Kul Tiran and night elf paladin

Hello!! What do you guys think about Kul Tiran and night elf paladins?

I think this is a very good idea, and that’s a main class/Race combo that I wish.

What about you guys?


Garithos advocating for elves to become paladins? Something’s not right here…


It makes zero sense for Kul Tirans not to have paladins and as for night elves, I would love paladins for them too but it would be nice if they gave them some lore. Don’t treat Moonwalkers the same way they treated Sunwalkers.


I’m not fussed on paladins
I gave them a shot but just wasn’t for me.

No reason I can see why those races shouldn’t get it though.
Kul tiran more so than night elf.

But what I really want to see is a kul tiran warlock. Now that would be awesome

I still think Forsaken Paladins need to be added.


and forsaken druids


Only if we get Blood Elf Shamans and Druids.


trade offer accepted


Makes sense, they’re humans, and there was a Kul Tiran paladin in WCIII

Not until they do class skins or something to make it clear that they’re paladins of Elune, not Holy Light culture defectors.


I dunno, but I’d like to have Mechagnome Shamans.

Because I can unleash UNLIMITED POWER.


In the Warcraft 3 campaign, Admiral Proudmoore had paladins guarding him. So I always felt they should have gotten them.


The Paladin Order Hall had a Night Elf Paladin NPC back in Legion, and beyond that I think it would be perfectly understandable for a group of Night Elf Priests and Priestesses to become Paladins after the burning of Teldrassil.

Kul Tirans should have always had Paladin as an option imo.


I’m excited to have a Kul Tiran Paladin. They look great in plate armor. I don’t play any sort of elf, but I’m glad people should be getting the option to have an elven paladin.

Is this going to be their new lord and savior? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I agree they should give nelf pallies some lore, but what do you mean by the comparison to sunwalkers? They did give sunwalkers some lore. They planted the seeds for them (and priests) with that cool dialogue between Aponi and Tahu back in WLK. Unless you mean ongoing lore. In which case, yeah. They are terribly underutilised. I would love for Sunwalker Dezco to be around some more. You know who I think would make a fun team-up? Dezco and Rexxar. I don’t know why. I would just like it.


We went from the last day to Wrath to the first day of Cata with a “here ya go!” And what’s funny about Aponi and Tahu, on the last day of Wrath they were a warrior and Druid but the next day they were a Paladin and Priest with no explanation.

Plus that conversation was very broad.

Eh, I always thought it was neat. It’s more in game foundation than they had for any of the other new race/class combinations. Even before their positions were confirmed in the cata alpha/beta people were able to suss out that they would become the class leaders. Plus there was meant to be pretty solid jump forward in time from the end of wrath to the start of cata.

I do agree it would have been neat to see them actually learning to use their new powers rather than just their theorycrafting. In this day and age I would expect such a thing. But back then this was new territory.

Paladin of Elune. What can go wrong?

Well Rexxar appears to be the world’s worst beastmaster and Dezco is the world’s worst dad, so that would be appropriate.

Ahh that’s not fair. He did the best he could and I wouldn’t have given my child to strangers either. I mean, I know he did in the end but I wouldn’t say my reaction would have been any different at first.

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Dezco went to Oribos hoping to find his wife.
He has been standing there unused since 9.0.

Truly, Shadowlands has no cut content.