Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

They are not using any AI on the forums or we would actually have better moderation, more consistent at least. Any removed posts, threads, or penalties are applied by the actual forum mod staff. The forum software at most can grey out a post after enough reports or hide a thread if it thinks it trips a spam filter.


Lol Adroi you are in the wrong neck of the woods. If you think the Arena forums are bad, GD gets even worse. Come back home where it’s safe

Oh, I know. That’s why I posted here. The topic is already getting more traction then it would have on the arena forums… where it would have died before getting a single response. =/

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: Uh huh.

And I predate cassettes too. The good ole days when real lawn darts were a fun thing to do and drinking from the hose when it was hot outside.

It is why any system that relies entirely on player reports will fail. But it’s ‘cost effective’ so it’s become more of an issue in a lot of online games.

After actually reading what and how you typed out that paragraph I have serious doubts in everything you said.


As we have learned throughout history

Mo’ moderation, mo’ problems

Now that’s funny.

Agreed. You know, it wouldn’t be hard at all for them to actively moderate the forums since very few people use them to begin with.

100% of Blizzard’s mods are paid. How someone else runs their forum is immaterial.

You assume quite a lot. You assume that someone old enough knows that information and that someone younger doesn’t. You assume what other’s experiences have been. You didn’t know that Blizzard’s mods were all paid. You assumed it ran the same way forums you were familiar with ran “way back then”.

Your points aren’t valid in this situation because your premise is based on missing/incomplete/wrong information.

Stalkers and trolls are whats killing this forum.
we only need moderators at all because of them.

Fascinating. Please do go on and tell me how physics weren’t a thing because you somehow managed to walk uphill to and from school, in snow, each and every day of the year while it also being simultaneously too hot when it suits that line of narrative tension.

So there I was, a wee lad of 4 just off work from my 46 hour shift in the hellfire coal mines trudging up a vertical hill absolutely covered in ice and freezing snow completely covering me. My backpack…no I didn’t have a backpack I had to carry my tomes each chiseled in the hardest and heaviest of stones with my own blood for ink weighing me down as I learned boomer things dumb millenials and zoomers are too dumb to and incapable of learning.

The teacher whacked my callous knuckles if I dared to even breathe without her permission with a yardstick made from the hardiest of woods and fully capable of breaking bone with a swing from even the frailest of bodies…millenials and zoomers

After my ardorous time learning all the mysteries of the world (despite the fact that “world” to a boomer is a few hundred miles at most), I trudged back uphill to my home where I was beaten with switches and rawhide instruments by my loving parents to teach me authority and respect. These were good beatings too. They say pain is weakness leaving the body after all. I also had 198 hours of chores ranging from picking up stones and moving them to herding livestocks to fighting off savage barbarians. Oh yeah at this point the weather was now hellfire summer with the heat sapping you of your strength with every second

After I finished my chores, if I was a good lad/lassie, I was permitted to go and find the other youngsters who also lived up more vertical hills, and we were allowed to play so long as that play involved rough housing with plenty of blood and shattered bones but no necking. Sometimes we built forts that still stand the test of time and are more secure and hidden than anything yuppie city boys come up with and other times we played sports more hardcore and skillfully than these so called athletes do today.

And if we got thirsty, we drank contaminated swill from hoses and/or ponds/creeks and none of us ever got sick. Then once the sun went down (though it still remained hellfire hot and/or snowed and turned deathly icy again), we all knew to go home where we fed our meal of a slice of bean and then off to bed before we had to do it all tomorrow.

A boomer tale

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Nah, it’s could of. I said so, so it is.

Dang, and i though that i can enlighten some people on the topic, but as usual, shredded to pieces.

Time for me to crawl back to gray masses of stable people and let AI sort you folks out.

In the end this is exactly why I dont moderate forums anymore, you people are cancer with no cure in sight.

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Told by a clueless Boomlet, as usual.

My life was nothing like that. But I did have real lawn darts and a BB gun. Oh my. you’ll shoot your eyes out! I also rode a bike without a helmet or other protection and I survived.

We also had the US festival. The memories

The right never ever does this too. Nope. Never. :roll_eyes:


Seeing your attitude I can see why you’re an ex mod/admin. If you are even telling the truth that is.

Yeah idk. I posted here today after taking a considerable break from the forums and was met with significant hostility. I thought it was just me until I looked around and saw posts like this. It feels like Blizzard has borderline given up on any attempt to reduce toxicity across their entire platform. Maybe when they ban people they quit paying so it’s more profitable to just let the toxicity continue?

It’s really sad to me though because I feel like once upon a time the community here was great and other than the occasional troll most everyone at least listened to each other and tried to help. But now I’m seeing increased toxicity across the entirety of the Blizzard platform, across all titles. Maybe it’s just the inherently fractured nature of our entire world right now?


You people take the forums and game chat way too seriously. The absolute best thing anyone can do is separate real-life interactions from anonymous text.

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I think it’s just hard to define what toxic is. Not disagreeing with you by any means, but I think the focus should be building up positive discussion rather than harsher rules or even enforcing existing ones. Not suggesting you’re saying we should, but I think there is a better route.

By bringing positive voices to topics and elevating good posts and good conversations, players will be more incentivized to contribute. That’s where I’m sitting right now. A week or so back I made a post and spent a decent amount of time putting it together. Got a few good responses and then it was buried by a bunch of spam and trolls. It’s like… fine… I’ll just not do that then. So then I start responding in some other threads and it’s literally post after post of arguing with what I assume is a troll. Even that, so be it.

ALL OF THAT could be remedied though if someone with just a bit more knowledge could weigh in. A single blue response could shut down 100’s, if not 1,000’s of these troll posts. The complete silence though gives these people free reign. OR, legitimize what they’re saying and we move on.

My feeling is all of that toxic stuff was always here, but it was kept in check by good voices. Also, there were more checks and balances. You could ACTUALLY see people’s mains with ease. Now, people hide on low level alts and completely disrupt conversations. Level 10 classic alts spamming the arena forum… It makes no sense. They can’t even do arena and yet they are allowed to post. A massive amount of these alts do nothing but clutter up the forums. Not that GD should restrict them, but at least the sub forums.

In the end, blizzard pulled back on their moderation and involvement. No blue posts happen in a bunch of the sub forums. No one is here to talk with us. The community council? Great. Good for them. Most of the stuff there is useless anyways.