Kul Tiran Paladins

Aye. Scratchin’ me head.

It may seem like that now, but it’s not to say if the game survives in 10 years things change. Look at Cataclysm, they had a huge change in what races could be what class.

They tied it in to the story and BOOM, things changed.

maybe 10 years from now a sect of Kul’Tirans after having served with the Alliance have decided that they worship Holy Water, and there ya go, Paladins.

i think people should be able to play the claaaes they like with the new races

zanda locks and whatever KT can’t be should most definitely have been a thing, if only so people who have mained those classes for years can enjoy the new content they’ve unlocked.

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it’d be beyond stupid if they could.

breaks lore mate.

Ummm,the Light would not accept them.Nothing to do with worshiping the sea.It’s a fitness thing.


You see Kul tiran’s racial that we don’t see is that they provide a block of line of sight

So which is it?

Worship or learn?

Just because one worships the light, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re eligible for Paladin.
Paladins were originally created to fight off the Horde Death Knights, of which no Kul’Tirans pledged for, and then later more were created with the rise of the Scourge - To which the Kul’Tirans had seperated themselves from the other Alliance kingdoms by then & were declared independent.

If you knew the lore, you’d know it would be ‘beyond stupid’ if they could be paladins. - Unless there was a specific Flashback / Caverns of Time Scenario / ‘Secret Order of Kul’Tirans’ Questline you did to discover such, and ideally delicately fabricate the lore to make it possible / justifiable … Which I’m all down for, having certain scenarios / Achievements to unlock bonus features for already-had races. (Would bring a sense of wonder & ‘Oh wow, that’s cool and interesting’ factor into the game).

There were some Kul’Tirans that were migrating & trading between kingdoms, but none of those would had been priests or those wanting & willing to undergo the rituals and training to become a Paladin.
However - Those that did travel, could had got caught in the tension of the Scourge & other kingdoms - and ideally could had become Death Knights. That same notion also goes to the Zandalari. So that class for the races, I’d find understandable.

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Pretty sure that’s player assumption. It’s probably true, but I don’t thinkit was ever said by anyone at Blizz.

The storyline for playable DKs starts in Wrath. Those races may have existed, but they weren’t our Allies back then. They weren’t fighting for us, a part of our faction.

Wait till Wrath 2.0 and they’ll come up with AR style requirements for you and a scenario to unlock AR Death Knights.


I LOVE the story of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Reading that in the novels was awesome, I may have to go back.

With that said I somewhat agree with you. Kul Tiras joined the Alliance during the 2nd War. The Knights of the Silver Hand was created after the first war and played a HUGE role in winning the second war. It would make sense that at least some of the heroes/Priests from Kul Tiras would see these heroes of the light and want to become a Paladin as well no? Especially considering the burly toughness they possess.

At least I think they would. I understand why they chose not to, and it’s not a deal breaker for me. However I think whether they had them or not it can make sense.

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Of course not the only pre-requisite that we know of was Clerics which Kul Tiras also has. There is many justifiable reasons why they should be paladins but blizzard said no is enough reason for there not to be them as sad as it is to say.

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I think for them it was Shaman or Paladin and they chose the former sadly. Shaman does make a lot of sense too with their connection to the ocean. I really kind of just wish they would just let all races be any spec at this point. It’s not like a Gnome couldn’t travel to Northshire Abby and say “Hi there, would you like to purchase something?”…jk, but they could ask to be trained in the ways of the Paladin, why not? Why would the light discriminate against them?

There would have to be exceptions of course. Orcs due to their previous corruption and their allowance of it, even if they overcame it. Void Elves no way, but then again it could be a sweet storyline showing that they twist the light to work with the void somehow.

Highly doubt it happens, but I think it would be cool.

It is a real slap in the face!

A real twist of the knife

Despite them being our allies or not back then, many still broke free of the Lich Kings control and would had returned to their Kingdoms, or otherwise. Hence there’s not really a necessary reason still, nonetheless to not have them included.
Blizzard could also simply say 'Death Knights are not eligible to earn Heritage armour, however can use it as an appearance once earned.
Wrath 2.0 should introduce Necromancers class, or a Mail wearing ‘Rune-Master’ learnt from the Vrykuls in my opinion, but that’s another topic lol.

They had heroes & priests and played part in fighting off the Horde, but didn’t play large part in the creation of Paladins.
And sea-paladins wouldn’t be quite a hit, considering they used the power of the light in combat to have an alternating apposing force against the powers of Shadow & undeath.
More Paladins were created in the aftermath of the 2nd war, and again with the Rise of the Scourge - To which like I said, by then the Kul’tirans were declared as independent.
If there were a secret order of Kul’Tirans who became Paladins and all together ventured into some location against X threat, then got shackled & imprisoned in a Time-Frozen state, kind of like how Demon Hunters were - Til we the ‘Champions’ discover this & free them, and thus unlock the race-class combo, then I’d see reason. Other than that though, lorewise its a nopesies.

Priests & Clerics, is different from Paladins. One channels light, the other invokes & becomes a living beacon of it. To which, some races have more of an affinity to have that then others (For example, the Broken - They could no longer wield the light like they could; and hence of such many turned to Shamanism or otherwise)

This is primarily the reason to why gnomes may not be able to be paladins. It’s not that the light discriminates against them, its that they physically & anatomically can’t. However in regards to Kul’Tirans I wouldn’t believe it would be the same case for them, however moreso a lore-perspective. In Pandaria we saw a Pandaren learning the ways of Paladin in Krasarang Wilds, and maybe will be become playable in the future after learning it over the years, whos to say the same couldn’t happen to Kul’Tirans now they’re reunited with the Alliance?

Although - Like I said, in correlation to lore there’s more reason to say they can’t then to say they can. (Which is why I advised if Blizzard places an ‘Unlock Feature through Lore-Quest’ to justify the odds of how & why, to correlate with the granted subject).

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First off I appreciate the amount of effort you’re putting in this thread but you’re wrong. Cleric is not bunched together a priest the silver hand were just clerics in plate. I want to get into a huge conversation about this but I need you to see first that Cleric and Priest is not the same thing in WoW.

Also the argument of invoking and using is an argument of the past, as of now to be a Paladin all that is required is conviction and the belief you’re doing right.

“Many”? One Pandaren did. One. There’s not a huge precedent for this and they may have been killed or shunned had they returned. A little loophole doesn’t mean it should exist right now. But they can make new lore later in a new Scourge expansion. Just be patient.

And still doesn’t solve the timeline and lore issue. They’ll find a way to do it. We just have to see what next xpac is to find a way to add them as a new generation of DKs, instead of attempting to badly shoehorn them into old lore.

I want my NE pally …
OFC, High Elf soon … I hope so !

While I SEA (lol) where you’re coming from, Kul Tiran Paladins would basically be Shamans… Using the sea and water-based magic as opposed to worSHIPPING (lol) the Light as their sort of “God.”

That’s fair, but that being said clerics and paladins are also not the same thing in WoW. And as for the

That’s in subject of wielding the light. Not being a paladin. Every paladin - race combo have lore & reasons of such to how they got the order within their ranks. At the time being finding that key-component is what we need to do. I’d personally love to see Kul’Tiran paladins, personally I feel the Alliance needs more ‘spark’ & shazam to increase its numbers.

By ‘Many’ I meant many broke free from the Lich King. Wasn’t talking about the Pandaren Pally thing, yes that was only 1 but could had led to more.
If you’re going to argue on me about the ‘many’ breaking free from the Lich King, keep in mind that’s the entire Death Knights scenario, basically the whole Forsaken race; and there were many many more that went rogue - And moreso after Arthas was defeated (Such as the Val’kyr and a save-few San’Layn).

It would though. They were both present and somewhat active in other activities during the Scourge incursion. Not to mention Zandalari & Kul’Tirans travelled & traded a lot. Zandalari to visit other troll kingdoms amongst both large-prime continents / trading, and Kul’Tirans mostly just for trade - but they could had still been caught within that time-line period & raised by Arthas or other High-Tier Scourge leaders as Death Knights. When they broke free of the Lich Kings control, they simply just didn’t go off & about to the Horde / Alliance at that given time because they weren’t directly aligned with them.
And as for ‘Shoehorn them into old lore’ Blizzard literally, literally did that - With Worgen & Goblins (Although personally I feel Worgen Death Knights is silly considering their lore, but nonetheless … )