This is pretty much my beef with them.
They should have included some additional face options that didn’t look so young or dainty.
There were some fan edits posted on MMO-champ that were a bit more towards the Vrykul look, little more stern. I quite liked it. Would have made a nice option.
As it stands, the female looks considerably younger than the male Kul Tiran.
We need playable Vrykul =D
The slight edits to the female KT over on MMO-champ weren’t too bad though. They do look stronger and it’s pretty subtle changes.
“Big” … lol … Just say FAT, Kul tirans are overweight, and no, that’s not beautiful.
Being healthy makes you atractive. Or at least that’s the first step.
Here is a genuinely wonderful reply. There’s really nothing wrong with your character’s face. It look feminine, just strong. There’s someone in my current guild who chose a face that is also very attractive, just different from your own character.
Okay, so I pitched my fit about KT ladies a goodly while back. I stamped my feet and complained eloquently in public about it, so I got that out of my system.
On the day they were released, I made one, ran around for a couple of levels, and promptly deleted her because I couldn’t stand looking at it. The horrifyingly bad avatars here on the forums didn’t help. Worst facial doe-in-headlamps/automaton/expressionless dead eyes ever in the history of WoW. Whatever. I couldn’t hang out with it.
I got over myself last night and made Wilma for kicks and giggles to learn Brewmaster (which I will use on my actual monk, who is a SW human, because Diplomacy…and she’s hot). Anyway, Wilma and I are having a good time together, and now that I’ve had time to get over my disappointment at all that is wrong/under-designed/missed opportunity with the KT females…I like her. I like looking at her. I like the hair choices. I like the way armor fits on the model. I love Haymaker. It’s good.
If you don’t like them; don’t play one. That was where I was sitting. Just walk away from it and come back later. You may have a different response after you’ve allowed the initial “this isn’t what I wanted” to dissipate.
The female Kiltiran face reminds me of a friend, which is why I will never roll one because its creepy. She was not at all ugly, granted she wasnt fat either, but what ever.