Lack of Male leaders in WoW

Hopefully this makes the Horde better at stopping, listening, and collaborating.

The same argument could be made about any form of inclusion. Why add an in game character to represent A can’t you just look up to B? But I do agree with OP about adding new characters rather than replacing or appropriating existing ones.

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Nope, but our music may hit you so hard it may make you say “oh my lord”.

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Yea what you are saying is happening everywhere though. Not just in WoW.

And also

Do you have any idea what happened to Sylvanas? Sounds like you think she is still the Queen.

just curious, why does it bother you?

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She should be, it would be more exciting than a lame, peace-loving council.

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That’s a very one sided view of what Locke actually said. Locke’s idea that unalienable civil liberties came directly from god to the common man was revolutionary for it’s time. Up until then many people believed that rights came from god to the king who then handed them out to men.

Now obviously there had been a movement dating back to the Magna Carta to overturn that idea but that was about rights for the Nobility, not rights for the common man.

Locke was a modern philosopher who believed in reason and he reasoned that there were legitimate and illegitimate institutions. He believed in unalienable rights which is where Jefferson got his idea in writing:

“all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”.

Jefferson didn’t think that up himself, he borrowed it from John Locke. This started the modern Social Justice movement.


For starters, go run Halls of Reflection. Either faction (or both!)

Both characters have had plenty of screen time since before BFA.

I mean, you’re not wrong. And now, instead of giving leadership to the non-batcrazy Nelf, they’re getting rid of him, too, and leaving the bat crazy xenophobic one.

No. She had terrible writing and was way overpowered from what the original cannon lore stated she could do. She was by definition a Mary Sue. StarCraft’s Kerrigan on the other hand was not one. That one was well written. Sylvanas was not well written.

And they were both wrong, “rights” come from power. Nothing more, nothing less.

Locke is delusional if you think you have some kind of “rights” just by being born. They don’t exist. They are words on a paper to give the people some kind of delusion that they have any rights. It’s a big show.

Regardless, Locke didn’t actually believe anything he said. He just wanted the money his ideas would bring him and his investments. This is the way all rich people are.

Neither is well written, Kerrigan’s story ended extremely dumb. Still, I would much rather have a war-monger leading the horde than peace-lovers.

Yes we all know that Blizzard had zero ideas on how to take her character and decided to Garrosh 2.0 her but worse.

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Careful, if you call attention to characters you like, they’ll be up on the chopping block. I used to be sad that Tauren got no lore, but after watching what happened to the Night Elves, I think I’m good sitting in the corner not getting anything. It’s much, much safer if you want to not hate everything to do with your race/favorite characters.


Anduin DID become King in Legion, though. He didn’t want to, didn’t feel he was ready, but he did.

The ONLY reason I hate this, is because Rastakan was hyped up for so long, being mentioned as far back as Vanilla, and his characterization was surprisingly good considering how badly the modern writers have butchered existing characters. Talanji isn’t a bad character, but I do feel she could have remained a princess for a few expansions longer.

The only reason I don’t care for this is because Jaina always felt like a better fit for Dalaran. I also rather liked Katherine Proudmoore and would’ve been on board with her as the Lord Admiral. She’s a tough old girl, and we definitely could use more of the bad*** grandmother types around.

The Shadowlands ending tally is 3 men (Primus, Renethal, and our new Arbiter) to two women (Kyrestia and the Winter Queen). I don’t see the disconnect here. Sure, the Primus got captured early on, but honestly? Kyrestia was hit with the stupid bat so bad early on there was no redeeming her (why she couldn’t give her Paragon of Loyalty the time of day to hear about Uther’s wound will remain one of the biggest lorelols of the expansion, which is saying something). The Winter Queen remained strong and dignified throughout the expansion.

I thought this was about the Malfurion spoilers, or the likelihood of Nozdormu becoming Murozond or something.

I don’t care who they kill off as long as the characters they focus on are well written. You’re not wrong in that we’re seeing a lot of male leads die off, and female leads replace them, but there’s still more male leaders than female at this point. Its not like they’ve killed off Lor’themar and had Liadrin become the new Queen of the Sin’dorei. Moira isn’t the Queen of Ironforge. Tess isn’t the Queen of Gilneas. Gelbin is still the King of the Gnomes, Velen is still kicking, Baine is still alive, as is Thrall, Gazlowe, Rexxar, Rokhan…

IDK what you mean by no lore for tauren… They killed Baine and Cairne has been… an experience

Swap that around. I’m still not over Cairne…


Oh, Tauren got something. Or rather, they gave something away. That was their “lore”.


This is because Blizzard, not coincidentally, is going for the same flawed storytelling Hollywood is, and thinks you have to tear down male heroes in order to prop up female ones. They think bait and switch is the way to pull this off and it is not. For whatever reason they fail to learn from successful females in media like Ripley in the Alien franchise. Heck, they are failing to learn from their own successful female Jaina who was a damn badass when she brought her father’s ship to siege Undercity.

It is where they went wrong with Sylvanas and why she failed this expansion. They had to make the Jailer suck to make Sylvanas look good, instead they made both look bad. Same for Bolvar. His whole purpose this expansion has been to get beat up in order to prop up other characters.

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Velen is a leader who isn’t dead in fact we have no major female Draenei leaders.

That is why so many of my friends quit WoW. They claim Horde lost its identity and became too much like the Alliance and then a lot of the Alliance started to go over to the Horde as a result. Kerrigan story was all in SC2. SC2 was almost all about her. She is 10x more powerful than Sylvanas could ever hope to be.

She would kill anyone who got in her way even when she became good again.