(Ladies) Is there anything in game you think is inappropriate?

Oh geebus… This explains all of his actions. That poor guy!!


As a former girl, I’m really tired when a female character is essentially boiled down to “I AM HERE TO HAVE CHILD THEN DIE”

It always makes me roll my eyes a little when baby plotlines happen with female characters.

Aggra had personality ( sort of ) but the second she got pregnant at the end of Cata her story and personality VANISHED.

Least with stuff like the Proudmoore family drama they somehow managed to make me give a dang. ( But then again its Laura Bailey. So of course I care. )

I’m not saying lets never have pregnancy plots or babies ever again in WoW. It’s just so predictable.


Ya know which Troll is consistently funny though? Good ol Bwonsamdi…


Hm, I think I missed that storyline.
I did do one where I helped her bring Thrall back to reality. All lovey dovey I love you and stuff.


That’s where I say she SORT OF had personality. ( Oh god ya’ll remember her original voice? oof ) But even those scraps of potential went out the bloody window

When was the last time the story writing for WoW wasn’t predictable?

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No, there is not.

“Cleaning up the the so called toxicity in game” is something I care nothing about. (Ingame content) It ultimately doesn’t address any real issues that actually benefit the game or us, the customer.

BBC knows about the mass outcry for systems and how it promotes player gap. Blizzard wants to just keep pretending they haven’t addressed this concern for years? When media outlets have…

But hey if they are truly genuine let’s have nice looking armor in raids. Want to show a tad of favoritism? Which is not necessary but sure, drop a really sleek looking dress in the raid as BOEs. (Wow, a nice gesture for the female players. Promoting “acceptance”. Which hopefully the guys don’t mind…) Look ! I thought of a scenario how it helps the economy too. :slight_smile: I mean real nice looking ones that would bring in a lot of gold.


It’s the extra kinda predictable I mean.

I thought it was funny when AU Draka asks Thrall where is wife is and he basically says she’s barefoot and pregnant at home making me a sandwich and this his mother verbally female dog slaps him.


Not really

I’d be really annoyed if classes were gender locked but they’re not, and i’d be annoyed if armour looked different depending on character gender but thats not the case


That was pretty funny. And yet he still doesn’t have Aggra anywhere near him in BfA. Or her fighting the Shadowlands itself to drag her lazy husband back


Aggra vanished because no one liked her and she never had much of a personality outside the books. That’s a failure of writing and WoW is full of worse examples she actually got off lucky by not being in the story.


It’s all just virtue signaling lol.


Good thing about digital people is Blizzard could have gave her a personality.

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We male feminists speak for these woman…they don’t need a voice, we are their voice.



I never ran into anything I would consider inappropriate or offensive either.

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Well he’s right though. He is doing what he must to ensure his children have at least one parent no matter what happens. Draka was stupid to take a newborn with her knowing that if they returned to the Horde they may die.

He learned that lesson the hard way he’s not about to subject his family to the same fate.


A very vocal yet relatively small number of players in this games’ Trade Chat go out of their way to say things that are inappropriate - so I keep that chat closed unless I absolutely need it. In other words, I generally avoid them. But I’ll admit I was a slow learner and simply tolerated it for several years (I’ve been playing WoW since release)

But that said, every, EVERY, online community I’ve been part of, all the way back to the first MuD I played in the mid to late 80s, has had a portion of the community that is toxic.

The only time I’ve seen them controlled, usually in the form of a ban, has been within private sub-communities like Guilds, premades, etc. Yes, back in original WoW - before name changes and easy realm changes there was a degree of global accountability - but some of the toxic types still made an impact then - if you let yourself listen and care.

In my view, no matter where you are or what you do, a small percentage (5% if I had to give it a number) of humans with little to no social constraints will act inappropriately or at extreme will be as toxic as they know how to be.

The only way to control this minority is to create and enforce social constraints - which requires intent, commitment, and frankly a lot of effort on the part of leadership.

When leadership fails, an individual can do one of three things.

  1. Find another environment with a better leader who has created and enforces social constraints
  2. Take control and become the kind of leader you want to see.
  3. Filter out baddies in your head - stop listening and reacting - because reacting is often what they want and if you starve them of that they can lose interest in victimizing you. If you have the tools, also filter them out with a mute or other avoidance techniques

As to “inappropriate” game content? Nothing the devs have created in-game is anywhere near as offensive as the toxic subset of the player base I’ve referenced above.

If Blizzard is really committed to reducing the toxicity of its game - I believe it should start by removing (or permanently muting) the sad little trolls who seem to have little else to do in Warcraft than verbally abuse anyone who will listen.

But does Blizzard do that? If they do I haven’t seen it in all my years here. They seem willing to tolerate even the most toxic player as long as they get his or her $15/mo.

Yes, I understand gaming is a business and cash is king. But in 2021 it is increasingly clear that tolerating a toxic subset of humanity’s actions - be they players or employees - can lead to a very high level of damage to the brand.

IMO, forget skimpy mogs and /spit emotes. Removing things like that is easy theater.

To remove the most inappropriate things to be found in this game - you have to remove (or permanently gag) the people who do these things and make it clear that the toxic actions of people like that will never be welcome here again.

Truly fixing this people-problem is not easy. But does Blizzard want results or not.

We’ll see.


It doesn’t matter if most women aren’t offended to them, they’ll just remove it when one idiot on Twitter makes a scene over it.


I am a woman and nothing in the game’s content I find egregiously offensive.

The most offensive aspects of the game are how some player’s treat women and, most recently we gave found out, how Blizzard treats women.

I find the story corny but not offensive. It’s a B plot at best not even good enough to be anything but a popcorn script.

The jokes and flirts are meh too. I’ve muted game sounds so it’s not like I hear it.

The most inappropriate thing to me are the references to RL predators like Afrasiabi. And that’s all I feel should be removed.