Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

im not respecting anyone with over 10k posts.

Oh man, thank goodness the post count hasn’t accumulated over all the past iterations of the forums then. I’d likely be well beyond 100k. In just one version of the forums I was beyond 50k and another had me spotted at 60k.

So I guess I wouldn’t matter to you because of…a number?

Ironically, I was not green for the vast majority of those posts as they were mostly in the busiest times of the forums and primarily in the CS forum too.

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I want our forum signatures to come back. it was a system we used to have that let us use a custom made signature that was battlenet account bound so whenener you switched to an alt, it showed on that forum posting alt as well and if you tried to change it from toon to toon, there was a CD on how much you could change it AND it would also change it to all your other posts as well so you couldnt alt swap and change the quote to stay hidden. Having that system back would be nice.

I dont like most of the people over there. Looking for any sort of arena team in Classic will have lots of the people there who feel the need to brag about what they have done and how they are not going to help you. Maily a bunch of jealous players there where everyone hates everyone equally over there. Really cant go over there hoping to find an actual arena team in Classic or find a group to play with in retail for arenas or RBGs without a bunch of people comparing their accomplishments to your own.

They also used to have it to where you had to actually play your toon a certain amount to be able to post on the forums with it way back in the day. So yea bringing back the old forum signature system would really help things out. Be better than btags on the forums because I still want my toons name to be seen here and want to see other people toons name as well.

Edit. I also dont like losing my entire post history every time I faction or name change this toon. AND we should have our entire post count of our entire account show up here.

I want irl names back! i bet a whole bunch of regulars wouldnt be so rude if they couldnt hide behind their usernames.

Considering the amount of people who played wow and actually come here at any time ever says the forums been dead forever and always will be. Nothing’s changing it there is literally no one here and never has been.

We never had real life names on the forums. Last time that was suggested, the Blizz worker who gave out his real life name here just to show it was a good idea got death threats in phone calls to his house, got bomb pranks pulled on him, got his email accounts hacked and had his personal info spread all over the web to include his family name and address and then people even ordered hundreds of pizzas to his place that were pay on arrival. That is what could happen if we are forced to use real life names here. You have no idea how easy it is to trace IPs and that with a real life name could get you in a bad spot so no irl names.

Even that guy regrated even suggesting it.

We never had irl names on the forums, ever.

Feel the same about level 10 alts.

I miss the old forums :frowning:

Yea, I’d love to know what my old post count was.

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God bless you. I miss realm forums from vanilla where you could call someone out and settle it in front of org or sw.

I just miss the old realms. There was actually community. You actually ran into the same people. Most of the friends I have now I know from wrath… These days, good luck seeing the same person twice.

I couldn’t tell you the name of a single person off A52 now. In the old days I could name off 10-20 people on Destromath easy.

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For sure. Back in wrath I probably knew 100+ people. 30+ in my guild alone. I knew all the other GMs and a bunch of people from pugging and pvp. I met so many people just chilling in IF or doing duels out front. You actually could run into people. I hate the crossrealm and phasing garbage. I get it, but it’s really made creating relationship harder.

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Hmm,now that’s interesting.I’ll remember that one for now on.

You’re missing the point, here. You have a tendency to come across as arrogant and condescending. Accept the criticism and try to grow. Hiding behind a “personality” isn’t the best path.

You’ll find your way. I know, because I found mine.

We’re all called to serve - God Bless!