Lack of gear is starting to demotivate me

With your words, you just proved you are just a Whining Troll since if you had looked at his stats you’d profile shutup!

Which is something a LOT of us said. What were we met with? Well, the requisite “bruh, there’s wayyyyyy too much, youre dumb af”… It’s always easier to sell off what you dont want/need than to try and gt something you cant.

Me personally, now, i say i dont care…screw em, this is what they wanted so wallow in it.

The gears might be a lie, an illusion, but it’s there… just around the corner - and it keeps you going

Personal loot and bosses dropping loot is so archaic and leads to so much dissatisfaction unevenly distributing wealth (gear) based on RNG.

It’s 2020 folks, we aren’t in MMO 1999 mode anymore. Just place all gear on vendors. Mythic+, Raid Gear, all of it.

For every mythic+ or raid boss you down, you gain a currency. You use that currency to selectively and strategically plan and purchase your upgrades in a steady linear manner that rewards for effort invested, not LUCK. Maybe give a bonus amount for completing the key in time or finishing a complete raid. I mean, PVP has been this way for ages. Why can’t PVE have the same kind of currency systems??

Is this a hard concept Blizzard to finally understand your player base hasn’t liked randomized gear since around 2009 or so.

Last week I farmed 10 mythic+ two of the 3 choices I was offered were garbage and clearly not generated based on my current spec. The third was barely an upgrade. Why would I need garbage beast mastery gear if I completed the mythics as MM?

This is another example of RNG. It’s idiocy. Blizzard always has some really good ideas (great vault is a great idea) but they always ruin the great ideas with lame stuff like RNG. It’s like torghast, great idea lots of potential to have it for solo players to do hard level stuff (hard not IMPOSSIBLE) and get gear similar to mythics if they prefer playing alone. No… Instead we get torghast for one single purpose. Soul ash that for some people is almost pointless now cause we have enough for our legendaries. You made a whole game within a game just for one piece of gear. Dumb.

Instead put an option in great vault to select your specialization and generate loot choices based off that.



  1. Normal, heroic, and m0 dungeons are perfectly fine
  2. Lfr is even more tourist mode so loot doesnt need to be there.
  3. M+ dungeons drops are really bad right now
  4. Normal nath raid is really bad as well
  5. Idk about heroic/mythic.
  6. The vault is better than the bfa chest b.c options
  7. But i would much prefer them bringing back justice point system.

Most people were not in full epics until several tiers later. Raids, rated PvP and the last boss of heroic dungeons were the only way to get epics outside of a few crafted ones that were super expensive. It was not until Sunwell released that they added the Justice point vendors. So it took months to get full epics even in a raiding guild downing stuff.

Raids were tough back then compared to now, there was no normal or LFR. It was one level of difficulty and only something like 10% of the player base was completing them hence why Blizzard evolved raiding later in Wrath. Heroic dungeons likewise were not easy with no group finder either. \

There was no bad luck protection either. Even in Wrath and Cata took a while to get into full epics at the start of the xpacs, but it was definitely faster than BC.

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Right, because that would definitely change the number of pieces dropping.

The issue is that anyone is stepping out of the dungeon without loot, not that we can’t directly control which person gets nothing for their time.

Why shouldn’t lfr have loot? Saying loot shouldn’t be in lfr makes no sense.

Sorry but the current Vault System is fantastic at addressing the loot issues from BfA! Players expect to get full BiS in 3 weeks, but this makes loot feel less valuable when you do get it! Remember, we’re still very early into the expansion but overtime the Vault guarantees an iLevel upgrade simply for playing the game so over time you will get all the gear you want!

He is letting gear be gear, which means no titanforging and stuff, which means wayyyyyy less gear in this game.

I disagree on them being tougher than they are now. Honestly, mechanics wise they’re tougher now than they were then. The reason they were tough then was because the amount of information you could obtain was a lot less, plus people had some really bad PCs. You ever try raiding at 5 FPS? It’s a very terrible experience, though if that’s all you know, you don’t know it’s a bad experience.

Also you had 40 people trying to gear up vs 10-30 now, getting 2 pieces of loot per boss it took time.


Huh. That’s interesting. I seem to remember regular, fun rewards and gear upgrades from vanilla through MoP. No titanforging and also never spending hours feeling I didn’t progress in any way.

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Gear currency would be awesome imo.

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While there’s no denying gearing up has been slower, I’ve been enjoying it and not having too much of a problem with drops.

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You might have been one of the very few lucky ones, then, as this same feeling persisted for a lot of players during those times. The ones who did not get the gear.

I prefer the warforging/titanforging being a thing, though, as I’m not as altruistic as a lot of people. If something doesn’t or isn’t going to benefit me doing it, I’m not or don’t want to do it even if it’s going to help a guildie out.

Example; back in Legion with the titanforging stuff I did not mind going to run older raiders like EN while ToV or the Nighthold were out. During the next tier I did not mind going backwards a few tiers because “chances of upgrades” were always a possibility. I did not mind running guildies through things to help them get geared up because there was always a chance I could get something, too.

Now? If I got asked to run something for someone and there’s 0 upgrades in it for me I just can’t and won’t be bothered with it. I’m not an altruistic person, I won’t do things just for the sake of being nice. If there’s nothing in it outside of the kindness of my heart of helping someone, I’m just not gonna bother with it. I slugged through things on my own, others can too.

Does this make me a bad person? Probably, sure one could look at it that way, but I just don’t care to help out others just for the sake of helping out others. My time is more valuable than that. I think a good bit of the community might end up being this way, too and as a result the gearing process will probably end up a lot more sluggish because there’s less overgeared players helping others to get through content faster/better.

In Legion I didn’t mind doing a bunch of +2-3s if I were overgeared for them cause chance at titanforge. Without it? Not happening at all.


Have lost all interest to play. Not worth the effort of dealing with toxic groups over and over again to never get any gear.

The dungeons all feel like a variety of 3 or 4 dungeons, and not 8 unique dungeons.

Too many obnoxious trash mechanics in the dungeons. I don’t care if bosses are complicated, but it’s just silly to expect us to learn 10000 different variations of trash. It’s all counter intuitive.

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every grind requires a certain amount of dopamine (i.e. rewards) to close the loop on the hamster wheel

saying when you aren’t getting enough loot to make it feel worthwhile is perfect feedback

agree that a fall back currency bad luck protection vendor would be nice

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Oh dude I was in nathria. Sure it was only lfr but still. The final boss of the first wing was ridiculously stupid. The amount of mechanics on her was completely unnecessary. Usually after seeing a raid on a dps I’d want to bring my healers than tanks but after seeing nathria I just do not want to deal with the nonsense that is nathria with anything but a dps and even then not so much.

Yup. I ran tons of m+ in bfa but this expansion the lack of loot from m+ is just demotivating.

I log on ready to do some m+, then think about the 20 or 40% chance at loot (and usually not even in a slot I want) then just log off and not bother. Will let my sub run out in 18 days or so instead of renewing.

Sometimes I actually get the motivation to run a m+ and then I get 35 anima and a conduit for offspec that I dont play and that keeps me away from the game for a couple of days


The one thing that really blows my mind is that Blizzard really thought gear rewarded from vendors that only goes up to 180 was helpful? Am I think only one who think world quest gear and vendor gear is pointless? I mean it’ll be nice to get free matts from world quests for enchanting I guess… But it really doesn’t help at all unless you’re very very slow to gear up and/or don’t do Mythic0 or raiding at all. Because the time you finally can buy it or get it you likely already have better than what it offers. And what’s even more mind boggling is that it really is only relevant for the first patch right? I don’t get it.