Kul Tiran and night elf paladin

Giving you the information that is actually provided so you can revise your claim. Nothing in An’she is related to the Light.

Huh nothing in that says I’m wrong. Matter of fact, it backs up with I’m saying.

ROFL thank you for proving my point:

Anduin Wrynn considers An’she to be another expression of the Light.

It actually doesn’t back up your claim at all, thus letting it fall straight through. Continue to believe your own head-canon, but the lore as stated has the Tauren and Zandalari Paladins not connected to the Light.

Speculation. Wow. Golf clap. Proof? “Dude, trust me!”

I can’t have a conversation if you’re unwilling to remain in reality. Keep your fantasies to yourself.

You’re the one inventing head canon. It’s right there in the link you provided that An’she is a source of the Light.

Click on the Priest trainers in Thunder Bluff:

  • Tauren priest trainers: “The Light protect you, (class).”
  • Tauren priest trainers: “What shall the Light teach you?”

Paladin Trainers:

  • Tauren paladin trainers: “The light of the Sun illuminates the path to wisdom.”
  • Tauren paladin trainers: “The light of the Sun illuminates the path to wisdom. Where shall we walk today, friend?”
  • Tauren paladin trainers: “May the Sun’s light protect you, .”

Original Sunwalker quest:

As you continue on your journey, you will grow closer to the light and gain abilities you couldn’t have imagined

Quote from Dezco, a Sunwalker:

She… she died. For all the powers the Light has given me, I was unable to save her.

Someone’s mad the they just got taught some lore.

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Kul Tiran paladins makes sense because they’re simple and normal humans.

On Warcraft 3 Daelin had paladins on his ranks, idk why on WoW this is forbidden.


If walking hamburger patties can have Sun based Light magic then there is no reason why NEs can use Moon based Light magic

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Sunwalkers and Moonwalkers.



Makes sense and sounds good

Because you have players who have no clue about the lore thinking it breaks the lore that they have no idea about.

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You being one of them.

If Kul Tiran can be paladins, i’ll transfer my b.e Pally to ally and make this character my main.

Well, I’ll be damned.

As for the main topic, I’m 50/50 on extra race/class combos.
When it makes sense? Ok, fine.

It’s when they start pulling out stuff that really doesn’t make sense or have a basis in lore that I feel the complaints are justified.

Going back to all the combos brought forth in Cata, these are the ones that stood out to me as a** pulls:

Orc: Mage
Tauren: Paladin/Priest

Priests for most of the other races made sense to me as I felt every race within the series would have their own beliefs. However, seeing one of the most prominent races in the franchise that is connected with shamanistic magic and beliefs suddenly start worshiping the Holy Light always struck me as odd.

Orcs as mages? Yeah, not much needs to be said there.

Granted, in a post SL world, I suppose I can see a paradigm shift taking hold on priests and paladins, but at the very least it shouldn’t have happened in Cata. Looking back, I’m thinking orcs/tauren getting those classes was more a case of Blizzard feeling like they HAD to give them something as everyone but the draenei got at least one new combo in Cata (which then begs the question of why they didn’t get rogues, especially with draenei rogues being introduced via the Rangari in WoD, but that’s a moot point once DF rolls around)

Anyway, as Cur has pointed out, the old WC1/2 manual makes mention of elven druids, and since the night elves weren’t a thing until WC3, it stands to reason that it is a MASSIVE retcon that has apparently fallen far under the radar for many of us.

If that’s the case, then I really think there isn’t much room to argue against blood elf druids moving forward.

Assuming that Blizzard doesn’t completely jump into the “all classes/all races” nonsense, here are the other combos that I myself would like to see:

Draenei: No new classes as druid/warlock/demon hunter wouldn’t make sense, but perhaps a caveat:
Allied Race: Eredar
I don’t know how the hell Blizzard would pull this one off lorewise, but if they somehow had a group of eredar break away from the Legion, then in a sense they’d at least have a loophole for demon hunters and warlocks.

As for the full slate of classes for them:
Warrior, Warlock, Rogue, Mage, Demon Hunter, Priest (as far as lore goes, they’d be shadow priests)

Dwarf: No new classes

Gnome: Paladin
I feel like it’s a matter of time.

Human: Druids, Demon Hunter
Druids is an easy enough explanation: Gilneas. The story of each expansion is generally about 1-2 years in the Warcraft timeline with many of the later expansions being just a year (this leads to other issues IMO, but that’s a debate for another time).
Anyway, the events of Cata started in 28 ADP. Dragonflight is presumed to begin in 35 ADP (SL is 34 ADP). I’d say seven years is more than enough time for Gilnean beliefs to start making their way into the population of Stormwind.
As for Demon Hunters, the majority within lore are night elves with several blood elves going through the process as well. While technically non-canon and treated as such by Blizzard, the old Warcraft RPG did make mention of human demon hunters guarding Hyjal. I could easily see some humans taking up the training and rituals required to become one in preparation for the eventual return of the Legion

Night Elf: Paladin
Already got one in lore. As with gnomes, it’s a matter of time.

Worgen: Paladin
Always felt it was odd that they had priests, but no paladins. I know at the time it was likely a decision to keep race/class combos balanced for both sides, but from a lore standpoint it really doesn’t make sense to me for there to NOT be paladins from Gilneas.

Void Elf: Demon Hunter
I honestly, don’t know if there would be a lore reason for them to not have it, but it’s the one choice that makes the most sense to me at least.

Lightforged: Monk
I can definitely see some going down such a path after coming to Azeroth from Argus.

Dark Iron: Demon Hunter
This is a race that was once in service to Ragnaros. I could see them undergoing the demon hunter ritual, likely to the chagrin of the other clans.

Kul Tiran: Paladin
Admiral Proudmoore had them in WC3. It’s another matter of “why hasn’t it been done already?”

Mechagnome: No new classes

Blood Elf: Druid
See above. TLDR: Had them pre-WC3, reconned since then with no explanation.

Goblin: No new classes

Orc: Demon Hunter
Same reason as the humans: I can see a group of them wanting to prepare for the Legion, but given the history of orcs and demonic powers/influence from the Legion, such orcs would NOT be treated well by their peers afterwards.

Tauren: No new classes

Troll: No new classes (for now, maybe pally several more expansions down the road)

Undead: No new classes

Nightborne: No new classes

Highmountain: No new classes

Mag’har: Demon Hunter
See above for orcs. Would also be an addition contrast to Yrel and the Alternate Draenor Lightforged if they ever return.

Zandalari: No new classes

Vulpera: Druid
I’m honestly surprised that they DIDN’T get this one.


Just FYI

There have been orc Mages and Priest npcs in the game since 2004 so if you’re going on the logic that since some book from a game that came out in the 90s mentioned “elven druids” which might not have been blood elven druids (good chance it wasn’t since they didn’t exist in that time frame) then it’s fair to say that orc Mages make perfect sense.

An’she, the god tauren worship, has always been a god of the Sun. He’s also Elune’s brother and she has an entire order of priests that worship her.

So I don’t understand how people can say tauren Priest and Paladins are this “MASSIVE RETCON!!!one!!11111” when they make perfect sense too.

Putting aside the fact that Blizzard said they were moving towards race not being a factor when you pick your class (all race/class combos one day) HMT should get Priests and Paladins too.

Just like Thunder Bluff tauren, they also worship An’she.

At this point, Kul’tiran’s worship fish (okay, the seas), not the Light. That’s why they have Shaman, not Paladins. A race’s culture is defined as much by what they aren’t and can’t be, as much as by what they are and can.

As for Night Elven Paladins… While they were a brief and undercooked thing in the frankly confused Legion Paladin line, they really haven’t done much of anything on that front. Too busy setting Kaldorei on fire to expand their class roster I guess…

On this, I’m torn, because while it would be nice to see the Night Elves get something other than totally screwed for once, adding Paladins feels like more culture-drain and homogenization towards making them even more just a slightly off colored, bog-standard Alliance cog. Religious identity is supposed to be super important for the Kaldorei, and given how pathetic and undeveloped the Tauren Paladin was, I don’t see this being any better.

Kaldorei Paladins are probably best left off the table until something like Class Skins can make them a real “Knight of Elune” with appropriate spell names and Lunar effects - otherwise it would just serve to make them less Kaldorei and more, well, human.

According to the lore of the maghar orcs so far the only maghar paladin is the alternate son of the alternate gromash of draenor who is the right hand of yrel

Exactly. The orc that joined her. The orcs that didn’t join her wanted nothing to do with the Light and they ran away from her to join us.

Edit: Btw, this is just for the sake of discussion. Since Blizzard announced that they don’t want race to factor in on the class you play, Mag’har Orc paladins will be a thing one day.

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Oh? There are? Can you name them? I’ll wait…

Seriously, I cannot think of a single orc mage within the lore pre-Cataclysm. There might be an outlier, but considering how heavy handed orcs are with the whole “proud warrior race” thing, it sure as hell wasn’t common.

Same with priests. Can’t think of anyone that fits the description pre-DF.

Prior to WC3, there was only one elven race: what we now refer to as high elves.
After the events of WC3, many started to call themselves blood elves.

If you’re seriously going to argue lore with me, at least make an attempt to know what you’re talking about first.

Granted, if we’re being fair, the night elves don’t technically worship the Holy Light. As I said, each race has their own set of beliefs that boil down to either some higher power (An’she, Elune) or natural or shamanistic beliefs (or a mix of the two)

I already said that I could see a shift in the beliefs of many occurring as a result of the events of Shadowlands, but I stand firm in saying it was exceptionally odd that we suddenly had a group of tauren that became priests/paladins during Cataclysm.

Try to justify it however you want, but for that time period that was indeed a major retcon.



1. (in a film, television series, or other fictional work) a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events, typically used to facilitate a dramatic plot shift or account for an inconsistency

Congratulations, you completely missed the fact that I called all race/all classes nonsense, then looked over the list of hypothetical combinations I’d like to see that could have decent lore justification to essentially say “We’Re MoViNg ToWaRdS rAcE nOt BeInG a FaCtOr!”

Once again: give me a GOOD lore justification, a story progression as to WHY that combo is there, or cover a major oversight (human hunters and blood elf warrior come to mine) and I most likely won’t bat an eye.

Give folks something that sounds like a half baked excuse with no really good justification other than “it sounds cool” and people will rightfully accuse you of not taking your own lore seriously anymore.

As far as saying Highmountain should get them too just because Thunder Bluff has them? At that point, why even have them as an Allied Race? At that point, IMO you’ve devalued some of the idea behind Allied Races. Why not just make all the Highmountain related cosmetics part of the base options for tauren, because if they both have the exact same classes all the way across the board, then they are the same damn race.

For the record, I’m actually NOT a fan of putting an extremely similar Allied Race on the same faction.

Nightborne and void elves? I’m fine with those as they as opposite faction reskins.

Original stuff like vulpera? Perfectly fine!

Stuff like the Lightforged or Highmountain? Way too close to the originals, and in some cases they have LESS class options. I know that Alliance players have complained about that with the Lightforged for awhile, yet at the same time if they had class parity across the board with the original draenei, then what’s even the point of playing one?

Taurens can be rogues…everything goes…

And when orcs can be priests everyone will be horde kkthxbai WoW.

Which they confirmed was a Mage:

This was my point. At the time that book came out, they were all called “elves” so we have no idea what kind of Druid put those runestones out. Plus, Blizzard decided it was going to be a Mage that did it so it’s a moot point anyways. I wouldn’t be surprised they did it to shut people up.

No it wasn’t.

A retconn is bringing back Derek Proudmoore after he was burnt to ashes by a dragon then sent to the bottom of the sea 33 years ago.

There is nothing saying a tauren couldn’t be a Paladin. That is expanding the lore, not retconning it.

Tauren are a good, noble, strong-willed race with a god that provides the Light. There doesn’t need to be any more reason beyond that. And I never said:

I said:

Btw, I have no idea why you’re getting so angry. I never got personal with you. I was trying to have a discussion. My point of saying this:

was just to point out that these discussions are going to be pointless in a few years.

I think all races will be all classes eventually.