Lack of Male leaders in WoW

I’m in the same boat. I like Talanji, I think she’s a good character. Rastakhan was done dirty though, and it’s a damn shame to have wasted his character the way they did.

Honestly, I DM for a few DnD groups and I have a tendency to make more female NPCs than anything else. It is something I realized while ago, when there was a large war campaign story arch, and many of the NPC allies the party has met along the way were together.

And the vast majority of them were women. In a way, it felt like some modern day, cheap Disney pandering the way all these powerful, female NPCs came together to help the party kick butt. But it really wasn’t my intention.

I just like ladies, you know. They are pretty. :point_right: :point_left:

She fills the role in most of the missions relating to them though. Turalyon is more about humanity and the alliance as a whole these days. But ill concede your point.

He is still a leader with a spotlight on him though. Plus i believe he is on the Hordes leading council, the book definitely implied that.

The horde made it weird with the whole council thing because anyone on the council can be considered a leader.

Couldnt agree with you more.

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The age of Leeroy Jenkins is nigh

I guessed this was a GD thread that was moved to the Story Forum before I clicked on it. The titles have a certain quality to them.

I feel like Rastakhan as characterized in BfA was too bombastic to slide into the Horde’s character roster. It’s hard to picture this larger than life god king submitting to a warchief or even regarding his peers on a (then-hypothetical) council as equals.

But yeah, we all knew the poor guy was doomed the moment his daughter was revealed.

I’m gonna say I don’t think Rastakahn counts. His name alone was pretty…on the nose. And he died in the same expansion he was introduced in, so who cares?

Varian was replaced with another male. And it sounds like Anduin is also being replaced with another male.

Daelin shouldn’t count either; he was already dead. There should be a statute of limitations on this.

I’m sorry but this whole argument feels like it’s really reaching. There is no some “woke” agenda; I wouldn’t even say Blizzard is trying to make more representation. It just so happens that leaders need to do things and that sometimes involves leaving their seat of power, or changing to a new one.


He broke a lamp, a salty 4 year old on fortnite can do that.

I have fond memories of wearing those cheap paper crowns at Burger King when I was a little kid, and Shadowlands went and disrespected all that, how dare they!

I understand where OP is coming from but the time to complain about this would’ve been in Legion or BFA. It was obvious then that they were going all in on having female leaders, though as shown above the Shadowlands has three male leaders and two female leaders. The leaders in Dragonflight are the dragonflights, which is currently the same number though we’ll see if this changes. We don’t know who will replace Nozdormu if he becomes Murozond. Though I think Blizzard has handled the leaders well for the most part.

i know the pain
if need a laugh watch the video captain grim

Maybe they should have gone full-blown and named him Ganjahashkhan. That might make him too awesome for them to kill off though.

Vol’jin is proof that it doesn’t matter how awesome a Troll is. All that matters is the senior developers who hate Trolls.


I feel like Zul’jin was already proof enough for that.


He served as Warchief for a remarkably short amount of time, and did really nothing while doing so. Then he was killed by shrapnel basically…

The only reason they’ve been bringing in more female leaders lately is because it was hugely imbalanced in the other direction before. There are still slightly more male leaders than female ones, depending on whether you count Alleria or Umbric as the leader of the Void Elves.


Could it be because we had more male leaders in the first place? Just look at the EK/Kalimdor loading screen. We have only Tyrande/Sylvanas as female leaders.

Alliance has 6 male leaders as oppose to 2 core race female leaders(and one of them is the neutral Pandaren one), and 4 allied race leaders(and that is me squinting my eyes to consider Alleria/Fareeya as the official leaders for their race)

Horde: has 6 male core race leaders(including pandaren) while it has 2 council like races(Forsaken/Vulpera) and 4 female lead allied races.

Of the five dragonflights, 3 are/were lead by male characters. As of DF, there are two male black dragons fighting for the throne. So you are alread incorrect in your assumption.


Collective repsonse from: Thrall, Baine, Greymane, Turalyon, Anduin, Lorthe’mar, Shaw, and a whole bunch of male guys who survived both BFA and Shadowlands.


I was gonna make the same post and say well I guess insert long list of male characters are chopped liver.

If every movie, show, video game and their mothers weren’t doing the same thing it’d be okay imo. Oh well gotta roll with the times. If they’re doing this they better make Jaina a dreadlord.