Kul Tiran Paladins

It is beyond stupid that they can’t be paladins.


They worship the sea, they don’t hold the Light to the same reverence as the people of Stormwind and Lordaeron. I prefer that KTs have shaman and druids and classic humans have paladins and warlocks, it keeps them unique.


Lack of paladins i can dig, they werent really light worshipers.

Lack of DK’s though? They were the alliances navy and heavily involved in the third war. It absolutely makes sense for kul’tiran DK’s.

Also i wanna make The Mountain from GoT, come on blizz. wtf.


Player DKs were raised slightly before Wrath, not during the third war. You could still make an argument for them (along with Zandalari and DI) since they were in the world and could’ve fought the Scourge but this isn’t it.


Actually drustvar has many light worshippers Blizzard just didnt want KT paladins.

Its their game I respect that and I think that’s what it just NEEDs to come down to just respecting they don’t want Kul tiran paladins.

For the longest point in this game there was no undead/human hunters and we got along just fine.


You say this as if lore means anything.

Blizzard makes this stuff up as they go. The Order of Embers would have been the perfect way to deliver light worshipping Kul Tirans if Blizzard had put a modicum of effort into writing that story line.

Its an order that is dedicated to fighting witchcraft and dark magic… thats the perfect set up for a group of Kul Tirans to take up a holy crusade.

And if a Kul Tiran can be a priest and use the light to heal, then they can use the light enough to wear plate armour and smite with the light.

Stop acting as if lore is set in stone.


Can’t use Warcraft 2 or Warcraft 3 for references, apparently, because Kul Tiras had Paladins in both of those games.


I am a little disappointed by this as well.

I had picked out the name Steiner (from Final Fantasy 9) for a Kul Tiran back when they were first announced.

Pally would have been perfect.

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Kultirans were part of the alliance navy prior to the third war as well. A MAJOR part of it. Which by your own logic makes it more reasonable for Kultiran DK’s.

And you’re incorrect they were actually raised AFTER the third war, the DK starting zone has arthas as the lich king which is after te third war.

Wrath of the Lich King (along all of WoW) took place after the third war. I’m not sure why you think I was saying it was before it. What exactly did you think I was referring to if not WotLK?

With traditional monster-hunting methods of fire, silver, and whatnot. I don’t recall any priests or paladins in the Order of Embers, so clearly they believe that they’re fine killing monsters without the Light.

Same argument as every time this something like this is said: if this is the case, every class that can be a priest can be a paladin, which just wouldn’t work.

It’s not, but it’s not for you to decide what’s right or wrong, either.


what makes you think i was responding to you? i wasnt.

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People forget that there is a distinct difference between priests and pallys.

Priests merely channel the light, which is why they can also use shadow and a little arcane here and there.

Pallys are literally suffused with light. It permeates their every being and requires intense devotion. It’s why in lore Forsaken can be priests (at a cost) but being a pally would likely vaporize them.


The ping that the forums gives you whenever someone replies to one of your posts, mostly.


Yet they can be priests? Doesn’t make any sense to me tbh.

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There were literally no KT shamans 'til the KT recruitment questline, so… I shrug.

Also this.
The people of Drustvar don’t seem to do the “sea worship” thing nearly as much as people in Tiragarde and Stormsong. Additionally, we’ve been shown that you don’t really have to worship the Light to be a paladin anymore. Zandalari Paladins exist because they think their now-dead god had some good ideas, and they think the Zandalari Empire is super swell and everyone needs to know how glorious they are.


This information was taken from a dear forum poster from the PTR forums Nearo

The lore is ultimately what Blizzard decides it to be, and to date they have not spoken once about there being any Kul’Tirans who followed the Light or undertook training with the Silver Hand. They might of worked heavily with Lordaeron in the Second and Third War, but that does not make them any more a Paladin using nation than Alterac, or Gilneas.

I don’t suppose this meets your criteria for Light worshippers in Kul Tiras.


Or this one, a (dead) priestess wielding a staff which just happens to be commonly used by Priests of the Holy Light because the head of the staff is the actual sigil of the Church of the Holy Light.

Here’s a sample of that same sigil on Turalyon’s statue in the Valley of Heroes, adorning the libram in his hand:

Same sigil - this time at the graveyard in Stormwind.

There’s other NPC’s in Drustvar who praise the Light in questing… and of course Kul Tiran Human priests will actually be playable. Again, the only difference between Priests and Paladins is that Paladins receive Martial training while Priests do not. Turalyon was a priest before he received Martial training, and thus became a Paladin. It’s the same religion.

Also a note from me there is a handful of Kul TIrans with the title of Clerics which were the very first paladins.

I find no difference between Clerics and Paladins besides garb.


I said this before in another thread that had the same subject: is not enough believe in the Light and have priests in order to a human kingdom get paladins. If a human kingdom don’t have a paladin order, then they are not going to have paladins. And the role that a paladins order would have in Kul tiras, i mean fighting evil and dark magic, it’s already cover by the Order of Embers, that are more like the Winchester Brother’s from Supernatural than an order of Paladins.


This again.

“Paladin” is a generic name that Blizzard applies to a set of game MECHANICS. Not lore. For whatever reason, that’s the name they chose.

Representing the Silver Hand for humans and elves originally and then adding in dwarves.

The Sunwalkers do not worship “the Light” in the same way the Silver Hand does. They draw their energy from An’she, the embodiment of the Earthmother’s eyes and possibly Elune.

The Blood Knights did not form as part of the Silver Hand - in fact, they rejected “the Light” as a force and turned to drawing power directly from a Naaru, a being of embodiment. They later repented and now draw Holy power from the Sunwell, but they are still not the same “paladins” as the Silver Hand, nor the Sunwalkers.

Draenei claim to worship the same “Light” that the Silver Hand does, but they seem to mostly do it through the Naaru, which are a race of embodied creation force and descended directly from Elune, apparently. They were also not part of the Silver Hand.

It would make sense that, since Naaru are children of Elune and seem to be able to act as a direct conduit to the power currently believed to be “the Light,” that Night Elves could easily become paladins. One does so with ease in Legion. I would like to see it added to Night Elves, especially as they’re now able to draw energy directly from the Night Warrior face of Elune.

We could throw the Scarlet Crusade in there as well if we wanted, as an offshoot of, but not part of, the Silver Hand, the way Blood Knights are.

Prelates, Freethinkers and other holy warriors who draw power through the Loa as their conduits, have been around literally longer than humans and elves have existed. The Loa are thought to be the same sort of creature as other Ancients like Cenarius, who taught elves and tauren to be druids. They can clearly teach other intelligent beings to harness power, and the Loa have done that for the trolls for a very long time.

The word “paladin” is a generic term for “holy warrior who embodies their religion’s energies” in this setting.


You clipped it to falsely make a point but I did say

At no point did I say “The Order of Embers uses light” or hint at it. What I said was

Meaning, with a bit of creative writing, an order of light wielding KT’s on a holy crusade against the witches of Drustvar could have existed. Instead Blizzard chose generic option A.

Please, read and quote me fully in the future because you are just taking a tiny snippet to make false portrayals of what I said in order to refute a point I did not make.

Why not?

True and at no point did I say that my opinion is 100% accurate and is the one truth but I am not alone in my disappointment that KTs cant be paladins. From the day they were announced people were begging for paladins to be a class choice.

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