Lack of Male leaders in WoW

Out of all the candidates to potentially become Warchief post-Broken Shore, Lor’themar is and was arguably the best candidate in about every potential category. Experience with war, experience in leading, strong loyalty to the Horde, strong loyalty to his people, not a warmonger… Close follow-ups there were Saurfang (not Sadfang at the time) or Eitrigg.


after SoO I don’t think anyone would have accepted another Orc Warchief, even one as noble as Eitrigg. But I do think Eitrigg is a great candidate for Warchief. Although you have to admit that the heel turn of believing that Sylvanas could change and become a positive force of nature for the Horde was tantalizing at the time, the cinematic where she tells the Horde they will avenge Vol’jin’s death still gives me goosebumps to this day.

The fact that Sylvanas even considered Vol’jin her Warchief and showed deference to him was HUGE positive character growth for her at the time.


Yes the lore was much more fun then. The current cast of characters are garbage and one of the many reasons this game is continuing to die in a slow depressing slog.

Why is this bad? There are ten million games out there youd probably enjoy more and you chose the one originally built around “mighty dudes doing epic deeds”. I truely cannot understand why youre so drawn to subverting things you dont like until everyone stops playing. Parasite.

I don’t know why you’re that mad because someone else prefers Anduin over toxic dudes like garrosh or varian

When did Lor’themar fight demons? He was left as Lord Regent of Quel’thalas. I may be mistaken, but I do not recall him in the fight to restore the Sunwell. Lor’thrmar is a fine leader, but he is a politician. He is not a wartime consigliere

Sorry, I forgot that when the Sunwell was becoming a portal for the Burning Legion’s umpteenth invasion of Azeroth, the entirety of the Blood Elven race and the leaders of Silvermoon just sat by and watched the fireworks.

/sarcasm off

Yes, Lor’themar was acting in the role of a politician, and has been since WoW began. That does not mean he is ignorant of demons, or that his people specifically did not have extensive knowledge of demons from their time in Outland. You know, those elves whom returned to Quel’Thalas after Kael’thas fell? The ones whom especially would’ve had a lot of info on demons?

Going by the assumption that Lor’themar himself never swung so much as a broken twig in the direction of a Felguard, does not mean he himself has no relevant knowledge of fighting demons, to say nothing of the Blood Elves at large.

The Forsaken knew how to fight the Scourge.
The Orcs knew how to fight the Alliance.
The Darkspear knew how to fight other Trolls.
The Tauren knew how to fight Harpies, Quilboar, Centaurs, etc…

It was the Blood Elves whom knew the most about fighting demons and the Legion within the Horde. But please, by all means, tell me Lor’themar would not have been the wisest choice for Warchief during a Legion invasion, when Quel’Thalas had all the best assets and info in which to fight the demons.

It also wouldn’t hurt having a politician in charge of the Horde, given Thrall himself was more or less a politician, raised by humans with their senses of diplomacy and what have you.


He is not just a politician, he is and has always been a fighter and an incredibly good one at that.


Lor’themar’s defining trait is, in fact, not liking politics and preferring to actually be able to fight.

I do find it funny that people don’t consider Anduin of all people masculine enough, he’s like 20 years old and already looks like he could bench press a Buick. He shows some emotions other than anger, sure, but the vast majority of the story issues with him (and I’ve harped on many) is due to the story itself, not the character. The writing team plans something happening first, plunks the character they think fits into the role, and then the plot drags them around by the nose. Anduin is more or less the same character in BfA that he was in MoP, but MoP Anduin has far more moments because the story was driven by the characters, not the other way around.

And guess what? The reason a lot of those old male leaders are no longer around (though as shown they still outnumber female leaders) is because at the time people didn’t like them and wanted them to die. Garrosh? Hated. Fandral? Hated. Varian? Hated or at the least vocally disliked right up until his Legion cinematic. Thrall? Disliked post-Cata because there was ‘too much of him’.

Rastakhan was death flagged from the start and anyone saying otherwise huffing so much copium it was leaking from their ears. He was a Theoden character, their only mistake was having him die as a result of the stupid faction war instead of a heroic last stand using all his power against G’huun.

I do find the return of this thread hilarious though, because even the leaders of the expansion we’re in right now have 4 male leaders (Nozdormu, Kalecgos, Wrathion, Ebyssian) to 2 female ones (Alexstrazsa, Ysera).


I find that’s a bit of confirmation bias to include Wrathion as a male leader, when he’s not an Aspect (which seems to be the unifying trait of the characters listed). Meanwhile, you didn’t bother listing Merithra, Ysera’s daughter and successor, whom is the actual Green Aspect right now, nor did you mention Vyranoth, whom will also be receiving Amidrassil’s blessing alongside the five aspects (sorry Wrathion, you just don’t count so no blessing for you).

Now if you included Wrathion in that list as a point of relevance, well, why isn’t Chromie up there with the girl’s team? Better yet, why not Sindragosa? She was one of the highlights of this expansion’s questing. Kalecgos has honestly been pretty forgettable.

Also, why is Wrathion on that list, but not Sabellian?

I… I don’t understand the criteria for that list really…

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Kalecgos has honestly been pretty forgettable.

I like how this quote can be applied to Kalecgos’s lore in general. At least in the game.


“Jaina’s Boyfriend.”
“… Who?”
“You know. The heir and successor to a major nation.”
“The Dragon?”
“Oh right… Wait… who?”


He was Sylvanas’ second in command before he became Regent Lord of Quel’thalas. In fact he HATES being the Regent Lord BECAUSE he feels more like a soldier than a politician. It is just after Kael’thas’ betrayal, he is the best they got since he was already in the position of a leader. Since he was the one who led the retreat and regrouped the remaining High Elves in Quel’thalas following the scourges invasion. At least until Kael’thas returned home (sometime between WC3 and its expansion).


It was a quick list I made while writing papers, give me a break professor.

My main problem with female leaders in WoW is that they’re either coocoo bananas emotionally (Tyrande, Jaina, Sylvanas), or are a mundane Marry-Sue as hell in their writing (Queen Talanji) …

Many really liked Rastakhan because he had a complex ultimatum and made the gambling risk to go make a bargain with Bwomsamdi when his original loa had been lost.

Honestly, I liked Talanji at the start of her journey - When she was aligned with Rezan — Rezan as a loa, especially for leaders was super intriguing. If by the end of the campaign we got to revive Rezan by some means or how, and we restored the connection to Rezan who could provide wisdom along with other loa to the troll people (Both the OG trolls AND the Zandalari) in the Horde — I would’ve found the Horde trolls to be waaaaay more interesting than they currently are.

I know a bunch of people simped for Vol’jin being a loa, but humanoid loa like Vol’Jin are boring as heck. I’d much rather a colossal spiritual-powered T-REX ancient god, than a hunchback of woopdydoo.


That is very unfortunate use of word “simping” as nobody simps for Vol’jin - it’s more like people realized he was treated dirty and wanting some justice for him. And likewise A lot of people were greatly upset how Rezan was treated both in BfA and SL. I agree that Rezan should remain as Patron of Zandalari which would draw better distinction between them and the Darkspears.

But I’d also disagree that humanoid Loa are boring. Nobody disrespects Zanza!

But I’m with you also on Rastakhan. He should remain as a King, he had sucha lovebale personality. He being so boastful and sometimes full of himself could be seen as annoying but he did in such amusing way that I couldn’t help but adore him for that.


I mean, I didn’t mean to use the word ‘simping’ in its exact definition form, I was more making an over-exaggeration due to how insistent his fanbase was lol.

Rezan is in DF? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Or you make a typo for SL? :sweat_smile:

Ancient, experienced and well-storied humanoid loa are more entertaining – Whilst Vol’Jin had a bit, he was still I dunno … ‘meh’

It would’ve been far better for him to survive the Legion onslaught, and earn his right via saving the wild gods & loa @ the Isles, and helping with fending off the invasion campaign. I mean, as it stood -

  • His rule as warchief wasn’t really recognisable or held much large feats
  • He didn’t even really have much of a strong presence in the WoW books either.
  • The way Vol’Jin died too was super anti-climactic.

If he died at the END of Legion, or the Legion had some grand plan of seizing the spirits of the loa & use them to empower themselves, and ultimately have Vol’jin give his life to blow up their construct, free the spirits and save the day for us to make a grand push — That’ve been way better - and also helped give a more understandable design to ‘The hand of fate’ that chose him to be elevated into becoming a loa himself.

Would love if they could bring him back somehow. :pensive:
Same with our boi Rezan and Ursoc :broken_heart:

Rezan throwing his essence into Vol’Jin was stupid. He should’ve just been a loa in his own right, or had his own journey of earning his OWN power and OWN titles … Him just taking it from another just felt like lazy writing, however given it was done in ‘Shadowlands’ – That was their whole gimmick I suppose. lol


You’ve got until Tomorrow at 3:00 PM to resubmit your thesis otherwise you’re getting a zero.

The dragon that wanted to get busy with a puddle.

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Yeah, my bad :sweat_smile: I meant SL indeed.

Yeah I agree, but mostly because he was prematurely killed before he could achieve something truly big. Rokhan already imo stepped out of the line by recruiting Zandalari and making first step to secure Troll heritage.

I wholeheartly agree.

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: I feel on this one.

I agree with you too. Loa of Kings and Vol’Jin just doesn’t mix well to me, as Vol’Jin never intended to be related to Kings in any way shape or form, and I’m dreading what would come from this hybrid.

It would’ve been much more beautiful if Rezan would be brought back to life because his Pprelates faith in him was so strong and they used all their power and devotion to get him back.

Or — scratch that — Just don’t kill the Holy T-Rex period? We finally get to play as Prelats and they kill off their awesome Loa. WTH.