Kris Zierhut interview states no RDF but will implement tank/healer dungeon incentives

This is where youre misleading.

He said that RDF was a fight noone was going to win, that from a social stand point the team didnt feel it was right for the community, and *another reason it wouldnt even go in at first is it would increase the rate of the consumption of content. Everything this post was about was secondary to the “main reason” rdf is not coming at all

Whether RDF gets added or not, I dont know, but in that interview, he did not state RDF will never be coming out. How he worded it seemed ambiguous.

I transcribed it for you. Its not ambiguous

This is Zeirhut verbatim.

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And just like retail it won’t apply to Mythics. Therefore, just like retail, it won’t be used at endgame.

So, I am correct. He never stated it would never be added to the game.

Let me rewatch and quote it directly just because you’re attacking my character:

“There are other reasons for for not doing it. If we put in the LFD tool right at the beginning of Classic, it would fundamentally change how you would gear up your character. It would fundamentally change the feel of those first few weeks on Classic Lich King because because you can do more dungeons, you can do them faster, and you can do the same dungeon multiple times per day if you just keep on chaining through heroics. People would gear up much faster they would exhaust the content much faster, they would exhaust the content much faster they’d get bored with it much faster, so we think there’s risks when recreating the experience of Wrath of the Lich King as it was. Looking for Dungeon at launch would change that. It would be a different experience.”

So don’t come at me like I’m making things up, thanks.

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Which is fine to me.

I want RDF for old world dungeons and leveling. I could care less about spamming it for badge gear at 80.

The funny part was one of the dudes literally said that “95% of questions were asking about RDF.” on Twitter.

So now we know Brian is a liar as even folks on Twitter weren’t on board with this.
He pulled this change out the hat now we switch
gears to a new mouth piece to say something else.
Everyone gets a turn I guess lmao.

never said you did. said you purposefully skipped over the most promement part of the answer leading people to think things like :

When theyre clearly and unambiguously not. Dont troll the rdf’ers

No I didn’t, you’re misreading because you want to be a jerk for no reason. Go away.

Yep, definitely looking for to my loot satchels.

That part links back to the community part where they say they aren’t adding it. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!

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Yeah that’s why I said in the title that they aren’t adding it, did you read that?

Yall just wanna argue for nothing

You guys are 0/2 after this AND the RDF survey thing that was cataclysm, i feel kinda bad for most of you now :frowning:

This is unnecesary

I feel bad for Blizzard (kind of) because they are going to lose a lot of subs. I’ll just continue playing Path of Exile instead. A game that actually takes skill. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!

Objectively he spent the most time talking about the gear aspect.

He lightly touched on the socialization aspect as the excuse, yes. No one denied that and he said that was their main reason for not adding it.

Then he went on for a full paragraph about the gear aspect and how it affects launch. People see that as Blizzard now pivoting to a new excuse, and they are correct for that.

If you don’t like me conveying the bulk of his response then you just want to read into it your own way.

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Wrong again he talked about the social aspect for 1:21 minutes and the gearing problems with phase 1 lfd for 0:53 minutes.

Fixed for you.

Your opinion, WOTLK was the start of wows downfall, i think classic should focus on vanilias game design not retails.

People want different things i want classic+ not old re-released retail. Blizzard thinks the same way which is why its not in.

Nah he was stretching out his excuse with empty phrases like “well retail works like this and other games work like this” in that socialization aspect, he only actually says maybe 2 sentences about it directly.


If you don’t like Wrath, then don’t play Wrath. Simple concept.

And even better, they now have Classic Era servers, just for folks like you!

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