Kul Tiran and night elf paladin

I will faction change over to Alliance in a heartbeat if this toon can become a Kul Tiran.


In general if the race has priests and warriors it should allow Paladins.

We’ve already had human warriors and priests becoming Paladins and of a Night Elf Priest becoming a Paladin.

I’ll change my human paladin to kultiran.


Need it. Along with Void Elf and Worgen Paladins.

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That’s probably the one class that would make me play a Kul Tiran.

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Kul Tiran-Night Elf brotherhood when?

I dug out my war 1 and 2 manuals out because all the class lore and retcons and whatnot have become more of a topic, and I was curious where the lore started versus where it is going. I found this part particularly interesting:

The Runestone at Caer Darrow

The Runestone was an ancient monolith erected by the Elven Druids and inscribed with powerful runes of protection and warding. The Runestone, seized by Gul’dan and his Ogres, was eventually hewn into slates that were then used to construct the Altars of Storms. The Elves, knowing that their sacred artifact had been defiled to create the Ogre-Magi, have sworn to destroy all of the unholy Altars across the kingdom.

So it is actually a retcon for high elves to NOT have druids. :+1: :wink:

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Kul Tirans are pretty much just larger Humans so there’s no reason they should not be able to be Paladins.

Night Elves also have the potential for becoming Paladins, just hopefully not Elune Knights since Elune truly sucks as a deity.


While they might go the Elune Knight, we have two confirmed NElf Paladins as in Paladins.

Both from the Paladin Class Hall in Legion.

Delas Moonfang who is a Priestest of Elune at the start of her involvement in the story but converts into a Holy Paladin of the Silver Hand and becomes one of the class champions.

Nerus Moonfang who originally bound himself to a demon to save his family during the War of the Ancients but once freed swore himself to the Silver Hand and becomes the High tier Champion for the class (The one they added in a later patch who can body guard or be a cooldown ability).


nelf paladin is just a chef’s kiss. blood elf druid would be sick too. but perhaps the coolest race additions they could do would be goblin/worgen monks and orc/draenei demon hunters.

lol this is exactly what popped into my head when i first read moonwalkers in this thread. Now I know I need moonwalkers for night elves and instead of divine steed they can moonwalk like this instead.


A thousand times yes, and don’t forget Worgens!

Paladin Pandas first.

(It’s never going to happen)

/sad panda


There’s nothing really preventing them from getting paladins other than the stigma that only Stormwind can have the class, which isn’t much of a barrier. Might make the race more popular if it happened, though not on the level of giving them entirely different models as customization options like people have requested/expected.

This is the least that Blizzard could do for them after all that they’ve put the night elves through in Cata, BfA, and SL. Just anything other than void elf paladins, because the idea of that combination makes me physically ill.

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No, not what do you say. If the horde can’t have maghar orc paladins per lore what will the kultiran alliance and night elf paladins have? PS: I want my orcs maghar paladins

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I’d love to play a Thicc Kul’tiran Paladin.

Night elf paladin is fine, on the grounds the priest order hall culminates in a night elf rerolling to pally right in front of you.

My God that order hall is so bad it’s funny.

I don’t see why a kul’tiran couldn’t be a paladin, either.

They should add Pallies to Night Elves, and Both Gnomes (their Mechanostriders though Palli-fied would be awesome) and Shaman to Night Elves, Gnomes (gnomish Totems with wirly bits) and Worgens (Wolf Totems).

There’s no excuse for them to not be Paladins since if they can be warriors as a Large Human. I see no issue or any lore reasoning why they shouldn’t be paladins.

Kul Tiran paladins, LET’S GOOOO