Kul Tiran and night elf paladin

Goblins. Vulperas.

That logic is so bad that you should be ashamed for typing that

Well the Alliance didn’t had alot of Shamans ether since the Horde had more than Alliance Paladins.

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That’s a very good point.

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Should be fine to be Paladins IMO.

Look, various races have different ways they got Paladins lore wise.

But look at humans. We had priests. They got disproportionately murdered in Warcraft 1 because they weren’t equipped for war. In response they trained the surviving priests to use weapons and armor and some warriors to tap Holy Magic and got Paladins.

Literally no special gimmick to it. Take a Priest, teach them weapons. Take a Warrior, teach them Holy magic, done. So yeah. I’m fine with Goblin and Vulpera Paladins.

Is real world cultured defined as what professions their people can be?

I dunno.

I’m sure Garithos would welcome the opportunity for elves or really any non-human to prove they have some value. Dude just expects nothing from them and doesn’t get surprised.

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As someone pointed out there were already orcs doing conventional magic spells. But something else to consider, different schools of magic are a bit of a retcon. STYLE of magic is more how things started. So there wasn’t fel and arcane and elements ect. That’s why mages summon water elementals, even though this seems like it should be a shaman thing. You’re just so used to it you never stopped to question it. Invisibility used to be the cleric (priest) spell.

I think this is a more conventional retcon or “addition” whatever someone wants to call it. Consider that clerics used “the spirit of humanity” and not even the light or whatever. Obviously we only have 3 races that could even consider tapping into that. Or, all races could tap into their own racial spirit. Or racial deity as is the more current conception.

While I agree I’d rather the Eradar as an allied race, and I think it is a HUGE missed opportunity that we got lightforged instead, consider this: Draeni have existed as a race since WC2. Now they were only briefly mentioned, and I haven’t dug through the actual campaign to see if they come up again, but before WoW’s first expansion, they were their own race with no racial connection to Eradar. A lot went down in Draenor and they were only retconned out of extinction for WCIII. That is a lot of pressure to be like “nah hard pass on that demon stuff.” If they elves can do it, so can the space goats.

They need druids. The gryphon riding dwarves were closer to the elves than other dwarves. And this is when those elves were more druidic than they have become now.

I really think this fits better with diaper gnomes. They enhance themselves physically but none of the priests thought to pick up a bigger weapon to smash things with? lolwut?

Humans are like the catch all race for people who don’t want to go too deep into playing as something too distant from themselves. Letting them play all classes is enough reason for me right there.

When it comes to demon hunters I’d actually like it for all races but a separate starting zone and you start with a bunch of recruits of various races. When you start you are warned “most of you will not survive the training” and all the recruits you join with are killed through the training until only you are left.

I had a debate with someone to explain to me how, if paladins are empowered priests who are bodily empowered, how night warriors are not night elf paladins. Particularly Tyrande who is an empowered priestess of Elune. Got lots of excuses, not a lot of reasons beyond “but muh light.” I’d argue it is already in the game, they are just not part of the player selectable classes yet.

Plus the original lore was just priests in plate and there is that dude in the order hall.

The main argument against it is worgen are cursed. However that curse is not the conventional void, necromatic, or fel curse. It is a mark from a wild god and more akin to the antlers on highmountain tauren. There are some others, but they don’t even hold as much water as this one or require this one for support.

This one simply doesn’t make sense. So you have this high elf, and they are like “I really hate demons I’ll do whatever it takes to kill them” so they undergo brutal, almost certain death training, and then infect their soul with a demon. These elves are like “Omg no! Void is really bad!” :rofl:

This was always dumb to leave out. There are monks that have nothing to do with pandas. I think the race is dumber than anything relating to class selection personally.

Anyone who thinks they don’t have paladins needs to explain this guy on the left.

I consider them to have already been a thing. Grom Hellscream used demonic power to defeat Mannoroth.

I’d like to see paladins because I think it would be interesting, people want it, and mostly because I want to hear people who act like Warcraft lore is some sort of monolith cry.

Also I can’t see the undead feeling like they are corrupting themselves by becoming demon hunters. When you’re already undead, how worried are you about the toll that takes on your body and soul?

Demon hunters. Druids. There are already examples of these in the game.

Warlock. Demon hunter. Did you forget about the bloodtotem tribe? Do we just say "yeah sorry you picked the wrong side. Forever exiled.

Probably had to do with making new druid forms. They really haven’t spent much time on this race. Very few skins and customization options. Druid forms seems like misspent resources while this is still the case.

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Jajaja :rofl: que buen chiste vulperas paladines

Yes. Most cultures throughout history have clear industrial and professional biases and limitations in terms of what their people could expect to be and do for a trade and living.

“Modern,” post-industrial society may be more open, but Azeroth is a world where medieval kings still reign, slavery is still a thing, and existence is defined by perpetual war. Neither the comparison nor expectation is valid.

Besides, the real world has infinitely more detail and opportunity to showcase culture than a game than rarely raises above “Alliance = Humans, Horde = Orcs.”

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You hear that? That’s the sound of the joke going over your head.

Kul Tiran not having Paladin is as dumb as Zandalari not having Warlock.


My hope is that when they add classes to races that have traditionally not had access to that respective class, that it’s integrated into the lore thoughtfully.

For my favorite race, the Nightborne, I think Druid and Demon Hunter would make for obvious additions. A less obvious addition would be Paladin, as a result of the Nightborne’s kinship with the Blood Elves.

Druid: The Nightborne establish a connection with the Val’sharah refugees taking shelter in the forests of Suramar.

Demon Hunter: In this hypothetical scenario, a group of Demon Hunters have repurposed Felsoul Hold as a base of operations in Suramar. Demon Hunters require maintenance to the arcane runes on their body, and thus, contact with the Nightborne of Suramar ensues.

Well, Michael Jackson was the inspiration for the male Night Elf dance.

This one fits in the lore purely in the sense that EVERY Demon Hunter is one of Illidan’s hand picked and trained prior to Black Temple, put into stasis and then unleashed during the Legion invasion.

Just like DeathKnights changed because eventually Bolvar made more, it makes sense for there to be an eventual change with Kayn or whoever training new ones IF they can write a decent reason for it.

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Right. And so from your point of view, after infecting their body and soul with demonic corruption, they were just too afraid of that mean nasty void? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not sure I follow?

All the Illidari “Blood Elves” are high elves who sided with Illidan before the Blood Elves joined the Horde. They never saw the Void to be involved with it.

All the Void Elves are Blood Elves who delved into the Void and Shadow and were kicked out of Silvermoon during the events of Legion.

The reason there are no Void Elf Demon Hunters is because by Lore every Demon Hunter is not technically Alliance or Horde and aren’t part of the new issues.

Just like before the change ALL death knights were raised by Arthas prior to Wrath.

They can easily change that and I don’t care if they do. But right now it does make sense.


The blood elves are survivors of the Scourge invasion of Quel’thalas. Some have been retconned to have not left with Kael, Illidan, and Vashj for Outland. Those are the faction that joined the Horde.

The relevant ones are those who went to outland and chose to train as demon hunters during the events of TBC, they are the same elves being trained when you go to the Black temple. They joined the Horde at the beginning of Legion.

The end of Legion.

Therefore, the relevant demon hunters were current members of the Horde when these same elves were forced out of Silvermoon. Your position is none of the demon hunters who were members of the Horde at this time were among those who decided to dabble in void… For some reason.

Because canon wise there are NOT that many Illidari. There were few enough that they had to be surgical in our attack for the Keystone and then the Wardens overpowered them before they were locked away in a few small rooms until Legion.

No, officially no Illidari dabbled in Void in that incident because they weren’t in Silvermoon, they were in the Legion Zones fighting.

Again, nothing to stop an illidari from training a void elf now, but much like, say, Panderen Death Knights, it’s going to wait until they give a lore reason to allow it. You can’t take a Void Elf through the Demon Hunter starting zone, there were no void elves in that starting zone. Just like there were no Panderen for Arthas to raised before Wrath.


They feed the night elves the kool-aid. And it is the good stuff.

In the soon to be vid as Sylvanas gets her fate there is Maiev.

She is silent. She is never silent.

She is there side by side with horde leadership up to and including Sylvanas…and she is not picking fights.

Maiev is the kind of woman who’d walk into a biker bar, find the biggest dude there and knock his butt out. and then say…okay, who is next?

Then proceed to fight the whole damn bar.

They put a tight leash on Maiev. they’d do the same for NE paladins.