Lack of empathy

All good all good. Been a weird week. Tbh I blame a coming birthday. Another year making me closer to telling everyone to get off my lawn D:<

Lol. All the same though happy gaming Dreamer!

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Losing a job sucks but it isn’t a tragedy to fret over for someone else’s sake. There isn’t much one can do about it and “thoughts and prayers” posts accomplish just about the same amount as “Fire X person” posts.

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I believe it’s most people who had bad blizzard CS experiences. It is sort of like a “good for them” feeling since CS wasn’t there for the customer when they needed them.

This topic has been quite common today.

Okay I’ll bite, in all seriousness, I did study a few IT courses back in the day, I had planned to go on into cyber security.

At the end of the day though, I am glad that my career didn’t head in that direction, it seemed the Universe had different plans for me.

The reason I am glad that it didn’t go that way, is because I feel that politics has bled into the IT field a little bit, not that it’s a bad thing when it’s good progressive politics, but there’s good progressive stuff and bad progressive stuff, the bad stuff is all the censorship and whatnot that I am not a fan of, I am not a huge fan of corporate censorship either, I do understand that the internet can enable populist politicians and leaders to spread some of their nonsense, but at the same point, I do think censorship goes too far,

Btw, the reason I didn’t go any further in IT is because by the time I finished the course, I did try to volunteer in a place to use IT skills for a bit, but then 2020 and covid happened, and by the time the covid era started to die down in 2022, I was already working in a factory at that point,

Anyway the point is if you lose one job or a job doesn’t work out quite the way you hoped, keep your eye out for other opportunities, you never know what’s around the corner. You might even end up being a boss yourself.


they’re reorganizing

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It has many people who show very little empathy. While I am sorry they got laid off, that’s all I can do. My empathy stops there. My only concern is taking care of my family.


I don’t think it’s uncommon for people to lack empathy for those they’re not directly involved with on a day-to-day basis, or strikes some common chord with them.

I think it’s unfortunate but I don’t think it’s that strange. We build systems designed by greed and climbing above others. From an early age, some mock and/or ostracize others who are different.

It’s enough to make a person cynical.


People really hold too much emotion to strangers losing work.

Does it suck? Yeah.

But I’m not going to fuss over it ~ 'cause they wouldn’t give two cares in the World if I lost my job, struggle paycheck to paycheck…

Guess what, they’ll find work.

You know what I have to do. Struggle still.

There is a homeless epidemic here and I imagine around the globe… and I’m supposed to lose sleep over some who lost a comfy job that can if they wish get another comfy job.

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