Kul Tiran Paladins

Nothing this dev team does makes sense,

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KT paladins and Zandalari Warlocks are things that should exist.



What is beyond stupid is that they can be Priest which in turn gives the typical argument ‘‘If tHeY cAn Be WaRrIorS aNd PrIeStS wHy caN’t ThEy bE PaLlieS’’

They don’t worship the Light, their entire religion is based around the sea.


Because its entirely impossible that now KT is back in the Alliance they cant join one of the pre-existing paladin orders that already exist in the alliance?

This is what I dont get about you people. There is so many way in game already to very easily write in KT paladins, yet you people will go out of your way to make up reasons in order to say “ah hah but this is why not!”

Do you really think that it is beyond the realm of possibility that a light wielding priest from Kul Tiras, watching his/ her homeland being ravaged by the horde and the death of their planet would not somehow think to them selves “I can do more!”

Is such thing as multi faith civilisations… you know this right?

Also, the tauren arent believers in the light… their entire faith is based on nature… and there is tauren pallies

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This is not real life.

The Kul’tirans already have a based history and culture.

Retconning the entirety of their faith just to cater to people that want Fat Paladins is not gonna happen.

Clearly you haven’t played Stormsong Valley.

Yeah, but that is more of an in-game issue, it’s been stated in lore that they use the light of An’she the Sun to use their powers but it’s not reflected in game because they would have to make special animations with the spells and it would be lots of trouble. Although there are some in game references that you can notice, like the Warfront Sunwalkers (Tauren Paladins, using Sun Totems to channel An’she’s power)

Same with Trolls. The fact they can be Shaman/Priest is because their culture revolves around Witch Doctors, Loa Priests and Shadow Hunters/Priests. But again they’d have to make special specs for it to suit them which is not gonna happen.

Kul’tirans however have no relation to the Light like mainland Humans do. Therefore they shouldn’t be able to be Paladins, also they shouldn’t be able to be priests to begin with.


Man, if only the Alliance had other races who could be Paladins.

Not only that but if only the Alliance had a human race that could be a Paladin too! This totally needs a thread guys, because the game isn’t doing what I want it to do!


So Blizzard could just have easily made a faux-paladin order just like they did with the other races that arent technically paladins.

So whats the issue here? Some races can have faux-paladins and others cant because sea worship?

Just like tauren dont and belfs dont but here we are with tauren and belf paladins.

Tbh you only strengthen the case as to why there should be KT paladins because you have pointed out all the ways that other races have gotten around the “worship the light” nonsense you babble on about which could be just as easily done for KT.

No one is asking for a retcon of their in game history. Just for Blizzard to work their lore bending magic like they did for tauren, belfs and zand trolls and let KT have their own faux-paladin.

Daily reminder that Kul Tiran priests are lumped into the Tidesage category.

They can be priests because canonically all Kul Tiran priests along with shamans would be Tidesages who are literally described as sea priests.

The only reason they use the light to heal is because Blizzard is not going to visually overhaul an entire class based on class/race combo.


Oh god no! How dare people want to play a cool as hell looking race on with their favourite class! Oh heavens people want some variety and choice! What ever will we do! The audacity of people out there who want to enjoy something! The monsters!

soooo… KT priests arent actually priests as we know them… we know that, so why cant the same apply for KT paladins… you know, since Blizz already has “sunwalkers” which are paladins but not…

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Good question. Ask Blizzard.

I was merely stating something since some people in this thread don’t comprehend that KT priests = / = traditional priests.


Because unlike the other races there is no power that can make them Paladins that could at least blend with current Paladin abilities.

Well well, someone is not really versed in lore AT ALL. Priests back in Warcraft III were all High Elves, then they mention Liadrin was a Priest before too. They learned to use the Light from the mainland humans the same way they learned magic through elves.

Then they lost faith in the Light after Arthas massacre. And embraced Fel to sate their magic hunger. Then Kael’thas captured a Naaru from Outland and shipped it to Azeroth and that’s where Belf original paladins come from, they siphoned the Light directly from the Naaru. Then the Naaru was sacrificed to re-ignite the Sunwell.

After that the Sunwell became a fountain of Light energies (Hence Belf golden eyes and also their new order of Paladins)

I’ve already explained the Tauren reason so I am not gonna go through that.

What I ‘‘babbled’’ about and what I’ve posted do not strengthen your post, because I already said they had their ways with Light-related powers and it’s part of their culture, if you had anytime to play through Kul’tiras you’d realize that is not the case with them, they’re fully devoted to the seas.

And I wouldn’t blame them after they receded from the Alliance after Theramore they would have even less chances to learn from the Light.

There is bending and there is inventing things that severely change already implemented lore.

This is why I am trying to tell him but he is just gripping so hard to his opinion that it’s no use…

/Facepalm, Sunwalkers use Light magic too, but from a different source. Just WHERE would you get light from sea related stuff.

Thanks for being a reasonable Kul’tiran. <3


Right, they’d be more like the Demon Hunters from Diablo 3 than Paladins.

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But didn’t happen, instead of that a bunch of fighter with no Light powers they made the Order of Embers come back.
If you want a retcon where a priest get mad and get a warhammer and a shield and starts to fight like a holy warrior, that is a very different thing. I’m talking about how is the lore right now.

RPG. Lore means a lot.

But they didn’t, so there’s no precedent. Pretty sure Gilneans weren’t paladins either. And KT are Gilneans originally. But regardless, it’s a culture thing.

That’s not how paladins work.

Stop acting as if just because you found a loophole, it means something has to be done.


Is there a word for something that is beyond stupid? We need a word for this. It would get used a lot in the forums, where so many of us disagree with some of Blizzard’s game design choices.

“I disagree with our choice” just doesn’t cut it. it doesn’t have the same impact.

Yet another allied races should be DK’s point. At least half the Allied races could be DK’s lore wise but Blizzard keeps making up excuses about heritage armor and starting at 20… honestly I think there just too lazy to make the extra skins for them.

There are light worshipers in kultiras yes specifically in drustvar, but I think that the reason why we can’t play KT paladins is for gameplay, they had to keep them distinct from regular humans one human can be a shaman, the other can be a paladin.


That was kinda the point I was getting at.

Why not Kul Tiran Paladins who are like “yo ho, yo ho, a Smiting life for me” and all about that divine justice on the high seas or whatever? There’s any number of ways they could finagle a Kul Tiran paladin into existence, but they decided against it and instead went with conjuring a single Shaman into their roster.

Heck, Daelin was a paladin in WC3 until they decreed “nah that was just game mechanics stuff, he was just the Lord-Admiral”.

That is entirely not true there is plently of priests that are of the Holy Light in drustvar as you can see from my above post. However the priest class does host both Clerics and Tidesages for Kul tirans.

This is the price we paid for having shamen and deformed druids! Something has to be lost!
And paladins were chosen for the sacrifice!