Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

People on the CS forum are very very fast to correct what they see as incorrect information. This was a case of Glindagon being technically correct, but also being really stubborn in not admitting that the GMs are also limited by policy - so it is also technically true that they can’t change guild leadership outside certain conditions.

One of the people they argued with set forth the conditions for those policy exceptions which are super limited.

When that was pointed out, Glindagon admitted that part was true, apologized, and a Blue locked the thread after commenting to confirm what those conditions were and that outside of that Blues don’t change guild leadership, even if the code does not stop them in a technical way.


That is correct.

If false accusations are actionable you should be more precise with your language. I never accused Vrakthis of not knowing the rules. I pointed out that he doesnt follow them.

That thread was another example of two greens sticking their oars in, making accusations, and then going radio silent when it turned out they weren’t so helpful after all.

And this thread that we’re posting in now is the one where you didn’t know the context. In the other thread you just tried the appeal to authority logical fallacy.

I bet you’d love that hug.

There were two greens posting in there (I think) and I was one. Are you accusing me of making accusations in my two posts in that thread? Both of my posts offered information and context to the OP, and the issue of guild dethrone in general. The second one I criticized the thread for turning into an argument.

You agreed with me. You apologized.

Which of these two posts were accusations? The first one was not even a reply to you or about you. You were not there yet.

If one was, why did you agree with me and apologize for missing the context that Perl had pointed out?

I agreed with the point that you made that was correct.

Because that’s what you do when you’re intellectually honest.

You should give it a try, rather than doubling down and pretending that your snarky comments aren’t snarky.

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Glinda, you are flat out wrong that I was making accusations or anything else in that thread. I was straightforward, factual, and correct. I was not snarky in that thread either.

Fantastic that I am allowed to still have a personalty and use sarcasm at times! When they pay me, or I actually represent Blizzard, they can police how I post (other than having to follow the rules). Until then, I will be free to use sarcasm, humor, criticism, etc. I am pretty mild about it, but am not required to be a robot.

Just like you do!

If you were being honest, you would not have stated I was making accusations in that thread. I had a post at the start, and a post at the end, neither of which are controversial.

Would a hug help, friend?

If it would make you feel better!


You seem to really want a hug today.

:dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_heart:

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Im surprised youre still engaging with them. You have the patience of a saint.

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I think I feel done now though. I have a fantastic chicken cacciatore I need to put together and get cooking!

Going to have that with some home made rosemary rustic bread for dinner.



I always want hugs.

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Mirasol LOVES chiming in, whether she knows what’s going on, or not.

When you’re trying to give someone enough rope you have to be just patient enough until they grab it, or until you get bored and hungry i guess.

I know where the trapdoor is located.

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There is plenty of moderation here if people cross the line don’t worry,

if it ever happens to you, you will feel like you’re back in school and earned yourself a weeks detention

Cut backs and optimizing dollars spent and concentrating on selling stuff in the shop instead, that’s where the real cash is made not in appeasing dummies like me and you on some digital manure spreader.

I am a bit confused… What do MVPs, who are other players, have to do with funding at Blizzard? We don’t get paid or compensated.

The answer is they have not refreshed the program since 2018 and most have moved on or stopped using the forums.

They do the Council program which is much larger and uses more resources from Blizzard. Technically, most costly by far I would think.

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Lack of moderation is not what is keeping away from the game or the forums. It might be trying to address other issues but ultimately not what I consider the problem. The company and the lack of listening is what is turning me off the game and consequently not spending much time reading the forums/being active here.

It was advertised in articles of the upcoming patch. I did a quick glance over it. Nothing I see in particular that would make me purchase the expansion or come play relevant content. Hope the patch goes alright for everybody. Still I just see typical old mentality (Mocking customers and not listening to what they genuinely want. Cherry picking low effort sneering attitude) and an image I thought they were trying so hard to get rid of. Those many articles about no real change must be legitimate because it is certainly how it feels.

I would love to say nice positive things. I would love reasons to come play the expansion. Yet it feels like the company isn’t really striving for that. Infact some of the actions before the launch felt like they were trying to do the exact opposite.

Sorry to the people that actually care(d). It’s just my feelings towards that particular company. Which I wish wasn’t the case.