Kul Tiran and night elf paladin

I support these.

definitely not kultirans and night elves paladins not because it’s ridiculous other than if the horde can’t have maghar paladins then the others can’t be either

To start, I think any race with Warriors and Priests can have Paladins, so I’m not against Maghar orc Paladins.

That said, the Maghar Orcs came to the Horde fleeing the Light. NElves have actually become Paladins already in lore. So not really a similar argument.

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This makes 0 sense.

Did you do the recruitment scenario for Mag’har? They have no interest in the Light.

Eventually race won’t be a limiter to class selection.

Well…Blizzard thinks it makes sence for Tauren to be rogues…after that anything makes sence lol

Awkwardly stares at Mag’har Orc Priests.

The Grimtotem has had Rogues for 17+ years and they have also been a part of the Horde for that long.

Wonders why Kiofea doesn’t know about a Priest’s shadow spec.

I do, but you seem to forget that not only does Shadow have access to Light spells, but Priests also have Holy and Discipline specializations. “No interest in the Light.” *Has access to one of two classes themed after the Light.

Blizzard has always done this with races that have no interest in the Light because a Priest can choose what order they follow.

You’re just looking at this from purely a gameplay angle. The lore angle is most Forsaken priest are part of the Cult of Forgotten Shadow. All void elves are Shadow spec’d. We know that from the tiny bit of lore Blizzard gave us about them (that they were kicked out of Silvermoon for this practices.) So it’s no different than Mag’har. The Shadowmoon Clan has always had shadow priest from TBC all the way up to the Mag’har recruit scenario.

Btw, I really don’t care if orcs get paladins and they probably will one day, I’m just pointing out that his statement made zero sense for the reasons I already stated.

Interesting, because that is the same as Paladins for Zandalari and Tauren. Looks like they both will follow this precedent.

I don’t know what you mean.

Where do the Zandalari Paladins draw their strength from?

Loa of Kings and Sunwalkers get it from An’she.

Exactly, not the Light, similar to your points with the Priests for Undead and Troll.

Yes it is the Light.

Wild Gods are not the Light. This is BASIC information…

An’she isn’t a wild god. He’s Elune’s brother. A true deity.

And trolls have always got the Light from a loa.

So I have no idea what you mean by “BASIC” information because you’re not making sense.

What are you showing me, specifically?