that you don’t and as though we had deleted your threads.


You clearly didn’t even read the comment of mine you quoted.

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First step is having one worth a darn run for office. When your first choice was Hillary, it didn’t exactly provide a lot of confidence in the notion lol.

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“Have ANY of the others really been worth a darn? Might as well give a Woman a chance.”


There’s only been one tho…

i am, i even have the paperwork from Scotland to prove it :stuck_out_tongue:

i can be both.

I’m old enough to have lived this stuff first hand.
I was denied a proper education because “you don’t need an education to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen”. …but my brother got to stay in school for as long as he wanted.
I was refused a job pumping petrol because people “don’t want a girl doing it”.
I was denied an apprenticeship because they didn’t want me to leave part way through when I got pregnant.
… and I can’t even count the times I was brushed off when I was in need of urgent medical treatment, because apparently all women are just neurotic and attention seeking. (or medication seeking)

Then there are the countless times I had to deal with dirty old men wolf-whistling and cat-calling at me when I was a pre-pubescent in my school uniform.

If you don’t acknowledge their repulsive antics and smile, the filthy taunting turns aggressive.
8 to 30+ strong middle-aged men all displaying testosterone induced aggression towards you when you’re 11 or 12… it’s terrifying. Absolutely terrifying… especially when there’s nobody around to hear you scream.

Or having someone sit next to you on public transport, and flip their :eggplant: out and ask “whaddaya think about that!?”

…or following you down the road and getting in your face saying things like “you look like the sort of girl I’d like to do profane things to”.

But… “it’s not all men”… right?
When bystanders don’t intervene, yes… it’s all men.
You are proof of this.

We still live in “a mans world”.


“I mean all the other Presidents. NONE of them have been that good, and all have been Men. Might as well give a Woman a chance.”

I sympathized with you until this…

No, it’s NOT “all men”. And no, I am not “proof of this”. I have never done any of the things you mentioned. Go shove your accusations where the sun don’t shine.

The fact you said this proves this was quite a bit of time ago.

My point still stands.

None of this is true TODAY, which means you shouldn’t be getting preferential treatment TODAY.

What happened decades ago doesn’t apply to now.

Scotland is just like Blood Elves. All muscular women, no men :scream:

Margaret Thatcher, Julie Bishop, Julia Gillard, Jacinda Ardern… all women Prime Ministers who got the job done, and made great leaps for womankind.


you really do live in a bubble, don’t you.

When was the last time you had to change your outfit because you were worried that it might be “too slutty” or “too provocative”?

How often do you go out for a walk/run by yourself?
At night?

When you leave a bar, do you feel safe going home?

How often do you get told “it’s probably best to take someone with you”… or “it’s not safe living by yourself, get a dog”.


You think because I am a man, I am totally safe doing these things alone?

Sounds like YOU live in a bubble… and/or you love playing the victim.

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I know you’re safer doing those things alone.

It’s a statistical fact.


US statistics

Would you feel safer as part of the 9%?


Everybody is treated fairly. Ultimately how you act is the issue. It does not matter who you are.

No, nobody is totally safe, but I don’t know a single woman, regardless of age, who has not had scary things happen to her. We’re at the point where women shrug off harassment even though it’s very scary in the moment sometimes because at least it wasn’t something worse.

There’s no use in this weird who has it worse competition or in discounting anyone’s experiences. There never is. We all have problems and nobody is totally safe, but acting like “these things don’t happen anymore” in a room full of women who I’d bet all have had at least one thing on the list happen to them, more likely multiple, is not gonna help anyone. The only things that don’t happen anymore, officially, is women not being allowed to vote or drive (in the west). And that’s only regarding legal restrictions. There still are families in which women are prevented from doing those things.


The thing is, those things mentioned by Nobully… aren’t the things I specifically listed as not happening anymore. That would be these things…

Then she moved the goal posts because she needs to be the victim… somehow.

I fully agree that women being alone are in more danger than a man would be, but that was never my argument.

My argument was always that having a “Woman’s Only Megathread” isn’t appropriate.

Everything else is not relevant to this point.

“Did we ever say it was a Women’s ONLY Thread? EVER??? No, we did not. It is a Ladies Themed Thread. We never said Men were not allowed.”


interesting point.

it would be a huge eye-opener if men took it upon themselves to speak to the women-folk within their circle… just as a general topic of conversation.

…but we’ve been taught to not talk about things like this because it makes people uncomfortable.

women world-wide, are still being subjected to FGM.
hope you’re never within ear-shot when it’s happening to someone.

Sure, they don’t ban women from applying.
They’ll let them apply, then give a bogus reason why they didn’t hire them, and hire the less experienced male who applied for the same position.


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“Show me ANYWHERE in this thread, that it is stated No Men Allowed. Show me.”

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