Kyrians least voted covenant to play based on poll

Why you guys do this, kyrians are the best

This also means blizzard may make them more attractive in the coming beta, so don’t suddenly like kyrians when they do become more attractive in abilities

If you weren’t a kyrian fan then, you’re not one now last minute decision

You made the bed, lie in it


No I’ll submit to my Say’lyn overlords.


It’s all fun and games till they nerf it to help the least populated ones be better

(Speculative): The covenant ability for Kyrians is extremely lack luster, to be honest. I think that might have affected a lot of people’s votes. I know more hate the culture of the Kyrians, stripping away individuality for perfection.


Glad I’m one of the special ones then.

I keep forgetting you are a mechagnome.


kyrian boys best boys

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Keep in mind this poll only had 1700 voters. A tiny tiny fraction compared to the many many more players who aren’t actually here.

It’s just a fun thing for the forums than any kind of accurate stat. And even then it doesn’t matter, it’s not like covenants have to be at an even 25% each. No harm here, kyrians are fine :slight_smile:


Ardeanweald was the only choice for me, I haven’t been a fan of vampires since Twlight. Also, undead abominations are ick, and blue angels are boring.

Night Fae, all the way! :butterfly:



You got that right! Just sit me under some sparkly tree with a hookah like the cat from Alice in Wonderland!!


I won’t go kyrian because bad ability and none of my characters fit there.

I have orc warlock
Zandalari Paladin and goblin rogue.

Warlock will go Necro
Paladin will go Nightfae
Goblin Venthir


Didn’t expect Night Fae to beat Kyrians, much less be almost tied with Venthyr, but this is an incredibly small poll that doesn’t even take into account returning players. I do think that the Venthyr ability is a large part of why they’re so popular, though I would still choose them regardless.

And should that ability be nerfed to 20 yards people will complain and then that covenant drops significantly

Bro, this is forums poll

The causal and the super casuals have not voted yet . Bastion will definitely beat all the other three.

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It’s a hard choice between:

Continue my path of redemption that started with the Army of the Light by joining the Kyrians…

Connect with my Elven roots by hanging out with the Night Fae…


Give into my darker urges and punish sinners with the Venthyr…

Decisions… decisions

A general forums poll isn’t really the place to assume people are actually choosing these covenants based on how they’ll perform, as opposed to how they look. And those of us that WOULD choose them based on how they’ll perform aren’t wasting our time with the poll, because we don’t know how they’ll sim.

They aren’t going to nerf the art, and most of the people who frequent these forums are 440ilvl, 0/12 H/M Ny’alotha, and couldn’t care less about how the covenants perform on a numbers level. It’s not their content.

But you are right about one thing: When we eventually DO flock to the only Raiding covenant option we have, and the swath of “Why am I locked into X” posts start popping up, they’re going to actually start tuning these 3-4 weeks into the patch.


No one likes bastion.

It gives alliance vibes which is the least played faction for a reason

16% forum votes denies your “No one”


i don’t know. i get the impression that quite many young people care little for individuality. that’s why social influencers have become the rage. it’s more of a hive mind mentality now. they wait for someone to tell them what they should be thinking, and saying. get rid of that stupid steward and bring in something more useful, and exciting, and i think that alone would increase the numbers.

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(Commentary): I should have clarified, I was mostly drawing on discussion I’ve seen about the Kyrians here on the forums.