Lack of Male leaders in WoW

Yeah but in WoW Cosmology Law/chaos is more Arcane/Void, no?

I always looked at Light/Fel as more Purity/Impurity. Which is why the Naaru and co are awesome to have when you’re menaced by demons, but regular people are still considered horribly unclean by zealous light wielders/beings leading to stuff like the Scarlets and AU Xe’ra.

Light, Order, and Death are Team Structure. They have a specific vision they want to impose and are willing to step on toes to see it realized in the cosmos at large. Light has the path of the light, Order has its prime timeline, and Death has… well, they did an awful job giving Death a larger motivation as Zoval’s foolishness sucked all the oxygen out of the room there.

Void, Chaos, and Life are Team Change. They tend to consume and break down what Team Order builds and thus keep them from structuring the whole cosmos in a single manner. They do not often have a grand plan other than to spread themselves at the expense of other forces.


I would say Death is linked to structure due to how all souls are judged by the Arbiter, whether it was Zovaal, the robot one made from his sigil or Pelagos. Then these souls are sent to whatever plane is suitable for them. And each realm is led by an Eternal One with a series of second in commands. Whether they are the Dromans, the Harvesters, Paragons or Margraves. At least for the major ones.

Any change to the established order renders the whole system to collapse. As seen when the robot Arbiter blue screened after being nuked by Argus’ soul. Or look at Maldraxxus, Bastion and Revendreth when they are plunged into civil war.

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Fel is literally chaos.

Regular Xe’ra for that matter.

This post actually reminded me of when I was playing SL intro with my freinds… one of them was REALLY upset about the Bolvar vs Sylvanas fight scene and was extremly annoyed that all that Darion Mograine did was telling us how powerful jaina was… and it got worse when we had to help Thrall pick a weapon!

We litterally started making fun of him saying: "Don’t worry big Mama Jaina with her Golden Boy will save you from that bad awful Jailer and his misunderstood dominatrix Sylvanas! Want us to help you get "your weapon too?" :smirk:

The rest Ill leave to your imagination (probably get a ban if I put all does spicy Jokes, I had to G rated edit just this part! I was more funnier than what I wrote!)… but it was so funny, making voices and joking about it that we finally got him to relax and enjoy the story for what it was.

Sorry thought I share this here, I got nothing to add to this… than: “Behave of we will get Big Mama Jaina and Dominatrix Sylvanas to put you in your place!” :woozy_face:

I’m joking of course, Just relax, we will eventfully get the guys back then we will have the same topic but saying we don’t have enough females! WoW forums are special that way!

:dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


It was obviously intended to be a joke of a quest. Blizzard doesn’t really take it self seriously all of the time.

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And it knows when to laugh at itself.

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It’s all in how you identify.,

Guilty as charge! I LOVE both series! lol

The only saving grace is Denathrius, who I think really was the best villain of Shadow lands.


Suck it up and deal with it. Society is collapsing. Just remember who betrayed civilization whenever this is all reigned back in and act accordingly. Blizz is definitely on thin ice with this sort of behavior, but they haven’t really done anything too crazy yet. Reversing that weird “body 1/body 2” thing would be a step in the right direction and a sign of good faith.

How exactly is society collapsing? That’s an odd take.


How exactly is doing a bit of inclusion and expansion of player choice equivalent the Fall of Rome?

I’d LOVE to hear the explanation.


I stated explicitly that Blizzard hasn’t done anything too crazy yet in the post you quoted yourself. It’s not clear to me why you’d ask me to offer an explanation for the opposite of what I said. I also have absolutely no idea where the concept of player choice entered your head or how you interpreted anything I said as a limitation of player choice.

Worth noting that the body types probably have more to do with streamlining the customization UI after dracthyr than anything else.

Since they’re lizards, they don’t have dimorphism, and access to more than one body type.

Still a weird take, especially 4 MONTHS LATER.


It’s also completely independent of the visage gender, although maybe that’s part of what Blizard is doing to collapse civilization.


Can i just point out how stupid the Dracthyr are as an inclusion in the game. We already had mortal dragon people in the game that have far more lore and fit into the established world. Dracthyr just simply don’t fit in the game when draknoids were already a thing.

They fit in just fine as a secret project of the Ultimate Mad Scientist Dragon (whose tradition was continued by his son.)

I would have had absolutely no interest in playing those big lumbering dragon spawn. a race with flight as an innate ability and transforms… you don’t get much cooler than that.


I say they have their place.

We knew that Neltharion had experimented with creating a group of dragons or dragonkin at the very least that had the powers of all five dragonflights. He deemed these a failure and his son, Nefarian tried to pick up where his father left off. Creating the Chromatic dragonflight. This was around since vanilla. We never knew what were Neltharion’s experiments were though. The Dracthyr can easily be placed into this. They have the powers of all five flights. With them getting back the black dragonflights powers recently. Hence their third spec. And Neltharion deemed them as failures after the Oathkeeper was destroyed.

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