Lack of empathy

Even into their 30s and 40s. :smirk:


WoW players celebrating people losing their job thinking it’s gonna make their video game better :skull: I can’t, bruh.


Deanna Troi claimed to only be an empath because she was half human, but she was able to communicate telepathically with her mother and Commander Ryker.

i dont understand these words.
empathy? sympathy? that other one…
words hard. actions better.

Sympathy is where you try to understand some else’s plight, but empathy is where seeing someone else be unhappy makes you unhappy.

Same thing here, and not only that, I had to train the team from India that was replacing me. That was common (I refuse to use “not uncommon”) back in the day.

Took me a whole week to find a new job.

can someone be sympathetic and empathatitc?

It’s not my business who gets laid off in a massive billion dollar company. I owe their employees nothing. I can have empathy in that it sucks to lose your job, but I do not have to support these people in any way.

I’m glad MicroSoft is cleaning house, Blizzard IPs have been destroyed by untalented hack jobs, social activists, and selfish people who want to “put their mark” on this franchise. Hopefully they bring in old school WC1/2/3 purists who will do justice to the WarCraft IP and bring us back into what made this the most popular and insane game ever.


No, if you do both at the same time you reset to factory settings…or take a screen shot I can’t remember.




is that a word?

If Blizzard IPs have been destroyed, then why do I still find them fun to play?


blizzard has been completely awful since insert year i turned 18 whatever happened to great blizzard games like insert wow expansion i played as a kid?


A game can be fun to play, or even enjoyable enough for people to stick around. There’s also people who will like it, and even some people who will accept anything. Profits rise, player counts lower.

Consider that WoW is a 20 year old game in an industry where 5 years is middle aged and 10 years is legacy. Of the thousands of titles we’ve seen over that time there are only a few that old still hanging on.

The fact that player numbers are only down somewhat and gamming magizines still say WoW is the number one MMO is a remarkable accomlishment for Blizzard.

sorry but are you saying wow good?

awful brave to say that on a wow forum.


I found it hard to concentrate on her dialogue when she was onscreen…

Nah, people always get what they deserve. Good riddance. Hopefully they fully clean house. I wont lose even 1 second of sleep over it.


A lot of it was so bad I’d like to see some of Marina’s objections over it. The character was a terrible, incompetent counselor. Guinan was a much better counselor. Nichelle Nichols had a LOT of objections over her dialogue in Star Trek 6 (and she successfully got several changes made - but they refused to change the part where she stumbles through Klingon even though Uhura is actually fluent in Klingon).

Deanna did have a few moments to shine, where she had a reprieve for an episode that was really well written. Thine Own Self is one that comes to mind (but hers was the B plot of the episode).

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You should seek mental help. This is such a deranged take.