Ladies Lounge and Megathread

That’s horrible!

When did any of those things happen to you?

“It happened to us Women in general. For MANY years.”


So, since women did not have 100% of the rights men did 100+ years ago, they deserve preferential treatment today?

You do realize that sounds ridiculous, right?

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We don’t claim him, ladies.

Treat everyone great.


Fixed it for you.

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“You really think it’s ever stopped? It is still happening to this day. Granted it is SLOWLY getting better, FINALLY. We still have a LONG way to go, before we are seen as actually EQUAL.”


What is a man doing in here like you, that’s not allowed…

Is it?

Yes. It stopped a long time ago. Welcome to the 21st century.

But you are equal, in every way, as men.

Anyone with a firm grip on reality knows this.

The people that are desperate to be a victim forever pretend it’s not true.

Women are not being persecuted in the USA or Canada.

You are not being denied the right to vote.

There are more women in positions of power today than every before. In government and in business.

There are more women in the US Military today than ever before.

No job bans women from applying, or from getting a job in. Not one.

Your argument is decades too late.

lol I’m sure that will be next.

Only women can post in the Women Only posts.

For Equality!™

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“Okay… Do you think the USA ready for a Female President? Would YOU vote for one? Would they?”


Yay women! :cool:


Yes, yes, and yes.

“I wish you were right. Time will tell.”

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Yay men!

Guess which one of us gets called sexist, and which ones doesn’t?

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“How about… YAY THE HUMAN RACE!!!”

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Sounds kinda like…

All Lives Matter.

Nope, sorry, not allowed.

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“One Race, One Heart, One Earth. A Motto I live by.”

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Sounds good to me!

im always curious what do you expect everyone here to do about it? nobody here has some magical button they can press that stays the hand of the moderators.


Moderators will read this, because we all know anything that isn’t a standing ovation comment in here will be reported.

Maybe someday, one of them will see I’m right.

The double standard they keep enforcing is getting old.

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Monday because they apparently don’t have cellphones (none of them do, in fact no Blizzard staff at all owns a single cellphone).