I don’t want to attract the wrong kind of fans to this topic, so I’ll summarize it at the top.
Ever since Legion, we are killing our Kings, male leaders, and giving more attention to the female ones.
Which I don’t have a problem with the idea, They are just going too far. It’s been 3~ expansions now and its not slowing down. I just want SOME male leader characters in Dragonflight, and that appears to not be happening.
Blizzard seems to be taking the “Take turns” approach. I wont play stupid, for decades we have had prominent Male lead characters like Thrall, Varian, Anduin even
All of the above + many more have been killed off, shelved, etc.
Started happening around Legion.
Legion we saw Varian die, leaving Stormwind leaderless as Anduin didn’t want to take over. Vol’jin dies, Sylvanas takes over.
(Kill the male leaders)
In BfA we saw King Rastakan die, and his daughter taking over.
Kul’Tiras, Daelin being dead…, then came Lady Ashvane, then eventually Lady Jaina after the events of BFA.
(Kill the male leaders)
In Shadowlands, every covenant is led by a female leader. And the one (Maldraxxus) that would have been led by a male one, was trapped (The Primus) Ruled in his stead sits Barroness Draka. Only partial exception is Denathrius, who is the only evil leader out of the 4 convenants. And sure, Prince Renathal is supposed to replace him.
(1 male leader figure out of 5+ female leads)
In dragonflight, we’re seeing more of the same thing happening with the Centaur clans. Male leaders die, female centaur becomes the Khan. You know the drill.
Making this topic probably paints a big target on my head, but it’s how I feel. I just want some more cool dudes to look up to, they’re all dead.
TL;DR: Blizzard is killing off the male lead characters and focusing on female lead characters only. And its not slowing down.