Lack of Male leaders in WoW

I admittedly never gave it that much thought. I tend to enjoy good/cool characters regardless of their sex.

Maybe I’m just in the minority

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It’ll be pant-suits with shoulder pads.

Yeah was just agreeing with you and telling a couple of examples where diversity purely for diversitys sake is causing real issues when put ahead of all else.

Your 13th doctor example also raises another issue that’s coming out of this mindset. Not so much exactly with Dr Who because the Doctor has an established lore reason why he/she could suddenly become a completely different race or gender, so it’s fine for the Doctor, but the example reminds me of how one of the latest trends is to rebrand and diversify established characters.

The upcoming Velma series is a pretty big example, really. The Scooby Doo cast are long established and beloved characters, and now this show is rebranding them all. Shaggy is black, Daphne is asian, Velma is east aaian, and Fred, well, Fred remains white but is being heavily emasculated, which is another yet trope forming out of this diversification movement, make the white male pathetic.

Once again I have no issue at all with diversification, but changing established beloved characters is a real issue. I would much prefer new characters be made (provided, of course, that they make sense as a character and aren’t just forced inserts for tokenism), like how instead of making Peter Parker black, they introduced Miles Morales. Miles may have started on rocky ground iirc but he’s come to be his own established and beloved character. And that’s how it should be.

It’s really becoming a serious issue where diversity is being put above everything else. Yeah, it’s great that people are being represented, but when all the actual important things like story, writing, the actual person’s skill and competency etc becomes an afterthought, it becomes more harmful than good.

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To be fair, Rastakhan was introduced way back in Vanilla, just as a name drop, really, but the Zandalar trolls that were sent to deal with the Hakkar situation established that Rastakhan was their king, and a very important character amongst Trolls in general, to boot.

Then in Cataclysm more was revealed about him, though it wasn’t really looking like he was a great leader even then. Zul was rocking the boat about how Zandalar was going to sink beneath the waves because of Deathwing, and there was evidence that it was true (even if inevitably it ended up being untrue). He kept pestering Rastakhan about how the Zandalari need to go out and reclaim their old empire before it was too late, but Rastakhan kept refusing. Good for him and all, but the bad thing is that to shut Zul up, he ended up giving Zul a fleet to go out and prove himself. Hence why ZA and ZG got rebranded into dungeons with some Zandalari influence; they were part of Zuls schemes.

Then in MoP Zul went full blown traitor, resurrecting the Thunder King against Rastakhans orders. What did Rastakhan do about it? Nothing. What did Rastakhan do about Zul when we defeated his expedition alongside Lei Shen? Took Zul back in under his wing as a trusted advisor again.

So yeah, Rastakhan has been around for a long time, but unfortunately his poor leadership qualities have been gradually becoming more and more evident with every lore drop. So his ultimate demise wasn’t really that surprising. Still, it was an awful shame to finally meet the most important Troll in the world, finally start to get to know him, then 5 minutes later see him get killed off in a very contrived way (the Alliance killing him off still feels very random and not thought through, when just crippling the Zandalari fleet was all the Alliance needed to do to get their naval advantage, while also not putting a known ally of the Horde in charge of Zandalar…)

Locke was talking in what people believed should be the basis for a value system. Thomas Jefferson believed in what Locke said which is why he wrote it in the Declaration of Independence.

But I’m curious as to what you said about Locke not believing what he said just wanting to protect his investments. Do you have a source on that?

There is a multiverse of Scooby Doos. I just considering whatever Velma will be to just be another one of those multiverse.

It worked for Jellystone. Most characters in long established shows/movies/games are more archetypes/flexible enough to change.

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Anduin took his place as King. That is what his arc in legion was about. The recent events in Shadowlands has him take a leave of absence. So now Stormwind is ruled by Turalyon as Regent. Who is a male (so why did you even bring this up as an example)

Daelin was killed in WC3: TFT. His eldest son was killed in WC2: RoC, his second son was MIA for who knows how long (and was considered non-canon until BFA) and Jaina was seen as a traitor due to her involvement in her fathers death. Hence why Kathraine took over as Lord Admiral until the events of BFA. Lady Ashvane was never the leader of Kul Tiras, only her House.

Factually false. Prince Renethal, a male Venthyr (and the very first) took over as the leader of a council following Denathrius being dethroned. The fact that you even acknowledged this WHILE still claiming that every covenant is led by a female character makes me think that

is false.

Sidenote: I see Blizzard has dumped yet another GD troll thread into the Story Forums.


I want to go back to the good old orc days
new orc warchief please.

i can unravel your whole post with one question… Why can’t you look up to a woman?

Why can’t you separate character/qualities from gender? Why can’t you look up to the female characters?


As the current writers retcon those who came before them, so can their successors retcon what they wrote.

Not to mention Rezan.

And the Loa in general. Every time we met a new Loa I just thought, “Gee, I wonder how Blizzard will kill this one off.”

BfA in general was just a slaughter of Horde and Horde-aligned NPC’s.

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Inb4 someone brings up how it opened with a slaughter of Alliance NPCs. :smiley: But yeah, I know what you mean.

I’m still trying to understand what moron at Actiblizzard decided that Calia should be written in as a horde leader honestly what the heck did the horde do to help her? The only thing they did was murder her and raised a long dead Derek Proudmoore forcing undeath upon him. But now they just jump to the other team for reasons. :roll_eyes:

If you consider the new Fred to be “emasculated” then you remember a far different Fred than I do who was little more than a pretty face. Fred’s main contribution in the original series was being the guy who owned and drove the Mystery Machine

I always thought of Shaggy back then as “White Afro dude”

Did you have the same problem with Samuel L. Jackson being the new Nick Fury? When Marvel created Ultimate Fury as a black man they were inspired by Jackson in the first place. Life begats Art which then begats Life. He remains one of the most popular figures in the MCU.

It’s more of a matter of media discovering that there are other than white folk in the audience in an increasingly diversifying viewing population. People used to a virtually all white media world are undergoing a painful adjustment.


Please stop sending these trash incel threads here. Better yet, delete them please.


People are allowed to have a different opinion than your own and coming here throwing insults is childish.

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Luke Cage
Black Panther
War machine
Nick Fury
Night Thrasher
Brother Voodo/Doctor Voodoo

All these characters are before these modern writers where even born so no it’s not like they just discovered a new audience all of the sudden.

Oh, it’s you again.

You called me names cause I was against your ableism lol. No surprise you also have incel views.

Oh look another buzz word. Right and you also reported me for it. So your a hypocrite than?

He might not have contributed much but at least he was confident in what little he did. The new Fred? Not so much…

Shaggys hair is a LOT closer to a bowlcut than it is an afro… can’t imagine what you think an afro looks like. Also making Shaggy black is borderline racial stereotyping ironically, because he’s the one that is most like a stoner…

It happened early enough that it wasn’t part of the mass mainstream diversity movement, and Samuel L Jackson is a godly actor, so no, I didn’t have issue then. If it happened more recently I’d probably be a bit bothered… but honestly not for long because NO ONE hires Sammy because he’s black. They hire Sammy because he’s just so damn good at what he does, he’ll make it work. Sounds hypocritical, maybe? But if a character is going to be recast to a different ethnicity, then I’ll feel better about it if they actually do it in a way that works really well. Which, most of the time, they don’t.

Nah, that’s not it at all. I mean, yeah, in some cases it is, and I welcome diverse castings when they’re good actors with chemistry with each other, and are written well and in a way that makes sense. But a large amount of the time, they really aren’t. Whether it’s bad acting, bad writing, or bad casting decisions on actors that plain do not fit with the writing… it can become VERY apparent when the casting was more based on diversity than on actually getting the right people for the job.

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