Kul Tiran Paladins

Welcome to the club, OP.

Zandalari can’t be Warlocks either for some reason.

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And, again, is badly shoehorning in something just because there’s a slim chance some of these got caught up in the fight.

There was a precedent for Worgen, at least. Though I still don’t get Goblins. And just because they did it once, doesn’t mean to advocate for bsing more crap into things. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

They should not be bs’d poorly into an old starter zone. They should wait till there’s actual good precedent to add new lore, the way good storylines and timelines work.

Using “but a few of them may have been there and turned and maybe found their way home and maybe didn’t get killed on sight”-- again– is a bad excuse for more poor lore.

They didn’t give them to you now, so why not wait to see what’s in store to add them with their own storyline for it later, to make them better?

Normal players: “Hey! I’d like to be able to play a large, human paladin!”

“Special” players: “Aykchually…”

Well that’s more justifiable than Kul’Tiran paladins, lorewise for ‘Just cause’.

They could had gone rogue, like I said earlier as well. Which would also fit into correlation of the Kul’Tiran paladin scheme of them being imprisoned in a time-passive state.

On that notion, having Blizzard have the storyline of finding a magical-prison of sorts via an unknown evil (Possibly Old-God related), and freeing Zandalari Warlocks (They’re just as wanted as people who are asking for KT Pallies) Kul’Tiran Paladins, and Zanda/KT Death Knights.
All wrapped up into a neat-tight little package. Just throw in lore out there towards it, like popcorn @ a cinema when the lights go dark.

You’re probably the ‘Special’ players that go on any & every forum to whine about not having High Elves. And when people say it’s unrelated to the subject they’re discussing you argue ‘Aykchually …’

And this is a thread, which generally have & are made for discussion; Einstein.

Discussing topics on the topic itself & factors that apply is literally part of why they’re here in the first place. Otherwise we’d just remove forums / threads, and have a ‘Suggestion bar’ with no discussion at all. :roll_eyes:


If you really wanna be nit-picky about the terms used.

It really varies between the cultures ALL Light related classes learn how to use the Light but not all of them worship it. For example gnome priests are more technical and less “Oh bless us Holy Light” they’re more perplexed with how the magic works.

Whereas we have the Draenei that are very religious when it comes to the Light and place all their faith in it.

Tauren can be paladins but they arent actually paladins.
Belfs can be paladins but they arent actually paladins.

The sunwalkers are paladins in game mechanics only. Lore wise they are something else entirely.

The same could be done for KTs. Stop assuming that because people are asking for KT paladins they want them to be true blue paladins of the order.

We get it, you lore nerds would flip out if they were. So Blizzard just needs to make up something like the Sunwalkers for KTs and let them have their own faux paladin class.

Wow dude - props for all the correlated bits!

they have nothing to base there abilities on.

no beliefs, no actions, no training.
Nothing, they worship the sea, and a few beasts of the wild there.
the tauren, blood elves and even a few other races have a reason, kul’tiran have none.

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Yeah and before Tauren and Belfs could be paladins people said the exact same thing.

Im quite sure that Blizzard could create some kind of justification for holy sea warriors. Tidesages that wear plate and smite people.

i don’t see it happening anytime soon or later.

best ya can get too a tidesage wearin heavier armor is a shaman.

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Kul tirans are pirates, pirates cant be paladins

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It’s stupid that Zandis (or anything that can be a mage, really.) can’t be warlocks.

Oh well, have to enforce restrictions that don’t make sense in lore or otherwise. We gotta make sure you guys aren’t having fun.

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Because alliance cried about the number of classes available to KT vs Zandalari. So blizzard changed it.

But they have a “horde bias”

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The Alliance cries about everything. It’s in their nature, the lion emblem might as well be a crying baby.

Doesn’t change the fact that it’s stupid to limit classes arbitrarily.

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And the Horde players get everything, so they’ve nothing to cry about. Silly comments can be made just as easily for both perspectives :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s really not that Alliance players are crying all the time… it’s about Blizzard failing the other faction in such a horrendous fashion, especially when it comes to allied races.

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One more reason for me to consider pirates worthless creatures!

Neither could High Mountain Tauren, even though normal Tauren can be.

Sometimes its just… “reasons” I guess.

Let Kul’Tirans be paladins and Zandalari be Warlocks.

To prevent the inevitable “Waah that’s all core classes on Zandalari!” brigade, let Dwarves be druids. I mean… the Wildhammer could probably figure that out.


like are you trolling??
they were made BC after the first fall of sw by the orc horde Alonsus Faol and Uther needed a way to take all out the orc warlocks

there is way more to it but i’m not typing out a book on just one class LOL

Like are you suffering from a weakened mind debuff incurred from the Old Gods? Or like, trolling?
Because I got my reference material from the Chronicles series (Chronicles Volume 2 to be exact), which is 100% cannon. It even includes a picture showing the ‘First’ Paladins, fighting the Horde Death Knights in the given series too. Which is on page 159 of Chronicles Volume 2 …

As you said “there is way more to it but i’m not typing out a book on just one class LOL” :woozy_face: