Kul Tiran and night elf paladin

The goblins love ingenuity and excess and the vulpera love survivability and self-mastery.

They are not very altruistic. Aren’t Paladins supposed to be selfless and sacrificial? These two races especially say, “You save yourself first and maybe save your neighbor second.”

It’s even just as surprising they can be Warriors. You read in D&D 5th Edition that not everyone who serves in an army or militia is a true Fighter. We don’t really know about a warrior code that lasted from generations of warfare with vulpera and goblin. If anything these two races lived in the shadows of greater warfighting nations. They’re better fit to be Rogues since Rogues can be paid to do specialized work that is agreeable with what a vulpera or goblin wants out of war.

This could still be what Blizzard is trying to do.

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Look at this ideas for paladins here to use on next expansion:

This is the best way for non-paladin races be paladins.



I want a new race of Centaur that can be druids. (they are in the game). And their travel form will be no shapeshift cause they are a horse, just give them wings. Yep. Want that.

These are well made.

For Goblins and Gnomes, their love of technology can be a higher cause than their own self. They would be the Brotherhood of Steel!

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If you see all paladin’s order on WoW, not all paladins uses light.

Zandalari paladin use the power of the loas, the Tauren use the power of the sun.

The paladins don’t need to be a light users.

Void elf Paladins too please :stuck_out_tongue: and Nightborne Druids

Also DH Void elf and Nightborne, Draenei and Orcs.

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Imagine a technology paladin, imagine a Elune paladin, void paladin, that’s my point.

That’s more consistent with D&D 5th Edition, where every Paladin regardless of race swears and is bound by an oath to a greater power. There are other greater powers besides the Holy Light. The Horde had the biggest problem with this because of the shamanism and the ancestral worship.

I liked how Blizzard did Death Knights, because in the DK starting content they made you feel like you were a separate race yourself. It’s the same way with Demon Hunter, which is still going to be exclusive for two elves? The other ordinary classes don’t really have special class-groups like those.

I can imagine it would take a LOT OF DEV RESOURCES and not just cost us a raid tier but maybe an entire expansion cycle to give intro content for every possible class/race combo.

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Yes! on D&D we have a lot of diferent kind of paaldins, of different gods, but the only requeriment to be a paladin is serve a god on the good spectre, if a man serve a evil god he’s a cleric, not a paladin.

On WoW for example, we have a lot of “good” gods and religions. Elune and the Kul Tiran god are this example.


It depends on the oath itself. It’s not as strict as being Lawful Good these days but the DM has to determine a paladin character is actually keeping their oath. There are oaths like the Crown, Conquest or Blackguard that can be evil. However, in WoW it’s hard to be the bad guy as a playable character. The bad guy is the NPC that your quests involve combatting. I don’t know how the RP community do Paladins these days.

I mained a warlock for over 12 years, and a lot changed with that in the D&D world besides the fiendish. Warlocks are also diverse in their patrons. I had an Archfey warlock in my second D&D campaign, and there are other patrons. I got to be careful that we can’t just copy everything D&D does. Warlocks are, or used to be strict on race choices.

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I wouldn’t care for kul Tiran pally. I want kt warlocks though.:smiling_imp:

Except there is absolutely nothing to a Warrior other than martial skill from a lore standpoint. No magic, no inate kin or energy manipulation. You D&D reference is misapplied since that’s always been talking about the variance between NPCs and PCs. PCs are always the exception, the special, the something extra. So even if standard Vulpera Fighter A is not a “Warrior”, Vulpera Warrior PC A most definately is.

Paladins are just warriors wielding holy magic. So, again, if a race has Martial Characters and has Priests. There’s no justification to not have Paladins.

As for your stereotype lore?

Goblin Paladins have learned to harness the light, either through a deal with a Naaru or through stealing or forcing it. Just like their Shaman powers and just like Blood Elf Paladins used to be.

Vulpera praise survivability? What’s more survivable than being powerful enough to survive the fight, then be able to go back and raise those who weren’t from the dead? Not to mention I saw very little lack of selflessness in their story, they constantly stick their neck out for you and others.


See, if this ever happens, they need to make it a visual that (at the very least) any holy healing spells they use, cause them to briefly light on fire, or smolder or some such.

(That is, of course, if you take actual lore into account, since any holy spells are supposed to cause Forsaken to be in pain - burning pain).

A glyph or something would be neat.

I want Void Elf Shamans

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If Garithos tried to be racist with Tyrande or Malfurion, he’d have been put in his place. They’re not as soft.


If nightelves get paladins, then bloodelves should get druids

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There had to have been at least one in Northrend at the time. I’ve got Gravewalker Gie working in my Horde garrison and I don’t think she was one of Bolvar’s knights.

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A warrior is a way of life completely. It’s living for combat, living for war. If you’re not fighting the opposite faction, you’re fighting in some other interbellum conflict. I wouldn’t be so sure that every race feels they got to be fighting wars all the time.

Indeed that PCs are the exception. Except that would mean that PCs can be anything beyond their own race. Regular Stormwind Humans can be Shamans, Druids, and DHs.

From a metagaming perspective, it really shouldn’t matter because the best race is always going to be picked for the racials regardless if every race can be every class. Blizzard in the past has balanced certain racials.

It’s hard to really know why limited class/race combos exist even though there’s more of them than ever.

I know there was at least one. Which if we were still trying to get Panda DKs into the game I’d happily reference just like I reference the Moonfangs for NElf Paladins or the Forsaken Paladins already in game for them.

Perhaps my original point would be better served stating why there were no Lightforged Death Knights until later, or Vulpera or Void Elf, etc.

Sort of…

From the description " *Warriors train constantly and strive for perfection in armed combat. Though they come from all walks of life, they are united in their singular commitment to engage in glorious battle. Many warriors serve as mercenary soldiers, while others become adventurers and danger-seeking fortune hunters. A typical warrior is strong, tough, and exceptionally violent."

Now yeah, you’re focusing on that “Singular commitment to engage in glorious battle” but pretty as that tag line is, not every warrior has that mentality.

Also, by the same logic of “They aren’t naturally glory hounds” then shouldn’t warriors be removed from Gnomes, Panderen, too?

A Warrior is just a martial expert. Any one can learn that.