Kyrians least voted covenant to play based on poll

Paladins are zeros all holy things are just losers by itself but then Angel’s make them pure epic trash

Na most ppl feel like they have to hide there own thoughts I mean I dont but I get in trouble every were I go cuz I say what I please think as my own creature and tell everyone else 2 go 2 hell

To be fair, I expected Necrolords to have more likes, our leader is PRIMUS… no Transformers fans in the house? Then again only like 1/5th of the people who actually saw the thread voted on it anyways, it had like 2 million views and only 2,000 votes roughly.

People didn’t vote for the boring mary sue covenant, what a surprise.

I dunno… I just like the Night Fae more. I imagine I’ll end up doing all of them (a whole stable of alts) but I’ll probably start with Night Fae on whichever toon is plowing through Shadowlands first.

I mean it didn’t work for Feral Druids :smiley:

Call me boring, but I voted Kyrian. Most of my characters aren’t suited for the edgedark darkedge aesthetics of venthyr/necrolords, and while nightfae aren’t bad their look and feel lends itself to a limited set of classes. Kyrians are the only ones with any degree of flexibility.

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Uh chill it’s going to be ok and honestly they’re fairly even.

Don’t expect an even 25% split. Also when this post was made we had only the cosmetics to vote on.

So this is simply representative of what the people who voted swung towards in terms of cosmetics.

Lack luster? Its literal trash.


Clark, this is one of those moments where I don’t think before you put out a topic.

It’s the alpha. The entire point to it being an alpha is to test / change / adjust abilities. If Kyrian does become more attractive, then its entirely in peoples’ rights to select it as a covenant. People, like me, who have no alpha access aren’t even going to be ready to make a decision on some characters until we experience the abilities through the leveling experience.

WoW community is filled with edge lords mostly, can’t really say I’m surprised… but this is just forum stuff so not even surprised the least bit.

Oh look Venthyr and Night Fae are neck and neck because they’re arguably comparable (albeit slight favoritism towards Venthyr) and the other two are just there.

IDK how Blizzard will balance this stuff out, but I hope they find a way.

how does the paladin kyrian ability work if you have 1 target? do you throw out 5 abilities at the one target? or do you literally just hit them once with 1 ability cause thats either really good or really bad and I have yet to see anyone set the record straight on that.

1748 is hardly enough of wows player base for a sample size honestly, and at this stage of alpha with not everything released.

I don’t care about the covenants or their related talents because TBH the skills are cool-ish but I don’t think that they’ll be groundbreaking. After SL is over, our covenant will go the same way as our Pandaland farms. Switch between them or don’t, whatever! I don’t understand the appeal, I just want to fish and fight new raid bosses.

Hopefully these results makes them do better and fix the least 2

Hey now im going to make sure my Death knight joins the light for the lols alone!

Ave satanas that’s why

Their borderline useless covenant ability combined with their lackluster class abilities is the reason.

Seriously, who at HQ thought summoning a dude who gives you one health pot was a good idea. Doesn’t it even share the cooldown of regular pots?


Brainwashing cult that removes all individuality, demands people to blindly follow a process without critical thinking and wants to make you a slave to their broken system

Lmao anyone who joins the covenant is a person I need to avoid because a personality that would do all those is pretty repulsive.

Of course no surprise a human male paladin would though, though HMP dont even know their lore when paladins are know to be against nationalism, want positive unification instead of purging, and do all kinds of things like that threesome in highmountain ;^)

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