(Ladies) Is there anything in game you think is inappropriate?

As much as i support the harassers being removed from Blizz (hope it happens) , why are they focusing on minor stuff in game like removing stuff like /spit in TBCC and focusing on removing toxicity in the game during a time when they need to be cleaning house over there.

Maybe once they clean house and hopefully get people in that care about there fellow workers and hopefully care about the player and the game , maybe toxicity in game will decrease.

Will toxicity ever completely go away ? No it never will but less is a start.

As for the /spit in TBCC , well I hate to admit it but Asmongold is right. Since it is by people that got the boosts and boost mounts (which I have so don’t blame me I don’t care) complaining about it .

He said Blizz did it to protect their Mount Store Andys . THe whales they know will spend the money for things in the shop .

To me it was a way to catch up to friends fast while we were in TBCC .

No, nothing in the game bothers me.


Still, it should be removing the offenders, not the means they use to offend.

I want that mount. But I don’t play Classic. so it would be 70.- for just a mount? oh hell no.

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No I don’t have any real issues with things in the game. Like the only time I felt “wtf” about something I was seeing in the game was with Tyrande chasing after Malfurion in Legion. That whole thing was so pathetic. Lol but that’s just her story, bad story - that has never stopped getting worse for some reason :joy:.

I actually felt really mad when they changed Sylvanas’s outfit. Bikini armor is important in the message it CAN convey and Sylvanas looked stronger that way. Jaina can be covered up that makes sense.

They aren’t very good at making cooler female bosses or “evil” characters. They are either crazy or ugly or both. That’s a thing is almost everything we see in tv still tho tbh.

I had to really think hard about it to come up with anything for this post.

This is nitpicking.

But I hope they leave the pretty armor alone and add more to the game for players.


If they went after those mogs. I would be incredibly offended. My understanding a woman committed suicide being bullied and objectified to death. Let’s try and address that behavior by censoring and silencing women??? I don’t think so.

Nothing ingame offends me. I would like real issues addressed: Systems and promoting player gap. If certain employees are found guilty. I can see why people would call for the removal of them ingame. I know I have encouraged the removal of a NPC that had solid evidence against them.

I been requesting for women to be able to express themselves freely without being ostracized. I would love a day, I could have a nice flowy dress while running a dungeon or raid. Some of these dresses could be more moderate, as long as they are beautiful. Tbh I would like more updated version of AQ dress. (This is like cut outs and another design slits) They are still moderate enough to me. All different types… potentially short ones too. I want my outfits I find cute.


100% agree! It’s not the official content that I find offensive. It’s the players telling rape jokes in trade chat, inappropriate names, flaming others in pugs. While not exactly sexism, I read a reddit thread recently about someone who was told in his pug run to die of cancer, while this person was battling cancer irl!

That’s the type of thing I find highly offensive, and what Blizzard needs to clean up. Instead of ignoring these situations, they need to actually do something about them. In my experience, these player driven issues are far worse in Classic than they are in Retail, but that is obviously going to vary from server to server.

Or they could just fully embrace “Blizzard values” and swap the emote outputs of /no and /moan. :woman_shrugging:


Plenty of stuff thats cringe or awkward, but nothing offensive.
The voices of the thorndancers in Val sharah… the civilians in Death Knight starting zone. All awkward, almost feel bad for them. but offensive? nah.

Garrosh’ B word. Eeehh.
/Whistle being a wolf-wistle getting changed, makes sense… as dwarf you had to whistle at rams. that was awkward. XD
Should have re-added it as standalone /wolfwhistle.





I’m a transmale


My sister and her female friend wear the skimpiest transmogs I’ve ever seen in game. They also both have disabilites. Skimpy armor isn’t just “toxic male fantasy” thing.

Skimpy armor for both men and women harken back to the early days of sword and sorcery fantasy. They are intended to show off Herculean physiques. Check our Conan, Doc Savage, etc book covers, and art by Frank Frazetta and Boris Valejo & Julie Bell


I’ve enjoyed and loved this game since I began mid-Cata. Sure there are trolls and toxicity, but the easy solution is /ignore. End of story.

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I am mainly interested in the game content. the player base… yea, completely agree.


Showing skin is not a problem any woman has reasonably.

Because wearing very little is not inherently sexual. It’s a woman exercising her own autonomy and expression. If some guy can’t control his hands because of that it’s a HIM problem. Not a HER problem.

So no skimpy transmogs are not offensive.


I started out the game on Shadowmoon, a PvP realm (not RP) , but back in the day there used to be some RP within guilds and several of us enjoyed collecting appearances long before “mogging” was a thing. When I spent DKP on a cloth Princess Leia dress in AQ for my hunter rather than having it be sharded half the guild laughed and rolled their eyes but they knew I was going to parade it around Ironforge (and I did - having a great old time).

Bluntly, yes, I would be offended if Blizzard decided that they were the new Taliban and wanted my night elf wrapped in a burka (no offense to those who wear one by choice). What, next they’ll be saying that my sexy pixels tempt male players into doing inappropriate things and rather than take steps to label their words and actions as toxic they find it easier to control me - the temptress??

Most men, in my experience, control themselves just fine. Just as most women control themselves. Are there exceptions? Absolutely! And women can be every bit as offensive as men can be.

The focus here needs to be not on the mogs or the emotes. Heck it doesn’t need to be men. It needs to be on toxic behaviours.

For several years I ran a Facebook group with over 100k members - facilitated by a volunteer crew of 20 moderators. I set up a set of rules and when we had a violation we’d pounce and ban - then set up a “Wall of Shame” thread - basically put banned violators heads on pikes so newcomers understood we were serious and had zero tolerance. But I also told everyone that we didn’t care if they were capable of being toxic outside the group - as long as they had the self control not to be toxic while a guest in my group.

Result? While Facebook is pretty much a toxic soup, my private group was fine - in fact we were recognized by Facebook as a “Meaningful Group” and ultimately were invited to Facebook’s “Power Admins” group where we had direct access to their development staff.

BTW sorry for that anecdotal aside but it makes me sad that as toxic as Facebook is often perceived to be - they seem to try harder to fix that than Blizzard does.


I have done some heinous things as teenager that I’m pretty sure I would have gotten expelled for if I was a male, at college. I can attest to this.

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The only things I personally don’t find appropriate are things some players create, such as certain guild names, character names, community ranks, in some cases guild ranks or guild recruitment messages, etc. as well as how some people treat or talk about women and female NPCs and characters.

There’s nothing in the game itself that actually disturbs me. Only behavior of certain people in the community, which is what the report option is there for.


you do realize a succubus is a female demon that comes in the middle of the night to fornicate with men while they sleep?

people get offended by the dumbest things- and in a video game of all places.


People just look and see a scadly clad woman and make up things.
A succubus only obeys the warlock cause she can get something out of it. 100% guarantee.


I don’t think any sane mind think anything about the game is inappropriate. Sanity is not gender exclusive.

I don’t blame people removing Afrasabi references. It’s only fair after Blizzard jumped into the gun with Kael’Thas VA and Swifty.

… or Garrosh calling Sylvanas names.
… or removing the /spit emote.

You know what, remove everything. That’ll solve it and make it fair.


You know, I’ve always wanted to fight dragons as an amorphous blob.

edit to add /s in case that was unclear.