Lack of Male leaders in WoW

This is a great way to get the thread locked. Which, frankly, I am in favor of.


I think it is just easier for people to think in quantity versus quality.

When I think of Warcraft/Old Wow, prominent female characters do come to mind. Jaina, Sylvanas, and Tyrande are classic Warcraft as much as Thrall and Arthas. The craziest part is that they were very likable.

Today, it seems to be surface level. Easier to just remove male character, insert female character.

Also, shoutout to Yrel for being modern Wow’s first generation of new female heroes to get the villain bat. I enjoyed watching her character arc go from zero to hero and it to be thrown away.

Ironically, I think she reflects this quantity vs quality sentiment as well. The light is now authoritarian? Quickly use Yrel to show that.

The authoritarian behavior of Light based leaders goes all the way back to the Second War. Remember that when you first find Tirion Fiordrigg that he wasn’t a Paladin at the time? He had been stripped of his status during the Second War. Reason… for being honorable to Eltrigg. Uther felt that orcs were fit only for extermination and that was what the Silver Hand was originally created to do. He banished Tirion for what he considered a betrayal of the Paladin order.

Light is aligned with order which means that the potential for authoritarian behavior is baked into any light-based entity.

Warcraft has had lots of dualistic conflicts from its very beginning as Orcs vs. Humans. It’s never been Good Vs. Evil though because you’ve always been able to find both on any side of a Warcraft conflict.

You are totally right, but I mean on a cosmic scale. Yrel’s lightbound adventures were tied to the intervention of cosmic forces rather than interpretation of doctrine.

Moral ambiguity existing in mortals isn’t the same as cosmic ambiguity. And there is an unspoken trend of villainous light leaders becoming pawns of darker forces.

It seems the more authoritarian and zealous one becomes the more they get manipulated and turn their back on the light.

They are, but when the OP has been proven to have flat out lied about some of his ‘examples’ to the point that for one of them, they even acknowledged that it is false but still maintained it as an example…

I mean they think that Stormwind doesn’t have a leader. Since they believe that Anduin never became King of Stormwind while also ignoring that Turalyon is now Regent of SW in Anduins absence.


More like the audience is ALOT more diverse now then ever. Using the x-men for example, the 90s animated show did have representation but of the main cast about 6/8 were Caucasians(Storm and relative newcomer Jubilee were the only minorities). And that is considering the x-men were generally suppose to be represent minorities.


More diverse leaders, of all ethnicities, orientation, etc is a good thing. I think people tend to forget PoC and gay people play the game too and want characters to look up to

But that’s me


Agenda first, story second. The writing now is abysmal and the female leadership is a trump card for when people call out bad writing, that’s why by the end of game of thrones there was a little girl in charge of every faction


Oh, thanks mods, another fun gift from the General Discussion forums. Great, love it. I love how it was pointed out multiple times that there are still more men as leaders than women in the game and OP continued to double down about wokeness.

Even going into Dragonflight there are more male leaders of the Flights than females. Hell, we still haven’t had a woman as a primary expansion villain yet (should have been Azshara but she was shoved aside for N’zoth).

Maybe one day wokeness/SJWs/Feminists/insert buzzword here will actually finally destroy gaming so I can stop hearing about it, because it’s been like a decade at this point.


Decades ago:

“What the hell is this? THIS!? ‘Ms PAC-MAN’!? REEEEEEEEEE! REEEEEEEEEEEE!”


Remember, kids, if it’s a development that matches your preconceived notions, it’s “good story telling” and “natural.” “Just common sense”.

But if it’s not, it’s “pandering” and “souless box checking.” Maybe even “the writer bowing to market pressures”.


Yessir, I am way more tilted about Malfurions fate than I thought I was gonna be, not only did they nerf the heck outta him over time, they wrote one of the most powerful ‘mortals’ and leader of an entire faction into irrelevance to make way for … ‘muh queen’

What it is, is a sign of the times and a AAA company cashing in on the latest hollywood media trends.

They aren’t doing it for any other reason than that.

Oddly enough, characters like Tyrande and Sylvanas were written much better before Danuser and modern media inspired writers took hold.

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I think the bigger issue is that what few male leaders we do have are portrayed as dumbies across the board.
They don’t have a single good idea between them.

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welcome to what gender inequality feels like. Now you know what being the “female sidekick” or the “damsel in distress” has felt like for female characters for the last 30+ years in gaming.

oh, it’s you again.

And you are one of those people.

When did Xmen sell better in the 90s or now?

He still very allowed to hold that option and isn’t (insert insult) for having it. His main point is that most of the strong male leads have been killed off and replaced with a female which wouldn’t even be an issue if the writers weren’t trash at writing a good character.

I mean look at all these replies all they seem care about are boxes being checked than a well written character and that is a shame. What should draw someone to a character is their personality and ideals and not something as superficial as their looks. Again a well written character will make you like them despite their appearance.

Example one of someone that never cracked open a good fantasy novel, comic or a manga.


I’ve been in nerd fandoms all my life. I have read the same books, comics, watched the same shows and movies and played the same games as you. They just were never written for me as a primary audience.

What you are experiencing is loss of being the primary focus. You have a taste of what it’s like not to be represented in your favorite stories in fiction.

Welcome to the club. This is what loss of privilege or underprivilege feels like.

Who are you?

Oohhhhh you’re the one who pretended to know about LotR without actually knowing anything about Galadriel thats right haha.

Someone who knows and appreciates good writing and who can discern it from modern sludge? Indeed I am.


Utter BS and demonstrably false. I guess Lara Croft is a Damsel and a side kick. Same as Ellen Ripley. Same as Sarah Conor.

The difference is back then, they were written well and being female wasn’t the only dimension of their character.

Get out of here with this nonsense.