Lack of Male leaders in WoW

Warcraft was homoerotic :white_check_mark:

Women had to come in an ruin all the gay fun.


I don’t know what would classily as homoerotic, I never researched it, but I guess you’re into this stuff if that’s how you see it.

In other words, it’s is a popular fantasy amongst most men, to be the big muscular hero fighting evil and saying the girl.

It’s an old outdated trope in my opinion

Lets see,

Garona-basically slave to Gul’dan.
Griselda Blackhand-basically created to die/was generally mistreated by Blackhand
Aegywynn-you don’t question why she had to give her power to a male character? But her story was effectively how she was forced to endure discrimination about her gender and had to rise about it.
Moira-effectively a damsel in distress who we only later on learn was inlove with Dargen because he treated her like an equal(unlike her father)
Calia-again damsel in distress that had to be indirectly rescued from Deathwing’s plans.

And that has changed with the demographics of Warcraft and gaming in general, like it or not, female gamers are here to stay and with WoW having a fairly decent female population(I honestly think its about 60-40) split expect more females characters taking the limelight.

The age of gaming being a boys(typically white) club is over and I say good, we can have something new where a greater chunk of people get to see themselves in the games they play.

I mentioned overwatch for a reason. The reason we have to have more women characters is because we were severely lacking in them, especially as faction leaders. Similar to Overwatch, it takes years to bring the story to a better parity with the genders.

And as I mentioned in the very very long run we will hopefully see more expansions where women dominate, some where men dominate and other where there is equal representation. Varity is the spice of life.

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Sounds like a list of adversities, but they’re not really women exclusive. Or are you implying that men were not enslaved, forced to give up power, discrimanted or damsels in distress? Because for each example I can provide it’s equivalent.

It’s good that there are more female gamers, but what makes you believe that women players only want to see female action heroes? You’d be surprised how many women fancy good looking, competent and strong male characters. Women want to have their eye candies too, y’know.

I’d rather if the story was organic, and for people to rise because it makes sense for them rather than achieving artificial quota.

Who isn’t into gay stuff? :nail_care:

Knakk had the same homoeroticism written into his WoW content, he moved on from WoW to Dragonlance where all of his book never made it to launch because Dragonlance was ruined by a similar sexual harassment scandal as Blizzard.

Maybe it’s good Warcraft is moving on from it’s roots.

I’m implying that females had a tendency to be the damsels in distress more often them men. And I would also point out, male gamers had a tendency to be annoyed when male characters had to be rescued but didn’t seem to care when females characters had to be rescued.

Oh, I have nothing against more strong male characters. But “strong” as far as I concerned is not only buff male ones. I actually like characters like Anduin or Velen or Kalec or Khadgar. Like it or not, buff male characters are not the only ones that should get the spotlight and more diversity in representation in male characters is welcomed as far as I am concerned.

There is nothing “inorganic” about have female heir and having cultures that had female leaders as relatively dominate.

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A lot of people I could imagine.

That’s fair.

But do you not see how the male gaze is betraying straight men. You are complaining about there being more women in game. How backwards is that? You only want to see men?

Sounds like self sabotage mate.

I cannot think of many examples of women in Distress. We had to rescue Talanji recently but she was together with Zul.
We had to save Baine, Thrall, Vol’Jin, Rastakhan, Anduin, Aethas, in WoD it was Drek’Thar and that vindicator that in TBC was a dungeon boss. And many more more. So I wouldn’t say that women characters are often damsels in distress where most examples that come to my mind are males.

Well everyone has their tastes, but I find both Khadgar and Anduin very annoying. I actually would want for some people to thread fine line between good and evil. And focus more on the geopolitical stuff, what sre the needs of specific subfactions and their objectives. That’s the story I’d be more interested in.

It is when all the Khans happen to be females when their culture are based on Mongolians. You’d imagine they would have at least one good and charismatic Khan. But another issue is that it doesn’t matter how many female khans there are - they’re so one dimentional that one would be enough.
Quality instead of quantity should be the prime concern.

Lol, you know nothing about me, and don’t even pretend that you’d figure me out.
Because you’re not even remotely close.

I never said I don’t want to see females or don’t wish for them well. That was a strawman on your part.

My only issue is that giving females spots in this expansion feels artificial as if they needed certain quota, most of these females are one dimentional on top of that.

Entire expansion is filled with NPC tokens that don’t really contribute much. Everyone seems to act the same, talk the same and have exact same priorities.

I want proper females in spotlight but it should be work of quality. They need to have a proper personality and objectives and not be typical ‘girlboss’ because that trope is already super dated and tiering.

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The fact that you see a high number of female characters as “They’re trying to meet a quota!” but would see an equal number of male characters as “This is normal.” is precisely the issue, lol. People like you can’t stop digging the hole deeper.

Are 99% of them one-dimensional? Of course they are. Welcome to WoW. They’d be one-dimensional if they were male too.


Why do you see female representation as a “quota” and not an organic part of world building? The gender division irl is 45/50, why should it be any less in game?

Your ‘tokenism’ argument is a strawman. I do not feel like women are tokenised in Dragonflight. At all.


There’s only so much progressiveness that Wow is willing to accommodate. Blizzard still doesn’t know what to do with Anduin, as he’s become problematic to much of their male playerbase, who really want Hero Chin Junior, so they shelved him in the Maw for a whole expansion, maybe two.


I heard this exact same tune being played by similar bards on the Discovery forums about how much of the ship’s bridge crew was female. Reminded me of Pike’s crew on “The Cage” reacting to a female yeoman on the Bridge and Pike’s clumsy handling of being reminded that his “Number One” was females by trying to assure her that he thought of her as “one of the boys”.

Women are here , and boychicks, except at birth… they outnumber you. With modern genetic science you’re no longer essential for continuing the race, try to make them want to keep you around anyway.

Discovery was a great show. The pushback it recived just for having complex female characters proves to me no matter what writers do, people will always complain about seeingbwomen presented as equal to men. Especially if they are given male character treatment.

Would people have been so opposed to Michael Burnham if she was male like she was originally meant to be? She played a male character as a woman and she was still criticized. Oh the irony!

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OMG, I can’t believe this thread is back. There is no lack of male leaders in WoW. :roll_eyes:

In addition to those Zerde listed, consider characters like Tiffin or Taretha, who are killed off to add some tragedy to Varian and Thrall. The “missing mother” (or mother figure) is a time-honored trope, and it’s not even always bad. But it does contribute to the “disposable female character” effect.

Actual IRL woman here, so I can speak for myself, and I want to see BOTH.

This. I don’t get the perception that these characters would somehow be better if they were male, especially when “quality over quantity” was stressed just two posts up.


I wasn’t thinking about your post when I read that. My post was about using female characters more often than the game used to, anyway.

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Really? Off the top of my head aside from Talanji we have jaina(twice), Tyrande, Yrel, Maiev, Thalyssra. I would list more female leaders but most of the female leaders are new/barely had any screentime yet.