They have both priests and shamans because Sea Priests are a weird fusion of the two. There is no class in game that accurately represents what a sea priest is.
Similar to how a priestess of elune in lore is much more combat oriented.
Or how tauren paladins and priests are actually an offshoot of druidism.
Or how trolls have voodoo priests or hexpriests or witchdoctors, which are also a shaman priest hybrid.
Many classes exist for a race because it’s a close enough approximation.
But but but not entirely true. Kul tiras houses many light users if you go up to one of my earlier posts.
Wait you’re saying it makes sense for KTs to be DKs but not Paladins while you’re referencing the third war where KTs had Paladin troops in W2?
You realize KTs spent a lot of time with humans when Paladins were becoming a thing right? You think it doesn’t make sense that they’d also try to incorporate the same kind of worshipping front line warrior that the humans had?
The fact you think KT DKs make more sense than Paladins is kind of insane.
That’s actually a pretty good reason. I never thought of it that way. I wanted Kul Tiran Paladins as well, but this makes good sense.
Yet they can be Priests. Makes no sense to use “lore” or their sea based beliefs then.
When you are that big, you tend to block the light, so no paladins.
while most worship the sea some such as in drustvar do worship the light. However beyond being normal paladins following the light there is a case to be made that they can be tideguards. Basically how tidesages are represented by priests.
Adding KT paladins as tideguards would be even more of a reason for blizzard to finally add racial themed glyphs for many of the classes.
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Awwwe great! Now I know the mountain is big! I came here looking for a good time and found all the spoilers! ![:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:](
Resurrecting this topic to chime in with:
Screenshot of one Inquisitor Erik, a Kul Tiran Paladin, seeing as how the Order of Embers is exclusively Kul Tiran (except the Alliance player character).
Human shamans and druids say hi sir!
It’s conceivable that Garrosh from the AU could become the First Orc Paladin.
I REALLY want to see where Blizzard takes him after aligning with the Lightbound.
If they could, they’d be the best paladins. The [Brush It Off] racial makes these guys just murderously hard to kill.
Please baby Jesus make it so… I need me some Kul Tiran paladins
They left the Alliance after the second war.
Edit: Oops necro, didn’t see.
Why can’t Kul Tirans be paladins?
That’s easy. They aren’t light enough!