Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

I see you are still trying to deflect away from posting that link. What are you afraid of? Did it not happen the way you paint it to be?

You already read it and didn’t see anything untoward.

Oh okay so you are just going to straight up refuse to share the link, got it.

Like I said your entire post history is calling other people trolls, insulting them, or short one-liners. If anyone was curt with you over there I can totally see why.


It’s just hard to know where players are coming from. The value definitely varies on the forum. In the end, this is a bit of a bit of putting a band-aid on the bigger problem.

For sure. Don’t get me wrong, trolling has a place. Being able to poke at super serious topics is needed for all the fart sniffers of the world. And trolling is totally subjective as well, so I don’t want to see that go away.

It’s more like keeping it in its right place. It serves a purpose, but it can also do damage if not kept in check. Keeping trolling in check doesn’t mean just more moderation though by any means.

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That offer for a hug still stands.

I’ve read enough of your posts to say, unequivocally, “you’re trolling”.

Don’t bother responding, I won’t be replying to you anymore.

But, you’ll read everything I type.

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If I had to take a wild guess, this thread would be it. Guild leader dead with no officer ranks filled - #12 by Nok-winterhoof

A poster called Glindagon entered the thread later and asserted that CS can over ride the guild dethrone system. Technically that is correct in a mechanical sense. It is not correct in a policy sense or they get fired.

It turned into a mess and got locked by Blues.

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The best kind of correct.


I’m like 99% sure I put you on ignore because you said some bigoted stuff in a thread complaining about there being too many LGBTQ+ characters.

I bet you would lol

Literally any opinion that doesn’t align with your own is probably bigoted, so unsurprising.

And I know you would stomp speech out wherever and whenever given the chance. You guys reported so many things I said and all of them got restored. That still didn’t stop me from get temp suspended for ‘trolling’ though. You folks are insufferable.

Well thanks for admitting it :dracthyr_shrug:

Were you the furry wiccan with all the faux outrage? Sorry, I can’t quite recall. The cherry on top was when some of you started messaging me in game.

Yes, brigading posts you don’t like is super courageous. Unfortunately for you folks the only thing you could get me suspended for was suspected trolling.

“This thing happened to me!”

“Really, where?”

“I don’t need to show you where, you just need to know that it happened! And then my issue was fixed!”

“Oh good, I’m glad to hear it. It sounds like you were taken care of.”


Brah. You literally refused to provide the context, then you lash out because people don’t know the context?


That thread is a good illustration of what’s so toxic about that forum. Glindagon makes a true statement that the regulars don’t like so they deem Glindagon a “troll” and turn the discussion into a “mess” until it gets locked. I suspect there was a bunch of mass reporting of his posts that then had to get reviewed, then overturned, creating work for whomever is getting paid, etc. Why do SFAs allow this to keep happening?

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There was no lashing out on my part, friend.

I just offered hugs.

Well, I was the one accused of not knowing context, who then linked what I think is the context (thread).


For the same reason Vrak allows you to post the accusations you do without suspending you (so far at least this week). He tries to educate vs suspend or perma ban.

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I’ve never been suspended so I’m not sure how to take your implication. Am i going to get suspended this week? Where does that comment come from?

That comment means that some of the things you say and do, could result in a suspension and it is up to the Mods to decide that. I have no knowledge of what you are going to do, or what they are going to do. I do know that false accusations don’t sit well with Mods. You trying to tell the person that makes the rules, that they don’t know the rules, is not a great idea.

Looking at the thread, it was a very civil discussion until he joined the conversation. Seems like where ever they go it starts to smell.