Lack of tanks shows that per spec gearing has to stop

This is true for Druid but its not so much for other classes with a tank spec.

Prot Warrior wants Haste > Mastery
Fury Warrior wants Haste > Mastery (or Crit with certain builds)

Vengeance DH wants Haste > Vers
Havoc DH wants Haste > Vers

Prot Pally wants Haste > Vers=Mastery
Ret Pally wants Haste > Crit

A lot of the dps gear and even trinkets that specs use are used in Tanking. There is a lot of gear overlap for most specs, Guardian just happens to be one of the unlucky ones that doesn’t share gear with Feral.

This is why I twink.

I don’t have to grind world content. I don’t have to grind azerite gear. I don’t have to grind essences. I don’t have to run mythic+ dungeons with some of the nastiest people in the game and pretend I like it. I don’t have to show up for raid on somebody else’s schedule. I don’t have to worry about corruption. I don’t have to worry about my gear getting nerfed.

Twinking is dead!

Yeah that’s exactly the problem. You need essences, which are hard enough to get. But now you gotta level them to rank 3. That’s not enough though! Azerite traits, that’s 3 new slots per spec you want to try and play. Make sure you get the right traits. What’s left? Oh right weapons the most important slot is rarely shared by the tank specs anymore. (RIP 2h frost dk, 2h monk, etc)

After all that is done you of course got to make sure you have the right trinkets. Which is to be expected but that was fine before all this other crap had to be done first. Now it’s just the cherry ontop of a BS sundae. Why were we given the ability to automatically swap specs at our leisure? I feel like that was put into the game for a reason…

A reason Blizzard long forgot. Also heaven forbid your dps and tank specs demand different secondary stats. I don’t get why they finally made it so STR swaps into INT and such but then reduced the importance of primaries and made secondaries so much more essential.


You’re wrong about that. But it is true that twinks no longer queue for bgs.

They still do pve content and wpvp.

That was put into the game because of the backlash in the Legion beta about restrictions on swapping specs during raiding. So they left specs unrestricted and instead required you to be in a rested area to change talents.

Not taking away something would be like having admitted they were wrong.

Honestly? I’d be happy to just have DPS stop pulling for me and for folks to not get angry because I don’t pull more than two packs at a time.


I sorta meant spec swapping in general. I feel like it’s an amazing gameplay feature that I never get to use since there’s too much ancillary garbage required to play a different role today.

Excellent points. I wouldn’t even wanna tank without an azerite set… essences, trinkets and stat weights make it that much worse. No wonder I stopped tanking past +4’s lolol.

How can THE DEVS not understand this?

Has nothing to do with gearing. I have a dps set, but I almost never dps, because I don’t like the dps role. Likewise, anyone playing a class that can tank can easily have a tank set, but almost never use it because they don’t want to tank.


I love everyone here blaming Azerite and essences when there has literally been a tank shortage since vanilla and every expansion.

The vast majority are followers not leaders.

That’s it.


Its never been this bad and I have been playing since then.

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Only shortage of tanks is in the PUG world.

No one cares about the PUG world.

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Posters here care about the PuG scene.

But in Raiding Guilds the need for tanks is super low.

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That’s why there’s no real shortage. There are plenty of tanks, they just don’t want to tank for PUGs.


This game wouldnt exist today without pugs. the success of wow is due to the rise of the casual.

Too bad that the majority are not raiders, eh? Because people who can’t do content because of in-game issues that are out of their control are likely to get bored and quit.

There is no shortage of raid tanks. There is a shortage of dungeon tanks to tank content that will keep a large portion of the game population playing.

The only way to solve this is to go back to incentivizing people to be part time tanks. But I don’t see that happening as long as so many people say things like “as long as our guild has two tanks, it doesn’t matter whether anybody out there can run a dungeon”.

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There has literally always been a shortage of dungeon tanks from vanilla to BfA.

It’s a player mentality thing.

We went from 1 (maybe 2) tank classes to 6.

Free respecs.

Shared primary stats.

Doesn’t matter.

Classic has people PAYING tanks for dungeon runs. That is their norm.

Even WoD and MoP which was easy tank gearing and no chores was hard to get dungeon tanks.

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That is not a good reason for changes to the game that have made it worse.

I’m saying it’s not a significant reason on they there is a lack of tanks.

Give tanks free everything and there will STILL be a shortage.

Pug tanking sucks.


Making it harder or more annoying or time consuming to be a part time tank is why there is a shortage in dungeons. The game needs part time tanks, players who will switch for a faster queue.

Right now things are going to hell in a handbasket. I tank a lot of normal dungeons, both on my twinks and on leveling toons.

At this point in the expansion those dungeons are full of players who have zero clue that there are even mechanics in the game. There’s also a contingent that believes only bad players need to do mechanics. Right now those dungeons are full of alts of players who never ran dungeons before. And boosts.

Next month they’re going to be trying to get into your mythic+.