Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

Ignores are characters specific I believe.

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Player ignores on the forums are not though, right?

It would be amazing if it were. I get so tired of going through the motions with people who constantly create troll posting toons, use alt codes, and hide their armory. It takes about a minute or so, but these bottom feeders don’t deserve even a second of my time, seriously.



I wasn’t disagreeing, just adding.

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Well if people could behave like adults, moderation really wouldn’t be that needed. But because a subset likes to act like spoiled children, we need a hall monitor to deal with them.

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I didn’t think that you were, but thanks for clarifying. :+1:


On a side note tf does an MVP even do or why should anyone care to obtain such a thing? Is it just for the green text?

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Go to r/wow on Reddit if you crave more moderation.

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That’s more of a dictatorship than fair moderation over there. In every section.


It is at the bottom of this pinned thread. Welcome! Please read--

Most MVPs just do what they were already doing which is usually answering questions, linking to information, etc. Esp in TS/CS. Those folks were already doing it, and were asked if they are willing to still do that, but in green. They did not apply. That is about it. It helps people find a post faster that is more likely to have current information, instead of trolling them and telling them to ALT-F4.

For the WoW community MVP program in 2018 they did take applications. Again though, it was for people already active on the forums and most had good intentions - like Neall with friendship moose, Lull with transmogs (although she was already green but everyone had to apply again I think?). A few wanted it for personal promotion and to build their brand. Those did not last long.

2018 was the last time they did the WoW Community MVP program. Last TS/CS person was asked to be involved in 2019. People move on, change games, life happens. A fair number also now work in the gaming industry and stepped down to avoid conflict of interest.


haha. That place is awful. I had a meme removed because it wasn’t ‘wow’ enough.

I then saw the SAME meme a week later on the front page…


People lost their minds there during covid.


seems to be a trend with successful businesses…

those businesses that don’t look for ways to do more money were nice and all but … they don’t seem to be with us anymore.

Companies run on their good names until they don’t. They can run them into the ground and make millions doing it. The end product just slowly gets worse. It’s unfortunate, but I get it.

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Are they?

Some of those people may of had some bad takes but to be honest I’d say a lot of the real toxic people are still around

This is the only thing that green text means, and they should be treated with suspicion.


There really does need to be more moderation around here. Way too many posts get completely derailed by the same people and nothing ever seems to be done about it.


You could of just said “snitch” instead of typing all that out. Which would be accurate.

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This is GD , its a place where ppl vent their frustrations , let their egos go wild and loose control over their negative and positive emotions regularly .

If this forum was moderated by a bot perfectly , then everybody would have been banned


Thanks for reminding of something I forgot to do last night.

Also, it’s could have or could’ve.

Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

The law is for the lawless and the law breaker.
Moderation isnt killing this forum, those who cant self moderate are.

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This is true.

No, Green text actually go under a lot of scrutiny and get a lot of hate. They do not get respect handed to them.

That goes especially for the jokesters of Community Council members with yellow text.