Lack of Male leaders in WoW

Depends on what books you’re referring to. The series is clearly inspired by the John Byrne run which was a prototype for Deadpool. They might have also taken some inspiration from Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law.


Except it wasn’t and that is why it was found to be so lacking and with how the garage actors treated the fans is why it is at 38% and a flop.

One of the main writers for Warcraft is Madeline Roux, a very vocal anti-white, anti-male author. She even co-wrote the Warcraft children’s book and did an amazing job helping young readers form everlasting views. She was awarded the high honor of an in-game NPC in Maldraxxus.

She has a website with all her socials if wish to support her work.


That sounds like a description an incel would give rather than one who would want to promote her work.

Female and POC awareness does not mean hatred on white males.


That’s literally what she is, and she’s very proud of it. I said vocal for a reason, maybe look her up.


This is a word zoomers love to use when they have no defense to their opinions.

Oh, white men. Are you sad? Are you impotent? Are you desperate for validation U don’t deserve? - Madeleine Roux

White people must be stopped. - Madeleine Roux

Found with a 5min google search you should try it sometime instead of just throwing insults.

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I went to her blog, read the short story Sin Eater. found none of that anti-white male posturing you’re talking about. and this is a woman who’s blonder then Sven.

I’m also more than familiar on how Gamer Gate guys get on women for the slightest of triggers so you’ll need to link specific examples as you’re the ones making the claim on her character.

Although considering the profile of the average mass murderer these days, she may have a point even if so. America isn’t just a country that loves it’s guns, Norway is just as much gun loving as we are. Where America differs from Norway is in it’s glorification of violence as a virtue.


^^^^ Example of someone simpin. The rest is nothing more than semantics

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If anyone is triggered by Rouxs words. Than those people are the problem she’s talking about.

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Her comments are divisive and gross and anyone with any scene can see this to be the case.

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Not really. She was talking about toxic dudes. And again, anyone triggered by that, is part of the problem

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It wasn’t 'Just dudes" that had issues with her comments and that is ignorance on your and her part to make such an assumption. Anyone trying to justify hatred of anyone is the problem.

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White dude here. And her words weren’t the problem. It’s the problematic people getting triggered over them that are the problem

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Just because you engage in self-hatred doesn’t discredit the opinion of others.

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Bold to assume I hate anyone. But than again, I’m not the one frothing at the mouth over Rouxs words. Shrug

Nothing she has said is without hatred for a certain group of people. Change it to any other group and she wouldn’t have a job.

Triggered, the problem, frothing at the mouth examples of the current debate climate in America one cannot have an opinion outside of the collective or they are to be shunned. Sad really oh well enjoy your night.

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At this point, I don’t think audience reviews mean anything. Teen Titans Go has gotten the brunt of criticism for the past decade and yet it keeps chugging on. Heck, it has joked about its detractors probably more then a few dozen times.

You know what people should do if they really hate a show? Don’t watch it and don’t talk about it. Because at the end of the day, the old saying there is no bad publicity is largely still true.


The aspects, wrathion, sabellian, a male dracthyr leader, Turalyon.


Her story “Sin Eater” is on her blog freely available. Go to it and quote examples and defend your position with substance instead of accusation.

I’ll even link it for you.


I gave you quotes directly from what she has said on Twitter.

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