Ksm ground mount

KSM should just be a skin of an existing drake. The ground mounts are ugly af.

In this case he’s actually right, gladiators get both the skin for the highland drake and also a regular flying mount version of the same appearance that can be used anywhere as a ground mount or flying mount in non-DF areas.

You don’t need special rewards for being 1 of 2 million people who won’t let go of the game.

Subtle way of being told your chosen content is beneath everything else.
Next ksm reward found!


u r not very bright

They aren’t wrong though. You honestly can’t think their mount choice for KSM makes any sense at all.

The thought process between raiding/pvp vs ksm is massive.

Do I want to gimp pvpers? no
Do I want to gimp raiders? no (I still raid for mounts)
But I do think it was a dumb decision to make it a ground mount instead of a cool drake or something. It’s dragon flight for heck sakes. Not give us more triceratop lookin’ things

pvpers should just get the mount they already got recolored

ksm should get the snake dragon

raiders get the raid boss

Personally I find nothing fun about m+. Absolutely nothing. But I do sometimes like the mounts it gives so that’s when I buy it. I like the pvp mounts too, but blizz hasn’t endorsed pvp carries like they have m+ carries.

All I’m getting from this is I need to start doing ranked pvp for a mount.

Too bad I e never been great at arena and have no clue what’s doing well. Range in pvp is super frustrating that I remember.

I find these KSM mounts incredibly disappointing if you want me to be honest
 Ground mounts are not really a thing anymore especially in Dragonflight with the exception of the repair mounts that serve a purpose.

I would have thought that we would be given a cosmetic for our Dragonflight mount or at least a mount that can fly such as a lovely proto drake but we ended up with this and its funny because i never see people using this mount in the major cities!

Its also very ugly in my opinion and reminds me of the Tauren racial mount :laughing:

We have always had KSM flying mounts and in an expansion with emphasis on dragon riding we get a useless ground mount :woman_shrugging:

You may want to try reading my post again ;p

My really bad guess is that, except for one dungeon so far, you can’t use dragonriding mounts in m+ so they gave them a mount they can in the dungeons.

Again, just my guess.

My argument was that (especially the pvp mount) was much harder to get and as such he’s comparing apples to oranges thinking they deserve the same level of reward.

I’m pretty sure I literally wrote that I’d like for m+ had better reward mounts

PVP mount is not more difficult to obtain than the KSM mount. Most people I know that wanted a PVP mount got it within a couple of weeks of launch.

LOL at all these comments saying you cant be carried to the pvp mount.

Mythic plus is the most challenging content in the game. PVP mount is just a grind and time sink.

Stop thinking of yourself as “i am a mythic plusser” or “he is a PVPers”.

The content in this game is available for everybody to complete. That doesn’t change the fact that recoloring the first season mount is garbage and you’re definitely right about the fact that it should be a new model.

I agree that it should not just be a recolor but that is how they did it for all of Shadowlands and I am assuming that will be the case going forward, season 3 and 4 will also be recolors.

a recolor would be fine if it was snake dragon for rest of dragonflight

the new pvp dragon should be ksm they already had a dragon

Uhhh do you not know how deflated rating is in 3s? Like you have multi-glad and awc players saying that recent pvp glads are in a rude upset now for how few mounts exist.

Ksm (16.4273% of accounts probed with api):


Glad mount (0.0204% of accounts):


Even the vicious saddle is more rare than ksm:

Ally (1.6496%):


Horde (1.9740%)


that does not mean ksm should not have a flying mount

that is because nobody is pvping