Kyrians least voted covenant to play based on poll

mount was cool…

You being pally should know that our mobility ia trash.

Venthyr give us some mobility. And people choose based in or mobility for class or sustained damage overall and kyrian give none

Well duh. Ardenweald always wins. I don’t get that more picked ven’thyr over ardenweald tho.

kyrians have the worst general ability easy. venthyr has probably the best general ability. they need to really do something about them

What’s funny is that it’s almost guaranteed that the Kyrian Steward WILL be required for at least 1 Mythic raid boss in Shadowlands.

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I’m guessing the abilities played a part since the two movement based ability covenants are the highest ranked.

Necrolords aren’t too far ahead of Kyrians, but it could just be preference of aesthetics as well both of the lower ranked two are closer to what we’ve seen a lot of in game already. (Titan and Scourge-like settings). The armor for Venthyr is quite bold looking also.

Personally sticking with the Scourge esque setting and going Necrolords on my main character. Love the look of their plate.

Nightfae > everyone else.

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T R E E H U G G E R S.

No thanks

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I agree. But I could only choose one.
But I will take my monk and warrior to Bastion.
My rogue and warlock will go to Ardenwald.

They are the only covenants for which I will dedicate my time.

The others can rot.
I got tired of dealing with the dark side of the force and pretending that they’re “nice guys”, because Blizzard thinks that’s moraly gray.

kyrians dont interest me at all. story or look or anything. i have a ton of alts, so one of my characters atleast will pick them, but thematically, venthyr and necrolords will be my thing. no interest in night fae either.

The Night Fae speak to the nature nerds in many of us, so that’s where I placed my vote. I’d legit go Kyrian though if their ability wasn’t so lackluster.

If you feel the need to equate the choice of a faction in a video-game to someone’s real-life persona, perhaps you need to join the Kyrians to better yourself.

It’s not about brainwashing. It’s about improving who you are until you’re the best you that you can be.

The wisest one can be, the strongest one can be, the most one can improve their grammar…

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You are exactly the kind of person I want to be far away from as expected of a kyrian player

Except I’m Ardenweld, sugar bear :wink:

Your personality is the exact type that would be sent to bastion, which like I said, people who are chosen to fit to join that place are people I would highly avoid since they are rly rly rly wrong and delusional on so many levels and would say exactly what you said in your previous post.

Okay sugar bear. I’ll visit you in the Maw sometime!

Cause Draenei Fawns. :grin: :goat: :deer:

Kyrians should only be for paladins. The aesthetic just only fits one class, unlike everything else.

Plus they are slavers.





The pure and holy theme is one of the most boring in any fantasy franchise.

Warhammer 40k is the only one that makes it seem cool. Kyrians are boring af.