Lack of Male leaders in WoW

Okay sure Sarm.

So I wasn’t just imagining it? You thought I was stealing your takes to post them as my own?


how would you know that unless you were going around my blocks? :thinking:

I posted that this morning before 7am and promptly deleted it. Are you admitting you and your friends are still finding a way around mutual blocks?

Interesting. I’ll screencap this for later.

Huh? No, I didn’t know; I thought I was just being paranoid because I thought it was weird that you replied to that post of mine to say “you’re just repeating what I said here” and nothing else.

Edit: Why are you saying the post is deleted? I still see it here:

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Alexstrasza and Ysera, too.


So I counted the racial faction leaders

18 male
11 female

-End thread


The most serious recent offender was Star Trek: Picard, which invented a rule that super android babes had to be created as identical pairs so that they could fridge the leading female character in the first episode and replace her almost immediately.


There are more racial leaders that are men and more main characters that are men. What are you even talking about?

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Most likely a problem that there is more than one and that they have functions besides serving the male members coffee. or having lines other than “Hailing Frequencies Open” There was major Trekkie backlash w hen they tried to expand Uhura’s part beyond that and as a result her part was backstage for the rest of the series.

Which is why Nichelle Nichols decided to literally jump ship, and why it took a visit from a fan named Martin Luther King to stop her.


Weird how you would group Vyranoth, a dragonflight original character as part of “old established characters”.

Yes, that was very sad.

Who else would you choose to lead the fight against the Legion, Lor’themar (politician)? Baine? Gazlow? She was the obvious choice at the time.

They need to bring back men like Varian, Uther, and Garrosh.

Sylvanas could’ve led the fight against the Legion without being the Warchief. It’s not like Thrall was in charge of the war in AQ back in the day: it was Saurfang.

The position was Warchief, which goes beyond being the commander for a specific campaign/war.

Was Sylvanas the best choice? Difficult to say. She certainly left behind an impression of having abandoned the Alliance at the Broken Shore, meaning her elevation to Warchief was only going to enflame hostilities with the Alliance. The rest of the options for a leader weren’t exactly outstanding, but honestly, I imagine Lor’themar probably would’ve wound up being the better choice at the time.


We now know there were other reasons Sylvanas was chosen, but, at the time. it was all out war and as Warchief of the Horde your primary duty is WAR despite the other responsibilities the office may hold. Would you really want Lor’themar leading against the Legion?

Also it was Vol’jin who told her to retreat from the Broken Shore despite appearances.

The good old days when Men were real men. Women were real women. And small, furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small, furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

I really don’t want to be rude. But I think you could’ve found out that I didn’t mean her but dragons, and Figure out that since she is new character my comment doesn’t apply to her.
But you decided to make petty comment knowing all this anyway. I cba to separate each case of character.

I already Listed Talanji and we rescued Zul together with her.

I know Taretha’s story, it’s a tragic story and very old one. But her story was good because of it, it was grim and impactful.
All these lists proves that there isn’t really any favourism males and women can be treated in exact same way. Both can be enslaved, killed, subdued, stripped of Powers, damsels in distress. Which judt proves my point. Women don’t get bad stuff happen to them because they were women, when male characters experienced exact same treatment.
For every woman example you’ll find male equivalnet.

This is why Zerde’s claims that women characters got it worse than males is completely baseless. Therefore the overcorrection that happened in DF feels asinine and forced.

What you meant and what you said can sometimes be two completely different things.

Hell Garrosh was the leader of the Hordes efforts against The Lich King during Wrath.

I was not talking about old established characters but the NEW ones. I already provided specific examples, So I have no idea why are you strawmanning. Are you intentionally trying to twist the meaning of my post?

It really was self-explanatory. So could you please stop? I was not the one who made the list, Zerde did.

I mean, sure why not?


Given Kael’thas’ betrayal of the Blood Elves, their own extensive experience with Demons and knowledge of demons gathered in the Magistry, and the events which transpired at the Sunwell?

Yes. Yes, I absolutely would’ve rather had the individual most experienced in fighting demons in the Horde as the Warchief during a war against the Burning Legion.