Lack of Male leaders in WoW

Actually it is even worse than that. Baine actually has round spherical objects attached to his groin area. He stood up to Tyrant Sylvanas and actively did what was right and preserved the Horde’s true honor when nobody, including Lord Coward, bent the knee.

At best, Lord Coward worked in the shadows and only showed support so long as it wasn’t his neck on the line. Baine should rightfully be warchief no cap and for realsies.

That was basically my original point. Just plugging in “one of these, one of those” for diversity sake doesn’t work and we’ve seen that happen. The 13th Doctor is a good example. I have no problem with Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor but her companions were clearly “One of these, one of those” with Zero in the way of chemistry.

However the problem there is not the diversity. It’s putting diversity before story telling. If you just randomly pick stories from around the world, focus on story telling and avoid exclusion then diversity will just happen on it’s own. Your Rings of Power example seems to back that up.

I am personally far more annoyed by the clusterf*** tornado the character development of most prominent characters has been than I am by what parts those characters have in their pants.

They could kill off every single male npc in the game and turn Azeroth into an Amazonian utopia, and if the remaining female leaders had good character development and interesting stories that made sense, they would get a thumbs-up from me.

Pissing off the entire fanbase aside, you know there is no way Danuser could pull off that many likable characters, lol.

John Locke is regarded by many as a major proponent of diversity and the inventor of the modern concept of social justice. Jefferson, Madison and others based many of their ideas on the works of John Locke.

Of course back then diversity was all about people other than the king and nobility having rights and other people meant male commoners land owners but that was the beginning of the modern social justice movement.

That’s basically twitter logic. Just because I linked a thread I found (before making mine) as a supplement thought, doesn’t mean I agree with EVERYTHING he said.

I say its twitter logic because the same thing happens there, someone follows someone on twitter. If that person says something horrible, does that mean by following them you automatically agree with it? No.

I intentionally didn’t use language like “PC, WOKE, SJW” because issues are a lot more granular than a label. But you guys just want GOOD OR BAD, so maybe I should have just sprinkled some of those in there Lol.

I just want more male leads, they’re a dying breed. (literally) And I welcome female ones. I just disagree with the way they are doing it.

Current dwarf leader is the council of the 3 hammers. 2 male and 1 female.

What’s with all these Councils? Councils are so boring. The horde can’t even have a warchief anymore, we have this lame council.


That has nothing to do with fantasy writing or how to write a good character.

I wasn’t the one who brought up Social Justice. Go yell at who ever did.

Locke was also a heavy investor into the African slave trade, so I don’t know if we should he citing him as reasons for inclusivity.

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I guess anduin is dead, his dog is also dead, and the current person sitting in Stormwind’s throne is… a man? That purple goat is dead too I guess. Who else am I missing? Baine? Thrall? Bolvar?

This is basically someone feeling threatened because the story once focused entirely on male leads and just changing up the pace and introducing some new leaders = male genocide.

no of course not.

but you used it as a source which is a bit different.

They have Moira under Dark Iron since they’re technically a separate playable race.

Anduin and Genn aren’t dead tho?

I was being sarcastic because he literally said all male leads are getting killed.

So wasn’t Jefferson and he’s up on Mount Rushmore. Clearly the modern version of the movement started with John Locke and others around the time of the Glorious Revolution and at 1st it was just about saying the common man was equal to the King and nobility.

Then the social justice issue started expanding to other groups, women, minorities, etc. It’s still evolving today and we see it in story telling with a variety of success and failures.

Right, I honestly don’t even know why they brought him into a conversation about fantasy writing.

Horde has council of the MC Hammers making us much better than the Dwarves.


Oh wow. A game that like 90% of any major character is a male, happens to die. And the 10% female get some sort of spotlight and this is what ya’ll are doing? Making women hate topics to focus on some sort of male only agenda? Jaina Proudmoore and Sylvanas Windrunner literally got like 2 secs on any storyline until BFA happened and now its WOMEN ARE EVERYWHERE. LOL No the writers just finally acknowledged the presence of literally anybody other than Varian Wrynn and Anduin. The only problem I have is that they did a sh!t job of writing it.

I dont think anyone brought Jefferson up as a reason for inclusivity, just Locke. My point isn’t that people of the past shouldn’t be celebrated, my point is that people often pretend they believed things they they simply didn’t.

Locke like diversity because it made the economy better via population growth. He liked a better economy because he was a rich investor. I honestly don’t believe he truly had any pure motives behind anything he ever said.