Lack of empathy

people got laid off it happens millions of times a year. they will move on. The whole tech segments seems to be trimming the fat rn.

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I’ve been to mental health. When I was medically discharged from the military it was required. I have a clean bill of health. Maybe you are just kinda soft. There are always consequences.


“I felt a great disturbance in the Blizzard Workplace… as if millions of tweets suddenly cried out in terror, and then had their checkmark removed.” -Obi-Wan, probably

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There have been like 6,000 people in the video game industry laid off in 2024 so far… There were 10,000 in all of 2023. I think it’s a mistake to assume that video game execs aren’t going to continue the trend of squeezing the talent out so that their shareholders see number go up.

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Honestly it makes me nervous for my soon-to-be-son-in-law who’s a coder working for a (different) game company. As a coder his skills are very portable and he has a good network, but I keep telling my daughter that even though they’re doing really well financially right now, they have to be prepared for the fact that he has like no long term job stability and that his job or even his entire company could evaporate in an instant.

Game development in general isn’t a career that you can ever be really comfortable making long-term plans in.

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It’s an 8% work force cut, not a blood bath. It happens every day in the world. I hope anyone that loses their job on any day from any company bounces back even better than they had it before. But this doesn’t mean we have to ignore the positives of a needed shake up here. There are negatives too sure. And discussing them is perfectly fine.

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Remove a 0 from that and you are about right.

Laying off 1000 people would mean they are closing their doors, rofl.

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I know what you meant by it, but getting dumped in the fields would be terrifying.

Everywhere you look, all you see is empty fields, no buildings, nothing. You could see a road off in the distance, but it stretches straight from one horizon to the next. No cars drive down it, no turn offs, no homes. Just straight empty road with endless rolling fields on each side. The wind, oh the wind.

You could scream at the top of your lungs…but no human would hear you. You are alone, no cell reception out there, just you and your thoughts.

Start walking, keep walking, dont stop walking. If you see a clump of trees, head for them. Trees are a good wind break and alot of country homes surround themselves with planted trees to keep the strong winds from blowing at the house and farm equipment.

-Albertan, Canada

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True. I must’ve fat fingered it. But my point remains. There have been mass layoffs across the industry. I hope many of these people have other marketable job skills.

they prob sucked as employees i dont need to empathize with them.


Yeah, funny enough, Bungie now has like 300-400 Sony contractors from other studios helping to pump out The Final Shape now lol. Most of their layoffs, similar to Blizzard it would appear, seem to be from jobs like CS.

Not really. Sticks and Stones and all that.

If empathy is given out so easily and freely, the value of it tanks.


Empathy for me is given out on a case by case basis, depending on the person involved.

For example: Allan Adham? I have no empathy at all for him. He left Blizzard to become a finance bro, then came back and tried to destroy the company and all the games. Good riddance.

CS people getting laid off? Yeah…I have a lot of sympathy for them. Working their butts off for low wages, only to be thrown out on the street so they can be outsourced.


Eeyup. If everybody gets it that easily then it becomes worthless.

But I’m aware this is prob just a me thing. Its the spite. I’m aware of it and working on it.

A round of layoffs at any software company is not unexpected in these times. Firstly, there is a broad understanding in the industry now that gigantic software teams are not efficient, at anything, ever. Secondly, AI has become viable at quite a lot of tasks now. Thirdly, there is still some correction to be had for inflated growth projections that were made during the pandemic.

Almost every software company is making their teams leaner, there is a bit of an industry wide purge in progress. The whole learn2code thing wasn’t quite the right track. Not sure what people should be learning to do at this point. Learning to be happy poor? lol


It’s probably a blessing in disguise tbh

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There aren’t that many, they’re a minority. Most people, most adults, know that losing your job is an actual ordeal and have shown support for Blizzard.

I do think it’s kind of interesting that some of the Blizzard shills are actually supporting the lay offs/firings/downsizing.

Either way, they’ll probably be fine in the long run, it just won’t be super easy for a bit.

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Yeah, lets run it back 25 30 years or so !!