Lack of empathy

OP was flagged why? Really, that many want the AI takeover ooook

“posting to look like I care virtue signaler”

Let’s be real deep down you know nobody cares nor do you actually because it doesn’t effect you. You throwing this into the void to make yourself feel better as if you’ve accomplished something is all you really want.

It doesn’t matter what anyone’s opinion is on this is, it’s done, they are laid off. That’s how it goes, that’s just business. How we feel about it is completely pointless.

People are fired or laid of all the time, should we hold a cry party for them? No? Then why is one an exception? Long as the product is still fun you will play it anyway.

Want to speak out against it then quit the blizzard games and go elsewhere. Complaining about this while still supporting the company is hollow faux caring.


You have a rancid outlook that’s ok, that’s on you.

"“nor do you actually because it doesn’t effect you”

Found it.

wakes up sleepily

Good morning.

It’s a forum, people speak. You’re also posting your opinions as if you speak for all, highly annoying individual.

Let’s be honest, these people laid off by Blizzard are probably not going to end up being the grocery store’s local bag boy.

They’ve got a valuable skill set at what is probably still considered a “reputable” company by people in the field. And they probably have built up connections during their tenure that may be willing to throw them a bone and offer something within the same field in a state that just has money to throw away because literally everything is obscenely overpriced.

Most of those people are either going to bounce back or simplify to make their lives work out. Does it suck that anyone has to do so? Sure. But that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

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Nah that’s just reality.

Do you make a post about the cashier loosing their job with a house of kids making below average of income?

You still playing the game? Maybe donate to the people who got dropped if you really care.

Posting about it and screaming your opinion about it doesn’t do anything.

Welcome to humanities entire existence. People loose a job daily. No point crying over it, fix the bad business practices by not supporting those companies.

If you’re gonna complain yet still buy what they sell you’re virtue signalling and nothing more.

Also what above said. They have more options now. Better places then where they were.

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I’ve yet to see a pro-layoff post. If there are people who are happy nearly 2000 people are now unemployed, they very much are in the minority. Have some sense before you post this type of nonsense.

Hyperbole that’s irrelevant. You do you, but I will never be told thinking about others is bad LOL.

Yeah, but neither does posting about what anyone else posts about either. None of this really matters. So why should anyone post here. :smile:

Just pointing out the uselessness of it all when you really look at it. Damn… now I just realized nothing really matters. goes back to bed

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And so is telling your feelings in a gaming forums but I digress. Reality is what it is and after a few days you won’t care and will be back to the usual. :slight_smile:


Ah so you’re some sage. Tell us the lottery numbers next that will happen.

it sucks but i mean what can we do? hope they find another job.
world is super tough these days. its not easy never has been tho.

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It’s not pro anything just saying it won’t matter because in a few days you’ll be back to the same old same. People have short attention span it’s just the new drama.

Speak with your wallet that’s how business works. They have plenty of experience and opportunities. It sucks to lose a job but saying others need to feel bad because OP does it’s just as I said, virtue signaling a “How dare you!”
And really why should I care? It doesn’t effect me and I will still play so it’s a “well sucks for them, anyway back to life until the next drama”. Is all I see it as.

The top issue is this happened from corporate greed and they got ate up.

Ah I can feel the seethe from the screen. You should probably review human psychology. Snarky quips don’t change facts or reality. You’ll be over it in a week.

There is no seethe, I’m having my coffee. Want some?

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Got my own made by my partner, but thank you kindly.:coffee:

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And really I don’t mean to come off as hateful or cold it’s just how I’ve seen the Internet be since the multitude of blizzard layoffs. It happens over and over I’ve just become I guess indifferent to it or jaded with how I seen it always goes.

It’s usually just a bunch of saber rattling. Sorry to come off as a sassy pants… definitely need this coffee :dracthyr_tea:

It’s cool. I don’t mind others’ opinions, sorry if I snarked too lol.

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