Lack of Male leaders in WoW

Delicate flower… how exactly did Aragorn fair against a cave troll 1 on 1? Oh wait, never happened and he needed an entire party of mighty warriors + hobbits to kill it.

I disagree. I want Tolkiens lore to be told faithfully, including the character of Galadriel, along with everything else the Amazon showrunners completely ruined.


Don’t watch it then.

Jaina literally got one dungeon you are mentioning when the whole entire expansion was mostly centered on the males. her storyline was finding out the man she loved was no longer the man he once was. That was IT. Name something else she did other than cry over a man that moved on from her?? She literally isn’t even mentioned again until Theramore gets blown up and everyone calls her a dreadlord.

While I haven’t seen the show, and take it for what it is. Fanfiction by the writers of the show, since they don’t permission to use any of Tolkiens lore for the show, Galadriel was a lot wiser in the books if I recall.

Though it’s been a awhile since I actually read the books.

But my biggest complaint I guess would be is that there’s no way she’d be in love with Sauron, let alone ignore all the red flags the guy was throwing around when he first landed in Middle Earth

I also don’t mind the show deviating because none of it’s officially cannon anyway, so if people like the show, good for them. Doesn’t effect me one way or another, as I can always read the books and enjoy how the characters actually are.

Oh yeah very much so. On top of being supremely intelligent, she also had the ability to see beings for what they truly were.

Which is why she never fell for the Bringer of Gifts (Sauron), and was why she knew immediately after the One Ring was forged, what Sauron was up to and vowed to never wear it again, along with the other 2 elven lords.

She was never so brash as the show portrayed and treated others with empathy. Thats in the books & lore.

Acceptable to a certain degree because they only have rights to the appendices, but the problem is they started to merge their fan fiction with real canon.

Galadriels husband, for example, never died and there was none of this shipping Sauron business. She kinda knew who Sauron was from the jump, and she was a faithful wife with a living husband for thousands of years


I think the biggest issue is people are treating this show as actual cannon and are going to be supremely confused if they actually read the Similarion, which is what the show is based off of.

Galadriel was ruined in the show and that’s kind of sad, because like said, in the book she was this smart, powerful and overall awesome woman.

But the show turned her into this brash and foolish girl who can’t seemingly think for herself without a man telling her why she’s acting dumb.

Funny how Tolkien knew how to write a strong and intelligent woman, but modern society turned her into a glorified fool

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I do find the show boring but pretty, its nice to look at but it doesn’t evoke any thought or emotion in me. Characters die and show up and I could hardly care. And I blame the writers for wasting all this money and the characters on these dumb plots and simplistic character arcs.

Accomplishment with the “I win button” powers and its something done unto her. I think that is the issue of Galadriel and Jennifer. They are arrogant and narcissistic, which translates to the world owes them something and if people and character go against them then at best they are short-sighted fools or some villain put on their path.

Any show that puts an arrogant narcissist as their main protagonist has to frame it properly. Like Tony Soprano, he was the protagonist, but there was no ambiguity that he was a terrible person. Walter White started as a naive scientist and in the end he admitted all he did was for himself and he used his family as an excuse.

He was the villain and the show recognized that. RoP is oblivious to the character they have created and we are watching characters who think the world owes them a favor not give them everything they want on a silver platter.

Arcane on the other hand earned every bit of it. Watching She Hulk made me cringe and watching RoP made me roll my eyes or bored me to death with constantly adding characters I could not be bothered to care about.

I am not a LOTR expert and I don’t think you need to be to appreciate a good show. If a character has always been super intelligent and wise that would boring. I am fine with Galadriel failing and or being stupid but as long as it leads to either consequences or lessons learned. Having a dead faced character with barely any human emotions going from being right all the time to always right all the time until some foolish people get in her way is not a compelling story for me.

its just boring.

I haven’t watched it (and won’t) but I’m told that Isildur is in it, and a contemporary of Celebrimbor.

In the actual story, Isildur was born 1500 years after Celebrimbor died.

It’s like doing a show about ancient Rome, and Caesar is hanging out with Genghis Khan or Leonardo da Vinci.


Not only is this in it, but trust me, you don’t want to know how they handle the character of Isildur.


Probably not.

People who don’t know the story will think it’s just nit-picking. This isn’t nit-picking, the creators are just showing a complete disregard for even the fundamentals of the stories.

It’s like they were given a list of names scrawled in crayon on a napkin, and told “you can do WHATEVER YOU WANT with these”.


I think the people who love this show, actually never read the source material it’s based on. Else they would be upset like most Tolkien fans are.

It’s a really bad show from what I read from critics and reviews of the show


I think the same anger you have for Galadriel mirrors your hatred of Sylvanas in a lot of ways. I am just trying to rationalize why. I could understand the hatred for Sylvanas because she’s a villian and it sucks when a villain wins. but Galadriel is a hero, shouldn’t she win? Who is losing in this scenario? Sauron? isn’t he the bad guy?

Grevius make it sounds like the audience looses for accepting that she is strong, or more skilled than men. There’s a name for that, emasculation. But emasculation is only dependant on masculinity as being protrayed as being stronger or better than women or at the expense of women.

I think they “like” it because other people don’t like it.

Same reason people on these forums “liked” Shadowlands’ covenant restrictions (which screwed them just as much as everyone else), simply because other people hated them and they wanted some schadenfreude.


That’s true. But all I know is, poor Tolkien would be rolling in his grave in sadness if he saw what Amazon did to his baby.

One of the greatest books ever written. Ruined by a bunch of upstarts with no knowledge of Tolkiens work

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Hatred is a strong word for galadriel, she just annoys me. Sylvanas hate is equal part annoy and hate for what she as a character has caused to a story I was very vested in.

She is a badly written character’s who’s sole purpose seems to be good and correct and if anything goes against what she wants then the story frames that as inherently bad.

I am going to use your interpretation here. In the Arcane show, who could beat Vi? Who could beat Jinx? Who did they need to “emasculate” to be strong female characters?

I agree with you that Arcane is a perfect example of what to do. So you have me on that one. But lets go back to your three show example. What’s more emasculating? Galadriel having better swordsmanship than a handful of Numinor teens who have never seen battle? or Jennifer who tells Bruce that she’s able to control the Hulk better than him because she’s a woman and has dealt with misogyny all her life, and she’s better than men at not reacting to anger.

Taken out of context & misconstrued again.

The character was more intelligent than men and most elves for that matter. Had leadership qualities. Her strength was different from physical but very strong nonetheless.

She was not physically dominant over Numenorians. She was not how this garbage portrayed her as being dominant in every concievable way. She was not physically stronger than an ice troll 1 on 1.

You seem to equate strong women to the infallible powerhouses presented by modern media.

I would answer your question with my own.

Which female character did Aragorn need to put her place to be a strong man? Repeat this for any marvel character from Ironman to Captain America.
There is this bad mindset in female led movies that they think this is a competition, that for one to rise the other needs to fall. Its just inherently toxic.

And the most infuriating thing for me was when Galadriel single-handedly is destroying the ice troll that all her fellow elves fall over each other to try to kill. I think that scene where Jennifer is womansplaining to Bruce why she is better than him at controlling her anger was the writers trying to have it both ways and in the end Jennifer did apologize to Bruce but I think the writers could have leaned in much harder on Jennifer for not knowing what she was talking about.

This is what I mean when I say these sort of writers make things into a competition.
Anyway at least House of the Dragon is good… i hope the modders for CK3 finish their Game of Thrones mod real soon. I am sucker for medieval political drama.

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And yet you still hate her. The thing about Sauron is he’s a literal bum off the street and still being protrayed as a desireable man, and then by contrast you have this “perfect” women and she’s universally hated. It really makes me wonder if men like women at all. Nothing seems to be good enough.

Even “perfection” is not good enough for the male gaze.

I’m just resigned it to the fact that maybe this show was not written for the male gaze at all. maybe both Sauron and Galadriel are written for the female gaze only.

Wrong again.

The character in the novels was excellent.

The RoP version of Galadriel is not faithful and complete garbage, and yes, I very much dislike this fan fiction version of her.