Lack of Male leaders in WoW

Yeah, see that supports what I want for the game so it doesn’t bother me. However, nothing compares to the constant butchering of Night Elf lore. What’re we at, three expansions now of stepping all over them?

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It did, it feels so lame now. It’s like a parody of itself. I want to do war things and battle for land and honor.

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Or Wonder Woman, who remains a gold standard 80 years after her introduction.

People love Wonder Woman (when well-written) because she’s a great character. Not because the male characters around her are idiots who fail all the time.


whoops… Thankfully my point was made though

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Yep! Also I still stand by that Cairne was done the dirtiest of any character in WoW lore. Seriously, killed off in a book with no indication nor cutscene nor anything in game. So you log out for patch day in front of Cairne and log in in front of Baine.

I will never let that go.


Yep. It was just as bad as what they did to Garrosh. I didn’t read the book until I saw that he was up on the chopping block as a loot pinata to figure out why the war loving jerk went full on orc hitler… Like I didn’t see that one coming but it wasn’t because of good storytelling in the game throwing a twist

Garrosh was always like that, though. People forget that he tried to overthrow Thrall at the end of Burning Crusade. Or what a major jerkwad he was throughout Wrath, actually sabotaging our efforts against the Lich King.


Black Dragonflight.
Dragon Aspects.

Focusing on gender is a foolish task.

Oh man can you imagine how differently the WW movie would have been received if she had jumped in the plane and flown it safely away, while Steve stayed on the ground and admired her heroism as it took off?

I’m so glad they got this at least written before such nonsense would have made it to production.


That was his problem though. He’d been hyped so long that he started believing his own hype and thought he didn’t need to keep up his game.

Anyone who thinks the Horde is just “zug zug, time to kill humans” should stay gone. We don’t need them.

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Theres a reason why WoW now only has about 1/20 of its highest sub count. Clearly most people agree that the Horde should act like the Horde and the Alliance should act like the Alliance. The two are not the same.


You mean, people that actually know why and can answer your questions succinctly?

I like to think I’m a #4, someone who can split the difference and isn’t afraid of the #2 types throwing shade. Most of your #1 types I think are just trolling your #2 types TBH.

  • Kul Tirans - Jaina
  • Night Elves -Tyrande and Malfurion
  • Dark Iron Dwarves - Moira
  • Humans - Anduin
  • Lightforged - Turalyon
  • Dwarves - Muradin and Falstad (Moira was well but she took a more prominent role with the DIDwarves)
  • Gnome (and mecha) - The man the myth the legend Gelbin Mekkatorque
  • Draenei - Velen
  • Worgen - Greymane
  • Pandaren - Aysa and Ji
  • Orc - None
  • Undead - None
  • Troll - My boy Rokhan
  • Blood Elves - Lor’themar
  • Nightborne - Thalyssra
  • Goblins - Gazlowe
  • Maghar Orc - Geya’rah
  • Tauren - Baine
  • High Mountain Tauren - Mayla
  • Zandalari Trolls - Talanji
  • Vulpera - Kiro

So 8 females and 14 males


Reasons why WoW’s sub count has declined:

  • Actual competition from other MMOs that aren’t awful
  • Bad expansions like Warlords
  • Toxic community full of edgelords

Not reasons why WoW’s sub count has declined:

  • Horde not attractive enough to edgelords
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I’m just glad that people in the thread are now realizing that Kiro is a Dudepera.

Horde is evil. That is how it was meant to be. Now Blizzard is trying to make the Horde into Care Bears and Teletubies.

Kiro is THE dude. He showed up to the Horde, got turned down by that weak coward Baine, went off and fixed all of Baines problems for him and then said “That’s why you need us”. I’m surprised that he didn’t ride off into the sunset with Mayla Highmountain.


It’s like when people sometimes suggest Vulpera should be an Alliance race instead, and I’m like “But who would do Baine’s thinking for him, then?”

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That made no sense.