Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

Some people have nothing else. The live on this forum. You used to be able to see how many hours someone spent on the forum but Blizzard decided to hide that from other players now.

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Lack of moderation is honestly why these forums are even remotely worth engaging with tbh. Too many online spaces are too strict with their rules and it stops feeling like you’re interacting with a community and starts feeling like you’re interacting with a help desk.

And we still need a proper off-topic section. The weird “guided” off topic sections are garbage. A General Discussion of Off Topic is fantastic for community reasons, even if it almost always gets rowdier than other areas of a given forum.

There was a period of my life where I literally got my world news from the off topic forums back in the Halo 3 days. I miss that.

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I mean, these two topics are more important than like 99% of the stuff people talk about here. If you don’t like pizza and catgirls, I dunno what you’re doing with your life.



Maybe they should be nicer to others.

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What do you mean “you people?”


So I’ll say this… I would never wish ill will on someone, regardless if I disagreed with them or not.

What you just said is absolutely horrible and I know who you’re talking about too. I didn’t see eye to eye with the person, but that is NO reason to say something so heartless and so lacking of empathy…

You should be ashamed of yourself.


I’m more impressed people targeted that instead of the original post that comment was coming off of lol.

In all fairness I skip to the bottom so I got some reading upwards to do.

Ah I see what you mean.

Yes they should, the person in reference had some takes I thought were some of the worst takes in these wow forums but it takes a real sh1tbag to take delight in someone being harmed because they had wow disagreements.


so bc someone disagreed with u on the forums ur glad they got into an accident.
wow. you cant make this crap up. ur a sad man mate.


Our car seat was moms lap
You would be dead before completing a 911 call because it took forever fo the the rotary dial to get back to the 9 before you couold dial the first 1.

We had mosh pits now they have safe spaces

To be fair, there’s only one MVP I have noticed that acts like this.

The rest have been quite pleasant and helpful imo…

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What are you talking about? Where did I say or imply that I was happy?

The guy wasn’t toxic because we disagreed on stuff. The guy was toxic because he was nasty to people constantly.

Toxic players are removing themselves one way or another and the place is improving as a direct result.

I hope.

Some are still around but I have hope they’ll go away, eventually.

Possibly because EU has far more languages that they need to support, so instead of ~3 languages that you need mods fluent in here, there are dozens.

I imagine most of us here would be relatively useless trying to moderate in more than 1-3 languages at the same time.

What are you talking about?

I get my posts buried and restored or removed ALL the time.

Which is against forum policy to tell you that, but…yeah.

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maybe rp posting shallow philosophical drivel as a sylvanas loyalist during an expansion where sylvanas was doing definitely not morally gray activities/being character assassinated wasn’t a great idea, lilithia

@ adroi

this forum desperately needs a ‘bad faith’ or ‘please review last 10 posts to this account for the love of all things’ flag

and you know who I’m talking about and why if you’ve visited the arena forums at any time in the last two months
beedie is out of control

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Collusion among Blizzard and CS regulars, and special privileges granted to the latter.

You are some type of troll.

Players get abused in the CS forum by the regulars that run the place and their actions are condoned by the SFAs (who sometimes join in). I think that’s wrong and am calling out that behavior.


That’s not true.

and this is pure conjecture, an incorrect one at that.