Kul Tiran Women - Big girls can't be pretty Blizz?

If you’re gonna make fatties, at least make them at least a 6 1/2 in the face like Night Elf females. At least…one more for good measure.

Realistic? You do realize your “realistic” women mostly reside in the good ol’ fat USA right? Majority of women around the world are not FAT.
And yes, these Kultiran look like fat dudes.


Think Y’all need to learn the diff between Stocky and Fat. Fun Fact, Sailors tend to BE Barrel-chested, cause some idiot with a six-pack is going to freeze to death on the open ocean, not to mention sink like a rock (Muscle isn’t known for its bouyancy).

An actually fat person has trouble even WALKING, and has folds of fat on their stomach. Kul Tirans do not. They have a Heavyset European Sailor’s build. In example, Mr. Gibbs from Pirates of the Carribean, a Career Sailor. There’s a reason for that old phrase “Gather some Stout Lads.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone else ever read the “1 month later” in necro threads in Spongbob’s voice? Just me? Ok :frowning_face:

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I’m going out on limb and say. Blame anime. After reading forums for a while. I think something wrong with one of our generations.

I don’t think they meant the faces to be ugly. Some features can be specific to a region, after all. Their brows seem heavier set but they have some of the best makeup this side of Azeroth.

This is a pretty face! :slight_smile:
What made me decide on a female KT in the end is the graceful dance.

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What do you mean realistic?

Realistic is human female. Realistic but rare is Blood elf female.

you will never find a large woman that is six feet tall.

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Back in the PTR testing (which I was a part of), Kul Tiran women actually had beautiful faces, until Blizzard made them all angry-looking, with a glare and a frown. Should’ve seen how beautiful the faces were, before they were changed dramatically!

This thread was made in march.

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Female and male kul’tirans are obese and gross to look at. They also got one of the best racial abilities ever…

Kul’tiran women look like they were hung up-side down from the cloths line and feed with a sling shot.

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How would they…
But you’re already…

<walks away from thread>

I wish there was more variation in the faces.
The fan edited female faces sure looked more mature and sailory.
The current ones are kinda soft.


I certainly understand that. They did a good job giving Lightforged Draenei females a few softer faces to contrast after some input (much to my delight) so I definitely appreciate a variety as well :slightly_smiling_face::herb::dizzy:

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I love the Kul Tiran women too, but yeah… having just one out of a paltry 4 or so options being borderline acceptable is pretty disappointing.

Let’s face it (pun intended), they might as well have just put that one option in. The one you chose. The one I chose. The one every other single person who created a KT female chose.

Yeah they are awful. I spent a good 20 minutes in the character creator and for the life of me I couldn’t make one that looked good.

True that large women can have nice faces and Blizz should have accounted for that. But I think it’s kind of unfair to call anything that isn’t large “unrealistic” I’ve known plenty of girls that were hourglass or rail thin without having to throw up or starve to be that way. You can ask for pretty faces without shaming others you know.

When they put Kul’tirans in WoW, love had won.

Love knows nothing, yet appreciates all.

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Guys in drag are hot. :heart_eyes: