Kul Tiran and night elf paladin

Every race can be a Hunter too. Gnomes didn’t get to be Hunters until Legion. What changed? The Horde used to have more Hunter races than the Alliance. To be a Hunter(Ranger) means your race has a tradition of…hunting. I was surprised that Goblins could be hunters due to their more urbane nature. The more “domesticated, indoorsy” races wouldn’t know how to hunt.

This is really picking Blizzard’s brain. Blood Elves didn’t used to be Warriors until Cata. They were the “brainier” sorts that relied primarily on magic, wilderness ranging, and cloak and dagger. Gnomes were like that too; they would be smart enough to let dwarves and their machines do the Warrior’s job. And Pandaren’s true niche was the monk. You don’t need fancy armaments when you can your own mind and body that.

I honestly thought that a race was greater than the individual of that race in the Warcraft world. Whatever race you are does not mean you can be whatever other races get to be that you can’t be, I suppose. I guess it tends to water down the race and class unique identity, though those fan submissions are impressive.

I would like to see how any race can be a class in their own race’s way. The Paladin is a good start, but Warlocks and especially Druids are going to be tough to make available for everyone.

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Blood Elves couldn’t be Warriors because at the interface at the time was limited to 6 classes. There are Blood Elf Warrior NPCs in the game since the launch of TBC. They made up lore about most BElf warriors dying in the 3rd war to justify it. But it was a case of the Lore being written to fit the lack of space in design, kind of the opposite of the Lore being a reason to not do something in the first place.

Wow, that’s lame. It could not be complicated to change the interface in a little way.

They did in Cata. Before that it didn’t make sense to change the entire character creator format just to give one race a 7th Class when everything else had 5 or less.

No Elves can be shammy. I want X Elf Shaman.

Hah. A programming intern on Spring Break could have done that simple change. He’d look at only that part of the code and be like, “Wow, I can just change the parameters of this graphic window and voila! I just now made room for a new class icon.”

That what it sounds like to me. Any one who took Java II in college and is savvy enough for that kind of career could have done that at least in a week’s time for Blizzard.

Me too, idk why blizz never implemented that possibility.

Considering that the original high elves were very attuned to their forest and nature, the lack of druids or shamans is a bit conspicuous. Sure they were retconned to be a little more attuned toward the arcane, but a lot of their story had to do with the protection and maintenance of nature.

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Night elf Paladin should be great.

Gnome Paladin too please :heartpulse: :sparkler: