Kul Tiran Paladins

you’re right i’m fine to say that didn’t read that book so that’s why i didn’t know about that part anyways lore is so all over the place now so who know’s what cannon and whatnot. it seems every year thay make a book that says something new on something that was told year’s before

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Yeah, the Draenor retconning / change of lore gave me whiplash lol. Though Chronicles mostly plays on what was already there & merely put it in order. The Horde Death Knights thing however, has been cannon for awhile - we versed one in the Burning Crusade - the Black Temple Raid (Teron Gorefiend).

Back on the hand with Kul’Tirans / Zandalari subject & more - I think having the questline + Achievement basis to unlock various class combos with races would be ideal and beneficial for both the Players and Blizzard. It would form lore, story and reason to justify such. Would give the players content to play through, and would give another sense of earning rewards.

I don’t see why not. I mean its part of Human Culture and plus last time I heard that Kul’tirans even had Paladins within Warcraft 2 as Units.

Why not have The Order of Embers have a Holy Crusade against not just the Witches of the Coven but also the upcoming Scourge Threat as well. I mean Sea Priests or Tidesages isn’t going to beat the Undead. They got away with Witches but when it comes to the Cult of the Damned and so on. Kul’tiras wouldn’t last.


I feel ya on this, a lot of people use the “lore card” for this and that, but then we have holy priest void elves and lightforged draenei shadow priests running around. Then we have kul tiran rogues which are a thing only because of outlaw “arrrgh prrriiiates” okay great. Then kul tiran monks are a thing, alright i get it , a port town, trade, etc. Lots of exchange going around so eventually some pandaren taught people to be monks, alright then we can teach people to be paladins heck we even indoctrinated a night elf to becoming a paladin in legion, so to say it isnt possible for things to become this or that is out of the question.

Personally, class/race restrictions played its course for me a couple expansion ago, the flavor of it is gone and some restrictions should be lifted for gameplay’s sake

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this is fair.

but on the other hand, dino paladins make about as much sense as sea paladins.

This right here. The RPG has long since left the building in this game. They are no real class builds anymore thanks to culling of skill points and the very restrictive skill system we have now.

Just let people play what they want to play. Its more fun that way. I personally wish they would open up the race/ faction restrictions. I would love to play an Orc paladin who was so disgusted in Sylvanas actions that the only way he thought he could get his honour back was by becoming a servant of the light and fighting with a united faction.

Or a gnome warlock who looks over at the money his goblin counterparts are making and thinks to him self “why serve the Alliance war machine for free when I can make gold to fund my demonic research?”

Playing a faction traitor would be amazing imo.

They are more like witch based people or am i wrong? because of wickers?

They have so many chooses now it’s insane lol! horde getting one extra choose is not the end of the world … of warcraft!

I’m not assuming anything, if you read my actual comment and other comments. - I’ve been saying - multiple times, as long as they given valid & reasonable justification to the class fitting in the race, then fine.
The Tauren, have justification-lore to their class.

Belfs weren’t necessarily ‘legitimate’ paladins, but they actually are now. And have their own basis of belief as well. I can’t speak for the Tauren - But the blood elves, even originally when they didn’t have the morals in order still had training.

I’m guessing you’re not in the loop with Lore considering such, and the basis of how much of my comments you merely skimmed over & ignored.

Bro, since Blood Elves have launched they’ve been able to be Paladins … It was like one of the whole ‘Whoa’ factors of Burning Crusade. Alliance could have Shamans (With Draenie) and The Horde could have Paladins (With the Blood Elves).

I literally provided a reason of such, for them to do just that, in one of my comments. I’m not purely arguing against it in all matters, shape & form. I’m allowing discussion to how it can be fitted in. You dipstick nerds, would flip out if you were to argue with your own kind.

Which is why I provided the reason of earning the class through an Achievement & Questchain deal for the Race-Class combo, so it wouldn’t be every-man & his/her dog having the class-race - but those who earned it, like they do with the Allied Races.

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still doubting they will do it.

Do what? If you’re talking about the morality, they’ve been doing that literally since the end of Burning Crusade which you can see through the actions of Lady Liadrin and the other of the Paladin Order of their kind. They don’t steal light anymore like they use to from the Naaru - they have to earn it with faith, beseechment and the other ordeals/methods that the other races do.
In some rare-cases they invoke the power of the Sunwell, but still have to do so with the cases listed above given it’s new nature.

meant i am doubting kul’tirans becoming paladins. they many reasons too not do it.

Ah okay.
Well, like I said. Should they provide reasoning & justification and a well-fitted / suited introduction to them, I could see it happening.

Kul Tirans use to worship the Light. But sometime after the third war (or roughly around the time Daelin was killed) they lost faith in the Light and turned to the Sea instead.
So there are still Kul’Tirans (probably old and retired) who still remember the old ways.

Also, Food for Thought. Humans didn’t have Paladins either until the second war.
It was a PRIEST ( Alonsus Faol) who created the Class from Virtuous Knights. I wonder if one could find anyone like that in Kul’Tiras…

Simply put, Kul’Tirans COULD have a Order of Paladins themselves, but they’ll have to work on it. The Order of Embers probably is the closest thing they have to such an Order but I believe they may suffer a bit in the faith department. If they were to start an Order, They were probably follow more along a Fanatical model of Witch Hunters (sort of like the Demonhunter Class in Diablo III.)

If There are to be Kul’Tiran Paladins, they would NOT be like Stormwind Paladins.

Why doesn’t Blizzard just let everyone be everything so people will stop whining?

Theres a difference between feasible and silly.

Zandari Warlocks
Highmountain Warlocks (turncoat blood totem)
Kt Paladin
Dark Iron DK

Human Shaman
Nightelf Shaman
ORC Paladin

Actually when you think about it a lot evrething is kind of feasible but i cant think of one for green orc paladins

Paladins are all about honour
Orcs are all about honour

Paladin Orcs could happen.

I’ll let you be a paladin you my zandalari can be a lock

They should be Saladins…You know cause of the sea, and the need to have a salad diet.


Yeah but demon blood