Lack of Male leaders in WoW

then don’t watch it and don’t hate on people who do. that’s all I am asking of you. Just take your book and go.

It’s this….whatever nonsense the other one is babbling about that makes no sense.

Spent like what? Two-three days now explaining about why Galadriel in the Simalarion and later LOTR is this awesome, strong and intelligent woman who people love.

But since the version of her in RoP is garbage that means men hate women…or something. It’s bizarre logic. Modern day feminism I guess. If you don’t toe the line or have an opinion as a dude, you must be a woman hater


Literally not talking to you or interacting with you and here you are again, being petty and trying to start a fight.

You’re the one who seemingly can’t get over it, since you’re so intent on interacting with me and making up nonsense as usual

Grow up and leave me the hell alone already

Why is that so hard for you?

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Its not like the movie trilogy didnt takes its own liberties. If it followed the book 100% we would lose such memeable/memorable moments as “it only counts as one” or be bogged down by Bombadil during the first movie.

Adaptations actually have to adapt and sometimes change the source material.


Its just the defense mechanism of modern writers/media enthusiasts. You’re an ist-o-phobe if you don’t like bad writing or horribly written characters, or don’t comply with ‘the message’.

Like, I’m very central in my personal beliefs, my partner is a fantastic woman - but because I don’t conform to modern media beliefs, I’ll get thrown into that woman hater crowd. Its whatever really.

Yeah, and its falling on deaf ears. They want to believe what they want to believe.

I’d rather go back to warcraft topics instead now

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Quick note: the little anger speech by Jen at the start of the show? The point is to show she’s better at choking down her anger and surpressing it, not controlling it exactly (if you listen to the examples).

Then the whole arch for that season was basically “sometimes it’s okay to be angry”. We get to the conclusion because Jen throws a fit, after all.

Of course, the show is insufferably smarmy along the way and whatnot, but I’m amazed how many people read that like A) she’s supposed to be right and B) it’s a good thing when the whole rest of the show is basically devoted to showing it’s not.

Carry on.

He didn’t like that all of englands culture is romanik- franko based, he wanted to consider the germanic origin of gb as the real roots of their country

Fair enough point. I don’t really know the finer details of his life. Just the stuff that everyone else generally knows about him :smiley:

And that’s fine, I don’t think anyone actually has a problem with that because Peter Jackson at least had the source material to go off of and made some small but very memorable changes.

Problem with Rings of Power is, Amazon isn’t even allowed to use the Second Age material, just the appendices so they’re completely making stuff up that never actually happened.

(And I do love the movies. The extended versions are, funnily enough, pretty close to the book as it added a lot more stuff)

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Between the Finnavara and the older Arthurian stuff, England’s not bad off for myths.

But you have to REALLY like long lists and repeating lineages.

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I’m surprised WoW hasn’t tried exploring old (I mean actually old, not the"Rome is around" era when the rulers were actually Greeks RPing as Egyptians) Egypt outside of trashy memes or pre-Islam Middle-eastern culture. Ripping off old British myths seems as inevitable as the tide.

I wish we got a fantasy setting not in european medieval setting but ancient middle east.

Like egypte babylon and etc… black egyptian elves with dark and gold costume design seems so cool.

They could do a bronze age collapse but make it a fantasy.
But instead they did a generic fantasy with Tolkien without actually using anything that made tolkien to tolkien.

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Treasures of Turan?

Elder scrolls redguard.


I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights Historical

From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical

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The problem is that there aren’t currently any blockbuster established settings that draw on middle eastern lore, and the folks with the money are all too scared to take a chance on a new IP.

The closest thing we have is probably Prince of Persia. They tried making a movie of it, but it didn’t do well enough to become a whole franchise—which I think is too bad, because I liked the movie.

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She-Hulk seemed to capture the essence of the John Byrne run well enough for me. Allowing for the needed differences between comic books and television.

She-hulk was awful and a complete break from the comic books.

I disagree. I thought it was funny. Especially how it made fun of the online trolls who hated the show for no apparent reason

Hating on your potential audience is a bad business practice which is way the show flopped.